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Ok so i' m renting these PS3 games one at a time...
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RE: Ok so i' m renting these PS3 games one at a time...
Jul 02, 2008 09:46
If I had been in charge, I' d call Cory Barlog and say; that GoW3-game is cancelled, you guys gonna make ' Kai' s story' a episodic downloadable PSN franchise immediately. :-P hehe.. . :-/
WTF did you just say?
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- Joined: Oct 01, 2006
RE: Ok so i' m renting these PS3 games one at a time...
Jul 02, 2008 09:46
Did you try the PC version/will you be trying the 360 version? I still have the game, so the plan is to try out some community-mods sooner or later.. :-) And no, double dipping before I start liking the game is not an option..
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RE: Ok so i' m renting these PS3 games one at a time...
Jul 02, 2008 09:56
Dude, that guy plays all the games? :D Well, if he does, he should not complain tell me that I have to be more carefull over wich games, I spend my dimes on. :) In any case, I agree with him. Heavenly Sword' s combat is shallow. God of War' s is shallow, and HS wasn' t up there. If Heavenly Sword had the depth of Ninja Gaiden (which has the most depth out of all games in that genre) then it would have been a fantastic game, not just a time filler, which it was unfortunately. What so shallow about it? And what makes NG so deep? Is it the jump button?
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- Joined: Oct 01, 2006
RE: Ok so i' m renting these PS3 games one at a time...
Jul 02, 2008 10:04
WTF did you just say? It' s not something wich would make sense financially for Sony, but it' d make sense for me purely selfishly...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Ok so i' m renting these PS3 games one at a time...
Jul 02, 2008 10:07
ORIGINAL: KongRudi Dude, that guy plays all the games? :D Well, if he does, he should not complain tell me that I have to be more carefull over wich games, I spend my dimes on. :) We' ve already been over this once
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: Ok so i' m renting these PS3 games one at a time...
Jul 02, 2008 10:08
What so shallow about it? And what makes NG so deep? Is it the jump button? Well, for one, you said Heavenly Sword gives you something fresh by allowing you to switch styles (which actually, that was use by Devil May Cry 3 first, and each style actually gave you different abilities, as opposed to different weapons, as the Heavenly Sword styles really are) That said, Heavenly Sword " Styles" amount to 3 weapons (Two swords with all-around qualities, two chained swords {Now where have we seen this before I wonder?} and one heaby sword). Ninja Gaiden Sigma has 13 (Dragon Sword, Nunchaku, Viggorian Flail, Dabilahro, Warhammer, Tigger Fangs and Dragon Claws, Lunar, Wooden Sword, Unlabored Flawness, Kitetsu, Dark Dragon Sword and Plasma Saber) If we take the ones that could be considered " Clones" , that still leaves 8 weapons. Heavenly Sword= 3 weapons, with less than 30 combos (at least the heavy and ranged stances, I know the regular had more, but I think no more than 30) a Aerial Stance (that while cool looking, can' t be considered anything other than a gimmick) counter attacks, a non-intuitive way of blocking, dodgy evasion mechanics and the ability to throw your opponents or items at certain times. Ninja Gaiden Sigma= 8 weapons, each with at least 25 combos (each with varying degrees of speeds and strengths) ultimate techniques, a superb blocking and dodging mechanic, acrobatics, water running and fighting, counter attacks and ranged weapons which can be used both on the ground and mid-air. You do the math.
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- Joined: Oct 01, 2006
RE: Ok so i' m renting these PS3 games one at a time...
