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No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
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Terry Bogard
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 01:33
Oh I am definitely familiar with its popularity in Japan, and TGS serves as a much better showcase for that stuff as a result
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 02:11
Cosplay is great, but I dont think blood rayne or DOA cosplay (or even the games/movies) are catering for female gamers somehow. That kinda stuff is what' s keeping E3 a gentlemen' s club. Sure you could go the other way and censor too much or for the wrong reasons. I mean sex is great, just keep it in its place. Id feel embarassed paying a random girl to dance and work up a crowd for my game cos its not good enough to sell itself. Oh and mysterious 4th?
Adam Doree
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 02:28
Mass X
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 02:33
So is this a complete banishment of Booth Babes or just the scantly clad type? I origionally had this thread titled ' No E3 booth babes' , but then I wasnt sure if that was what they meant since another site said only scantly clad women were not allowed. Then yet again other sites say complete banishment. ...Maybe I should read these articals in their entirety.
Terry Bogard
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 06:14
...that' s a bit harsh, no?.... Twas really just for show. For a brief moment, wanted to look more like a no non-sense, beer swelling bad-ass for once 
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 25 Jan 06 22:21:51 >
Joe Redifer
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 07:37
I personally am sick of seeing women dressed up as freakin' Bloodrayne. Any company that can' t get the attention of dumbass males without a booth slut doesn' t deserve to sell their games. And a lot of the E3 attendees (not all, mind you) drool over the caked-up booth sluts because they' ve never seen a real woman before. God I hate people! Terry, check your e-mail!
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 25 Jan 06 23:38:22 >
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 08:33
...yeah, i was going to say that these women only exist in these places because male gamers outnumber female ones by about 1000-1..... ......it' s a shame the industry seems to be impotent when it comes to widening the audience...
Joe Redifer
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 08:54
" Booth babes" are not widening the audience. They are pandering to horny males who don' t get any.
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 09:08
..... yeah, it' s sad that real women are excluded generally from videogame culture.... ...i suppose it should be expected for the organisers to exploit a potential advantage in promotion techniques....
Joe Redifer
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 10:33
I' m not really sure what you' re getting at, but women aren' t " excluded" from videogames. It' s just that a lot of them don' t like it. But you know what? A lot of them DO like games. Why do females exclude males from playing with barbie dolls? God damn sexists!
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 12:28
Joe, it' s ok that you play with Barbie dolls. And it is ok that I enjoy video games. As to the riddance of the booth babes, well I can' t say as I am sad. From the female perspective, it really wouldn' t be a drawing card. I am not going to be all feminazi and say " it is demeaning to women... blah blah blah blah" . I understand why companies would do it, I just don' t think it is necessary. If you want to have knowledgable female reps, that is one thing. Scantily clad women who know nothing about the topic and are there to make a buck, that is just a waste of space.
Chee Saw
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 23:37
ORIGINAL: Rikka Joe, it' s ok that you play with Barbie dolls. And it is ok that I enjoy video games. LOL. I agree with the decision. Should booth-babes be banished. I don' t know. Should they NOT wear thongs? Yeah. I think that a line SHOULD be drawn in the sand, for decency' s sake. Of course, like Terry said, Nintendo keeps it clean. Do they have booth-babes (or whatever)? Yeah. But they' re aren' t all whorish, and they actually train them about the games that they' re peddling. And don' t fool yourself Bishonen. Having scantily clad women pushing video games is a major impediment to bringing girls and women into the industry. Would you go to a section of E3 where there were shirtless, thong wearing men at every booth?! I certainly would not. Women who are interested in games, in either the playing side or the production side, should not be subjected to this either. And that article that you posted, Adam, was pretty insightful, but I think they tried to show games in a much more rose-colored light than what is actual. Sure, we don' t have that many Boris Vallejo paintings on covers anymore (highlighting the scantily clad women, that is), but we do have Bloodrayne, the DOA girls, Leisure Suit Larry, and many other games where actual in game characters are programmed to be as sexually titillating as possible. What am I saying? Sex sells! Both in games, and in the " real world" (if you could call E3 that!) I guess we just have to deal with that.
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 27, 2006 06:00
Scantily clad women who know nothing about the topic and are there to make a buck, that is just a waste of space. I find them hilarious, especially when on TV or interviewed by magazines. Most of them haven' t a clue about the game character they are, don' t know much about games and just really aren' t fans. Now Cosplay is another story. I say E3 take a leaf from the TGS and let the fans in dressed as their fave character. That’ll liven things up.
Mass X
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 27, 2006 06:36
Some of the cosplayers out there scare me...
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