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PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 03, 2005 11:42
I dont know about you guys but I for one cant wait to see what Bill Gate and his staff have in store for all of us gamers. I own both PS2 and the Xbox, and I have quickly come to the realization that Xbox kills Playstion graphically. Although PS2 have far many more games, Xbox seems to have a better quality to it over all. What do you guys or gals think? Which will you stand in line for ?
Joe Redifer
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 03, 2005 11:59
I won' t get ANY of the systems when they launch. Especially the Sony. Sony has a horrible reputation at making faulty hardware, especially with their first-generation products. I' d have to be damned stupid to buy a PS3 right away. I' ll wait until they get the bugs worked out. The Revolution will probably be underpowered and come with a built-in catheter. That' s how I envision it. I don' t know what Nintendo is planning. I wonder which employee they will MURDER over the failure that will be the Revolution? Xbox 2 (or whatever it' s called) is supposedly much less powerful than the PS3. But every game is supposed to support HDTV, which is good. But with launch games like Halo 2.5, who cares? I' d rather play " Wipe my ass as cleanly as I can" than another freakin' Halo game. Hopefully the launch lineups will get better and Sony only has a small failure rate.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 3 Mar 05 20:01:31 >
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 03, 2005 12:31
I agree with Joe with concern to getting a launch unit...none of the big three can guarantee a solid, problem-free, console. I will wait until at least the first price drop, before I consider getting my XBOX360 (sorry...not so much a Sony fan). I do not know much about the Nintendo Revolution, but Sony looks to correct the many PS2 issues by releasing the PS3. But is there system really going to be THAT revolutionary? I think they are all hype, with no real delivery of the ' goods' . Just like they did with the PS2... And M$ will be making a big mistake if they plan to release a console that both lacks the backwards compatibility and the power of a [true] next-gen console. Don' t count M$ out just yet, though...they have a way of surprising everyone! Whichever system you prefer, I hope that you have a ton-o-fun playing the awesome games that will be created for it.
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 03, 2005 13:10
I' d rather play " Wipe my ass as cleanly as I can" I' ve played that recently. I find that if I play too long though I get Nintendo ass. I' ve sunk to a new low.
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 03, 2005 14:03
As a devoted convert...I will most certainly wait in long lines with several caffeinated drinks for xbox 2...and what a sweet day it will be.
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 03, 2005 15:12
I DONTB KNOW THE DETAILS about the famous ps2 but i think itll be a great console on the other side i know that the xbox is really a great system now and if gates is planning to release a new xbox it will be (for me )difficult to decide what to buy in the future. and joe ..... the psp WAS a faulty system and if im wrong dont hesitae to tell me the truth (you know, in chile the things you release arrive here very late)
hi ladies and gentlemen. im here lookin for some action and good goodies . im from santiago chile and i want some real action so i decided to join kikizo
Terry Bogard
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 03, 2005 23:29
As far as the potential for amazing graphics go I have more faith in the Xbox 2 and Revolution because they' re both going to utilize ATI' s technology which according to PC magazine has been smoking Nvidia' s stuff across the board, and the PS3 will be utilizing Nvidia technology. So that' s just a big wait and see right there... The Xbox 2 has the disadvantage cause it' s aiming to be out first. The question is, will there be enough time for Nintendo and Sony to improve and possibly outclass some of the Xbox 2' s specs given that the earlier release will likely mean its specs get released sooner.
Joe Redifer
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 04, 2005 02:53
I wonder why Microsoft wants to be first so badly? Last year Nintendo insisted they would be first or simultaneous at worst. Sony has never been first. Sega has always been first and look what happened to them (though it worked to their advantage with the Genesis).
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 04, 2005 06:28
Sony has never been first?? They beat everyone out the door by a year with the PS2 Joe? For years that was the excuse Microsoft and Nintendo gave for why their systems never succeeded as much. I think they still use that excuse!
