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Official Kikizo Xbox Live Gamertag List
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Official Kikizo Xbox Live Gamertag List
Dec 02, 2005 08:22
Ok, so I' ve finally gotten myself hooked up to Xbox Live and need people to play against... or with. If anyone is on Live and fancies a bash online with me post your gamertag here. Hopefully then we can have a real Kikizo Live experience. Without further adoo my tag is PSMad spelt exactly like that. It stands for Paul Street (which is my full name) Mad (as in crazy); Nothing at all to do with Playstation. Post away :)
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RE: Official Kikizo Xbox Live Gamertag List
Dec 02, 2005 12:36
My gamertag is QuezcatoL But i dont have a 360... yet.
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RE: Official Kikizo Xbox Live Gamertag List
Dec 02, 2005 12:36
RaKier. Spelt exactly that way. The Capital R stands for correct gramatical rules when spelling a name, and the capital K stands for a rebelious streak in me from when I was 13 and I thought I was cool. Anyways, as a side idea, post any games you play on live so we know what we can look to play. Perfect Dark Zero Amped 3 (leaderboards only) Worms 4: Mayhem and shortly Dead Or Alive 4
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RE: Official Kikizo Xbox Live Gamertag List
Dec 02, 2005 14:33
I got 28 xbox titles,i think i have like 12 live titles. But i only play halo2,rainbowsix black arrow,and ghost recon2. When i get the 360,i get pdz i think.
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RE: Official Kikizo Xbox Live Gamertag List
Dec 02, 2005 15:17
gamertag: LocoPollo If I play online it is usually COD2, but I also play PGR3 and PDZ and occasionally still Halo 2. I don' t get to play online often because the connection at college plugs into a cow' s ass. When I' m home I play a lot, and once and a while the connection is good enough to play COD2 here. I can' t even connect to any PGR3 games because the NAT is so strict. Usually the extremely low amount of bandwidth and 2 second pings are the problem though.
Mass X
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RE: Official Kikizo Xbox Live Gamertag List
Dec 02, 2005 16:55
Massacre20xx Well the first part is self explainable, the 20xx is their to establish a long amount of time (2000-2099) I made it at the end of a year and was gonna put in that year but decided what about next and the year after that? So there. I dont have a 360 yet, but on the current Xbox you can find me on Battlefield 2 or Ghost Recon2:Summit Strike. When I see what becomes the most popular Live game for 360 here on Kikizo I' ll pick up that game.
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RE: Official Kikizo Xbox Live Gamertag List
Dec 02, 2005 17:00
Hmm, if you' ve for a 360 can you still add people to your friends list who have a live account on the 1st Xbox... and can I take Xbox games online on the 360... (Runs to find Burnout Revenge)
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RE: Official Kikizo Xbox Live Gamertag List
Dec 02, 2005 19:25
I just feels...weird about playing xbox game swith xbox360 people :P im getting a 360 then i play online...
Chee Saw
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RE: Official Kikizo Xbox Live Gamertag List
Dec 02, 2005 21:25
My gamertag is: Cheesaw1 (I had Cheesaw but let it lapse and they wouldn' t let me reactivate it! Bastards! At least no one else can take it!) I' m currently offline until my 360 returns to me. I haven' t played it online AT ALL, but I have PGR3 and PD0. When I get it back, I' ll add all of you guys.
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RE: Official Kikizo Xbox Live Gamertag List
Dec 03, 2005 12:43
Vx Chemical
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RE: Official Kikizo Xbox Live Gamertag List
Dec 05, 2005 05:56
my gamercard! I havent played much Live, but i own PGR3, PDZ, and Kameo, and Condemned but thats not a live title
< Message edited by vx chemical -- 5 Dec 05 14:09:18 >
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RE: Official Kikizo Xbox Live Gamertag List
Dec 05, 2005 07:00
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RE: Official Kikizo Xbox Live Gamertag List
Dec 05, 2005 07:01
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RE: Official Kikizo Xbox Live Gamertag List
Dec 06, 2005 08:00
Hey locopuyo, how do you invite someone to play a game online? I always see that you' re online, but the option to " invite to game" is always blacked out, even when you' re playing the same game as me. I sent you that voice message to play PD0, but I have no idea how to set it up, you know how?
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RE: Official Kikizo Xbox Live Gamertag List
Dec 06, 2005 12:04
I think you might have to have a game created and then invite me. I' m at college right now though and I haven' t been able to get into any PDZ or PGR3 games. They blocked pretty much every port here and my connection is usually only 40k. During the summer and breaks I play online though. And COD2 usually works here at college. I' ve been playing a lot of system link PDZ co-op. We already beat it on the first 2 skill levels and are doing it on the third now. I beat PGR3 on silver. Working on getting all golds and platinums now. I' m ranked 6th in the world for one of the tokyo speed challenges.  Hopefully nobody deranked me yet, if so I' ll just get a higher score.
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RE: Official Kikizo Xbox Live Gamertag List
Dec 07, 2005 09:23
Umm since I gave my 360 away, I will always be online as RaKier [1] (as in guest of RaKier) hee hee hee. That will be the only time I will be playing online. Or maybe as a guest of CapnQball, but so far he has nothing worth playing online. But becareful. I suck at PDZ, and I pretty much have more fun beating up my teammates in the Darkops than completeing the missions.
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RE: Official Kikizo Xbox Live Gamertag List
Dec 08, 2005 06:30
I majorly suck as PDZ at the moment, thus I' ve been mostly on PGR3 and Kameo. I' ve beated the water temple but not gotten the achivement... so am missing 100 points from my gamertag... which sucks!
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RE: Official Kikizo Xbox Live Gamertag List
Dec 19, 2005 15:03
So anybody down for some kind of kikizo tournament? I' m at home for xmas break now so I can play games online without lag and other cool stuff.
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RE: Official Kikizo Xbox Live Gamertag List
Dec 19, 2005 15:29
Kikizo christmas tournament! First we must figure out which game to use. Basically post a list of the games you have for 360. the game most people own will be played. Perfect Dark Zero, Project Gotham 3, Kameo.
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RE: Official Kikizo Xbox Live Gamertag List
Dec 20, 2005 17:00
Perfect Dark Zero Call of Duty 2 Project Gothem Racing 3 that makes 2 of us with PGR3 and PDZ
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