Jul 02, 2008 11:25
OK! If NG Sigma has 13 weapons, and each got 25 different comboes, the fight-system might be much deeper, when you found everything. I' ve not played much of NGS, only abit on the demo. The running and jumping on wall were cool in NGS, I liked that, the times I managed it. But then I got annoyed when I missed the jumps and had to try over again, with the enemies I just killed popping back out of the doors to make sure I don' t get to try again to quickly. :-/ I felt like I had to kill a enemy 5 times there, each time before I got to try a new jump-hurdle. And extra annoying if they had a white ninja-outfit on, and therefore were much life than if they had a grey ninja-outfit on. :-/ I gave it up after allmost 2 hours into the demo, when I fell back somewhere, and gave up after I had tried the same jump like 5 times, and the same people I had killed a few times before popped out of the same doors, and realized the game designers just stuffed the game with same content, just to make sure I shouldn' t complete it. When I actually fought, I never were able to make that much cool shit happen, even tough I tried different things, to weigh up for the things I disliked. But if it' s like you say it is, it' s probably much awesome fighitng in NGS compared to HS, if you know how to play. :) I' ll not buy NGS, since I know what to expect from it. I' ll be carefull where to spend my dimes, as immortal adviced me earlier. :) I found HS much more fun anyway, even if it' s got a so-called shallow fighting-system, I managed to control alot more there by doing superstyle-moves, ranged weaponry stances and countering, aswell as learning those few comboes, wich made me have fun all the time playing it. I never got around to that in NGS, and won' t bother learning it. So let' s just conclude that, I did something wrong when I had fun with Heavenly Sword, or there were something wrong with my PS3. OP should never rent Heavenly Sword, he should never try that, and just stick with Ninja Gaiden Sigma, DMC3, and God of War 2, those amazing games, and ignore the Heavenly Sword flop wich only people like myself like. :) Then everyone is happy. :) I just tried to give OP my opinion, on the games he actually asked about, based on my own experiences. :)
< Message edited by kongrudi -- 2 Jul 08 3:35:13 >
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: Ok so i' m renting these PS3 games one at a time...
Jul 02, 2008 11:52
Hey, I am not bashing your opinion. Tastes are tastes and that' s cool, the point in games is to have fun. I found Rule of Rose a superb experience, even though its a broken down piece of shit. If Heavenly Sword was game of the year for you, that' s fine, is your opinion, I respect that and I am not attacking it. Is just that when talking about things, we also need to be objective. Ninja Gaiden is a technically more proficient game than Heavenly Sword, that' s a fact. If we talk about other aspects, such as characters, music and presentation in general, then that' s a completely different thing, Heavenly Sword is superior. Don' t be angry man, you can like Heavenly Sword as much as you like, that' s fine with me  You don' t have to change what you think, just because we think differently. That' s what being an individual is all about.
< Message edited by chimura -- 2 Jul 08 4:02:35 >
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RE: Ok so i' m renting these PS3 games one at a time...
Jul 02, 2008 16:49
ORIGINAL: KongRudi OK! If NG Sigma has 13 weapons, and each got 25 different comboes, the fight-system might be much deeper, when you found everything. I' ve not played much of NGS, only abit on the demo. The running and jumping on wall were cool in NGS, I liked that, the times I managed it. But then I got annoyed when I missed the jumps and had to try over again, with the enemies I just killed popping back out of the doors to make sure I don' t get to try again to quickly. :-/ I felt like I had to kill a enemy 5 times there, each time before I got to try a new jump-hurdle. And extra annoying if they had a white ninja-outfit on, and therefore were much life than if they had a grey ninja-outfit on. :-/ I gave it up after allmost 2 hours into the demo, when I fell back somewhere, and gave up after I had tried the same jump like 5 times, and the same people I had killed a few times before popped out of the same doors, and realized the game designers just stuffed the game with same content, just to make sure I shouldn' t complete it. When I actually fought, I never were able to make that much cool shit happen, even tough I tried different things, to weigh up for the things I disliked. But if it' s like you say it is, it' s probably much awesome fighitng in NGS compared to HS, if you know how to play. :) So it' s not that Heavenly Swords combat has tons of depth at all, ...it' s that you find it accessible. If you struggle with games like NG and DMC then yeah, i can see how somebody might prefer God of War and even Heavenly Sword... but that doesn' t mean you should then just blindly defend them. Heavenly Sword and God of War have weak combat systems. They' re easy to play and the moves look fantastic, but compared to DMC and NG they' re really weak. The thing about God of War and to a lesser extent Heavenly Sword is that they have this fucking amazing art direction. God of War II is one of my favourite games of all time. But i appreciate what' s there, praise the game for it' s strengths and criticize it for it' s weaknesses. ORIGINAL: KongRudi I' ll not buy NGS, since I know what to expect from it. I' ll be carefull where to spend my dimes, as immortal adviced me earlier. :) ORIGINAL: KongRudi So let' s just conclude that, I did something wrong when I had fun with Heavenly Sword, or there were something wrong with my PS3. OP should never rent Heavenly Sword, he should never try that, and just stick with Ninja Gaiden Sigma, DMC3, and God of War 2, those amazing games, and ignore the Heavenly Sword flop wich only people like myself like. :) Then everyone is happy. :) Cry much?
