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OMFG!!! I found a video of someone playing Too human and its 3 min!!!
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OMFG!!! I found a video of someone playing Too human and its 3 min!!!
May 03, 2006 05:48
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: OMFG!!! I found a video of someone playing Too human and its 3 min!!!
May 03, 2006 06:01
Strange even though it' s an amateurish footage the gameplay and graphics stands out (or maybe its me) looks bloody awesome though.
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RE: OMFG!!! I found a video of someone playing Too human and its 3 min!!!
May 03, 2006 06:21
Yes,ofc as they said,it was an buggy beta build,and recorded with a bad camera,and still it look awesome,ofc at e3 you will see their latest release with high res :)
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: OMFG!!! I found a video of someone playing Too human and its 3 min!!!
May 03, 2006 06:25
I' m surprised at how free flowing it looks aswell plus the character looks as good as he does in the movie in actual game play.
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RE: OMFG!!! I found a video of someone playing Too human and its 3 min!!!
May 03, 2006 06:30
Nice find, You are the No1 for media. Video quality wasn' ' t great, and made me think less of the game than I already did... Hopefully this will turn around at E3 and I' ll be blown away...
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RE: OMFG!!! I found a video of someone playing Too human and its 3 min!!!
May 03, 2006 06:38
IT looks like it' s no fun to play ...no fun at all... maybe it' s an early version. To me it looks like your average PC Tpp game...still the quality of this movie is very low so who knows :) Quez - that really was something :)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 3 May 06 10:21:58 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: OMFG!!! I found a video of someone playing Too human and its 3 min!!!
May 03, 2006 06:59
That looks kick ass! It' s an early beta version so the stuff from E3 should be way better. This is the version that was shown to some magazines in February this year and written about as having tons of promise but being rather buggy. It' s not out until November and is defoinately gonna kick major ass when it' s finished. Quez, i salute you! On your birthday too! The visuals look AMAZING even on a horrible cam. People need to remember that very few games look THAT good at this point in it' s development cycle. If that was February and the game has 6+ months of development left now, then it needs to be likened to GRAW for 360 which looked terrible at E3 and TGS last year and utterly GORGEOUS upon it' s release in March. Too Human is gonna KILL the PS3 launch titles!
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- Location: London, England
RE: OMFG!!! I found a video of someone playing Too human and its 3 min!!!
May 03, 2006 07:00
IT looks like it' s no fun to play ...no fun at all... maybe it' s an early version. Glad at least one person agrees, I was expecting to be shot for saying i didn' t think highly of it. But E3 is just round the corner...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: OMFG!!! I found a video of someone playing Too human and its 3 min!!!
May 03, 2006 07:27
ORIGINAL: uumai IT looks like it' s no fun to play ...no fun at all... maybe it' s an early version. Glad at least one person agrees, I was expecting to be shot for saying i didn' t think highly of it. But E3 is just round the corner... Ugh! If i hadn' t had an email from CliffyB today i' d be in a mind to shout at you two!  <- That' s me frowning!!! Ha, ...it' s a very early beta that was shown agaes ago. Obviously they couldn' t release the footage until now because it' s meant to stir interest as E3 rapidly approaches. But you' re right, i will probably blow us all away at E3!
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RE: OMFG!!! I found a video of someone playing Too human and its 3 min!!!
May 03, 2006 07:32
It look amazing if you ask me,everything i wanted :) And btw silicon knights never wanted you to really see this video,or else they would have uploaded a high res version,but they use their buggy beta only atm. Wait untill e3 with better graphic/camera and maps. He who played wrote this... " For our preview, we were given an extremely early and fairly buggy beta with just one level and weapon set to play with. While this was fairly limiting, it gave us an opportunity to see the in-game visuals, experience the gameplay, and to get a glimpse of SK' s new camera system."
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 2 May 06 23:38:02 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: OMFG!!! I found a video of someone playing Too human and its 3 min!!!
May 03, 2006 07:52
It' s like a cyberpunk Ninja Gaiden on steriods. If it only proves one thing it that the screenshots we' ve seen aren' t doctored and are definately ingame.
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RE: OMFG!!! I found a video of someone playing Too human and its 3 min!!!
May 03, 2006 10:44
Hmm, looks pretty. Have to agree with Gangsta (apart from the PC remarks!  ) and uumai as well in saying the gameplay looks pretty rubbish. Sure it maybe an old beta, but I' ll be expecting something more like DMC3 come E3. Thanks for the link tho Quez! Good to see some moving in-game stuff.
< Message edited by choupolo -- 3 May 06 4:39:58 >
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RE: OMFG!!! I found a video of someone playing Too human and its 3 min!!!
May 03, 2006 18:17
(apart from the PC remarks! )
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- Location: Sweden
RE: OMFG!!! I found a video of someone playing Too human and its 3 min!!!
May 03, 2006 18:24
I won' t go so far as to say that the gameplay looks rubbish but it looks boring though. I thought this was supposed to be some groundbreaking killer-app for the 360 but that' s not what I' m seeing. I doubt that what we saw in the video was the best part of the game though so I' m taking it for granted that this game will look much more fun at E3.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: OMFG!!! I found a video of someone playing Too human and its 3 min!!!
May 03, 2006 18:31
Even watching the beta version i' m still quite interested in it ...makes me wonder even more what the final version will look and play like.
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: OMFG!!! I found a video of someone playing Too human and its 3 min!!!
May 03, 2006 19:26
" And for the biggest concern, the camera is in no way final. The one you saw isn' t even placeholder.... it' s just garbage. The camera they have in the current build is much more dynamic and position-friendly. Wait til E3 and get ready to be blown away." " You got to see ZERO of the cool stuff like the camera inside the red-eye, or the scenario with the elite red-eyes shooting missile after missile at baldur, nor did you get to see the big room with the HORDES and HORDES of redeyes." " The AI was off, the robots were just supposed to run up to you and stand there so you could hit them.The guns and animation were not final at all, they just stuck them in there so players could have another" " The sword was the only weapon worked into the game. No combos were available other than the ones you saw with the wolf and the angel wings.The animations were not put in yet because they were still tweaking everything"
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: OMFG!!! I found a video of someone playing Too human and its 3 min!!!
May 03, 2006 20:24
I think it looked great, being an early build and all! To me it looks like your average PC Tpp game...still the quality of this movie is very low so who knows :) Well its not japaneese made is it now
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: OMFG!!! I found a video of someone playing Too human and its 3 min!!!
May 03, 2006 20:46
Please sir, i want some more! It' s gonna blow everything out of the water when it' s finished. I can' t wait to see it at E3. I want' s me a demo!
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: OMFG!!! I found a video of someone playing Too human and its 3 min!!!
May 03, 2006 21:31
*laughs @* ' it' s not japanese is it now' ..now e3 is getting even more closer i' m even more psyched to see when this previews along with the other stuff I think it' s gonna be huge or has the potential to be.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: OMFG!!! I found a video of someone playing Too human and its 3 min!!!
May 03, 2006 22:16
Got awesome news,that beta was made 2005 in novemeber. I wonder how it looks in novemember 2006 when its out
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