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 04, 2005 08:52
Sony and Nintendo won' t be able to Jack up their system specs when the Xbox launches unless they delay the system by years. The xbox specs are supposed to be insane. They already laughed at the PS3 specs, which are already the mopst amazing specs ever seen for either a computer or home console. See, the thing is all the companies have spent too much time and money working on their core harware. They can' t look at the xbox and then realize they have to start from scratch(IF the Xbox is indeed as powerful as it is being hyped), because that would cost them several more years and would have made their first attempt a waste of money. Kinda sucky huh? I have a feeling that MS will have the most powerful system. Why? From what I' ve heard they had one hell of a tactic. Since IBM is making the processors for all the systems, MS basically said- Here' s a lot of money, just make our system better than the other two guys since you know exactly what they are capable of. It' s a bit devilish yes, but an easy way to make the most powerful console. This teamed up with XNA technology, aka the easy way to make incredible games with the new technology, Xbox will not only be the most powerful system but it will the the easiest to develope for. This is all specualtion however, and not definate. Hell, for all we know the Revolution could be the best system. Only time will tell. When all is said and done though, it' s really about the games.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Terry Bogard
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 04, 2005 09:33
Sony has never been first?? They beat everyone out the door by a year with the PS2 Joe? *cough*Dreamcastration*cough*ahem*
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 4 Mar 05 17:34:36 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 04, 2005 09:54
Sony and Nintendo won' t be able to Jack up their system specs when the Xbox launches unless they delay the system by years. They could always pull a SATURN by upgrading the specs of their respective next-gen consoles at the very last minute after finding out the specs of Xbox 2, resulting in a significant bump in the price of their consoles due to the last minute implementation of additional technology. The Saturn is my favorite console of all time but I still find it kinda funny that it originally wouldn' t have been the 2D powerhouse that it turned out to be had it not been for the leaked specs of the original Playstation pissing off Sega' s R&D manager and as a result lambasting his crew for allowing a newcomer to outdo them, lol.. Yeah well $h*t happens when you don' t aim High enough in the beginning!!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 4 Mar 05 17:55:48 >
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 04, 2005 12:51
cough*Dreamcastration*cough*ahem* Sorry Terry, but everybody knows that for all intents and purposes the Saturn was NOT part of the current generation of consoles(prepares to be beat over the head by sega fans). It was more of an in between like the jaguar or 3D0
Joe Redifer
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 04, 2005 15:36
The saturn was part of the 32-bit generation. The Dreamcast was part of the generation we are hooked on now. Just because it isn' t currently supported doesn' t mean that it wasn' t part of this generation. The 3DO and Jaguar are looked upon differently because they didn' t directly compete with the rest of the market. They were dead even before launch. However the Dreamcast and PS2 were competing against each other here and in Japan for over a year. The PS2' s main goal was to beat the Dreamcast. That was also the philosophy behind its design, though it is sometimes difficult to tell a large difference of any kind between the two consoles.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 4 Mar 05 23:38:40 >
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 04, 2005 17:19
I for one agree with Terry, being last out does have its advantages, but sony did bring out their new " thinner" version, ie last, and I think it got worse. Sony could have put their foot down and made a few leaps with the thin version, and nada. When I say it got worse I mean that it continually locks up while playing some of the older generation 1 games. That Sux nasty, well you know whats. I feel 110% confident that Xbox will continue its excellence in customer support. What just less than a month ago they will and have been replacing power cords from the first year models. Sony didnt even make the effort to replace the eyes on the failing ps2' s. I went through 3 ps2' s and Im still on my first ps2. Go Gates Go. He is showing that some companies, and when I some I mean 1 or 2, will stand by their products and that makes me feel all warm and toasty inside. So needless to say even if Xbox is first in line. I will be too, because I feel that they have and always will make a product that last.
Joe Redifer
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 04, 2005 19:52
I went through 3 ps2' s and Im still on my first ps2. Huh?
standing ovation
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 05, 2005 10:07
I for one agree with Terry, being last out does have its advantages, but sony did bring out their new " thinner" version, ie last, and I think it got worse. Sony could have put their foot down and made a few leaps with the thin version, and nada. When I say it got worse I mean that it continually locks up while playing some of the older generation 1 games. You know, you can say the same thing about older units playing the latest games! I think the reason for this is that PlayStation hardware evolves (as evidenced by the ever-changing model number). I have a funny feeling that this is Sony' s way of staying current -- i.e., competitive -- while keeping black markets at bay.
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 05, 2005 14:54
the ps3 and the xbox 2 [or xenon] will be battleing it out for graphical power and frame rates, while nintendo will insert a coffee machine into its revolution, WarioWare: Caffine! will be once of its launch titles where you must get the right coffee sachet and make it without any mistakes. anyway, i do think the ' revolution' for the [nintendo 21, which has been leaked out] will be somewhat near the ds, nintendo has often refered to the controller binding the player, but i' d say they have disigned a new kind: cordless with tuoch sentive pads, no buttons you just slide your thi=umbs around. Thats my idea on the ' revoultion' in the nintendo, it is also rumored to have twin prosessers, so opting for higher frame rates with lesser graphics than ps3 + xbox2 [ oh, the xbox 2 wont be called " x-box 2" as ' 2' is inferior to ' 3' [ps3] and some people with no knowledge of consoles will buy the ps3 over xbox2 thinking the xbox2 is older.] How do i know all this?