< Message edited by nitro -- 2 Jul 08 8:50:29 >
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RE: Ok so i' m renting these PS3 games one at a time...
Jul 03, 2008 00:29
I' ll not buy NGS, since I know what to expect from it. I' ll be carefull where to spend my dimes, as immortal adviced me earlie What? I never advised you on what to spend your money on. I just said your opinion was invalid. , he should never try that, and just stick with Ninja Gaiden Sigma, DMC3, and God of War 2, those amazing games, and ignore the Heavenly Sword flop wich only people like myself like Yeah, pretty much. While we' re on the topic of mediocre games.... Nitro, Silent, and anyone else owns a PSP and can conjugate a sentence, my PSP will be here today, I ordered: GoW Chains of Olympus Ratchet and Clank Size Matters Killzone Liberation. What else would you guys recommend?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Ok so i' m renting these PS3 games one at a time...
Jul 03, 2008 00:44
ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx While we' re on the topic of mediocre games.... Nitro, Silent, and anyone else owns a PSP and can conjugate a sentence, my PSP will be here today, I ordered: GoW Chains of Olympus Ratchet and Clank Size Matters Killzone Liberation. What else would you guys recommend? Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror Syphon Filter: Logan' s Shadow (sequel) WipEout Pure WipEout Pulse (sequel) Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories Tekken: Dark Resurrection Ridge Racer Ridge Racer 2 Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Jeanne d' Arc Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Lumines II Daxter LocoRoco Papaton Crush Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception Burnout Legends Burnout Dominator (sequel) Virtua Tennis World Tour SSX On Tour Monster Hunter Freedom 2 The Warriors Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 Every Extend Extra Gradius Collection Silent Hill Origins Twisted Metal: Head-On
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: Ok so i' m renting these PS3 games one at a time...
Jul 03, 2008 01:40
I just picked up Crisis Core the other day, and so far I am liking it a lot. The combat took a while to get used to, but once I did get used to it the combat is very accessible. I' ve seen Jeanne d' Arc every time I go to my EB Games, and have been tempted to pick it up. Is it really worth the buy?
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- Joined: Oct 01, 2006
RE: Ok so i' m renting these PS3 games one at a time...
Jul 03, 2008 03:53
What? I never advised you on what to spend your money on. I just said your opinion was invalid. I mistook Nitro' s message for yours.. :-/ Anyway, on PSP, of the ones wich isn' t mentioned allready, I liked the Hot Shots Golf games, and Tales of Eternia, so that' s an invalid opinion of good games. :-)
< Message edited by kongrudi -- 2 Jul 08 19:54:22 >
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: Ok so i' m renting these PS3 games one at a time...
Jul 03, 2008 14:28
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy Tactics Syphon Filter Dark Mirror and Logan' s Shadow Silent Hill Origins LocoRoco Patapon Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops Metal Gear Ac!d and Ac!d 2
Iad umboros
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: Ok so i' m renting these PS3 games one at a time...
Jul 03, 2008 20:14
ORIGINAL: Nitro ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx What else would you guys recommend? Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror Syphon Filter: Logan' s Shadow (sequel) WipEout Pure WipEout Pulse (sequel) Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories Tekken: Dark Resurrection Ridge Racer Ridge Racer 2 Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Jeanne d' Arc Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Lumines II Daxter LocoRoco Papaton Crush Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception Burnout Legends Burnout Dominator (sequel) Virtua Tennis World Tour SSX On Tour Monster Hunter Freedom 2 The Warriors Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 Every Extend Extra Gradius Collection Silent Hill Origins Twisted Metal: Head-On Dude, you' re like Sharon Osbourne in the Asda advert where she picks up about 300 quids worth of games, pats her back pocket and says " That should keep the kids entertained for a couple of weeks"
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