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 12, 2005 21:34
i dont think that there are such idiot people
hi ladies and gentlemen. im here lookin for some action and good goodies . im from santiago chile and i want some real action so i decided to join kikizo
Terry Bogard
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 12, 2005 22:50
There are people that will wonder whether PSP games can be played in the DS and vice versa so there' s no reason to not think that there might be a select few who think the PS3 is a generation newer than the Xbox 2. Heck I have yet to encounter a console generation where I didn' t hear a customer asking whether a game from one console is compatible with another competitor' s console. ;)
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 13, 2005 18:19
watching the two companies fight over the graphics engines will be very interesting...
Tyler " Frag Master" Bealmear
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 14, 2005 10:15
ATI has been kciking NVidia' s a$$ all over the place lately. From what I' ve heard, the consoles will prove the same. The ATI is gonna be a monster.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 14, 2005 18:30
Well ATI made the graphics card for the gamecube...and thats not that great (the stuff their doing now though is really kick @$$, and definently better than Nvidia)
Tyler " Frag Master" Bealmear
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 14, 2005 21:40
ORIGINAL: Fragus_Maximus Well ATI made the graphics card for the gamecube...and thats not that great (the stuff their doing now though is really kick @$$, and definently better than Nvidia) Hmm... Resident Evil 4 looks pretty damn good to me and on average the GC looks better than the PS2. Most definately now though, ATI is wooping Nvidia.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Terry Bogard
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 14, 2005 23:30
The GameCube' s Graphics chip is great, developers like Factor 5 were able to pull off some absolutely amazing things with their initial GameCube Star Wars game. Resident Evil 4 is definitely an excellent example of Game-a-Cube Powa!
Joe Redifer
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 15, 2005 02:22
Terry, how DARE you poke fun at the Japanese inability to pronounce two consonants in a row! Sure, everything they say must have a vowel inbetween and at the end, but there is no reason you should make all of japan feel sad and depressed just because they can' t differentiate their " R" s and their " L" s. I demand you buy MORE Japanese products as you pennance! That' ll teah you! PS - Looking at all of my typos, I sure do suck at typing. I am too lazy to fix said typos.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 15 Mar 05 10:23:55 >
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 22, 2005 16:27
The Playstation 3 would be the one i buy.... simply becuase i have never owned an Xbox and am familar with the way the Playstation opertaes. The playstation could be more wisely built though... my first one broke down after only two years (Bad Eye). The Xbox does have slightly better graphics than the PS2 but it was also released some time after the PS2. However, purchasing the PS3 or the Xbox (2 or 360) is at the discretion of the buyer to pick the better of the two.
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 26, 2005 11:01
how weird, everytime when new consoles are anounced, they must go VS, even when no one but the game industry saw or played on one. i will definately not make the same mistake as i did before the xbox released. so i will just go out, and play on both. maby at a friends house, or maby in the shop. i will definately not be a loyal brand fan annymore. i just take the one where i can play the best games, becouse overall, a lot of games will be multyplatform released. right now i am still having to much fun with my 2 xboxes and a few friends to play system link (on kai xlink)
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Mar 26, 2005 23:06
Like what you guys have been saying ATI will have a faster card than nVidia when XBOX 360 launches, and it will probably still be faster than what nVidia card they use when PS3 launches. PS3 hypes through the roof with their specs, but all they really are talking about is the processors, which don' t really mean shit because the only thing that will be holding these beasts back is the graphics card. As much as I think XBOX 360 will be better than PS3, i can still see sony hyping their way to victory. They did it with PS2 when the Dreamcast came out. DC has about half the processor power of a PS2, but the DC graphics card is a little better than a PS2s. Just look at the games, DC is a bit better when you compare Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament that are on both systems.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Apr 03, 2005 00:35
its easy you want a console that doesnt only have fps the ps3 will have plenty of them . the ps3 will own the xbox2 in terms of sales and hardware . The ps2 is proof , selling 20 million more consoles then the gc and xbox combined . When it comes to that point no one can beat sony that why they are " the marketing leader " . And as for nintendo [:' (] i dont know if they can overcome there stupidety ... The fact is it doesnt matter if xbox2 is more powerfull than the ps3 ( which is going to be a mirale if that happens  . The ps3 will outshine , out beat , out overkill , outperforme the xbox2  . * apllause ... the keep aplauding *
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RE: PS 3 VS. Xbox 2
Apr 03, 2005 13:25
What ive read is sumtin about have a buttload of these microprocesser thingies...then integrading the system into the game, like on processor wroks on AI, while another does dynamic enviorments. Its sumtin like 250 processors
Tyler " Frag Master" Bealmear