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No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 24, 2006 07:45
TeamXbox Well booth babes will be there, just not as.... exposed.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 23 Jan 06 23:45:41 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 24, 2006 08:14
More like thank bloody goodness
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 24 Jan 06 0:16:31 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
Adam Doree
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 24, 2006 09:23
Agree woth Joe... and agree with this article: As most publications seek to bemoan the news, perhaps its worth pointing out what E3 is actually like. Battling through masses of lecherous men queuing to be photographed with generic glamour model X isn' t exactly fun. There' s also the fact that draping semi-naked women over sub-standard videogames doesn' t really do anyone any good, let alone the huge numbers of women working within the games industry at all levels. Rather than bemoaning this guideline, perhaps we should look to why it' s been put into place. Surely it' s embarrassing that a sector turning over billions of dollars globally relies so heavily on base-level gratuity to draw attention to products that after half an hour, all look the same anyway. A girl in a bikini throwing cheap caps at a bunch of fat men trying to take pictures of her crotch isn' t exactly the golden future of interactive entertainment we have collectively pictured. E3 is enough of a nightamare as it is without worrying about if I look fat in front of nice girls. That' s for the evening back in Hollywood when you have the convenience of paying them not to notice.
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 24, 2006 09:53
I see your point...buuuuuuut, I have the advantage of having to only deal with the results. However, knowing a tad more on the workings, I shall have more respect for you guys. THANK YOU for fighting thru those sweaty, greasy, stained, men and snatching up the peices for us outsiders! Altho isn' t it a breath of fresh air after fighting thru the sweat mess?
< Message edited by Mass X -- 24 Jan 06 2:05:46 >
Adam Doree
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 24, 2006 13:44
E3 is just a monumentally stressful time of year for me for about a hundred reasons. The mere thought of it (only four months - shit) makes my stomach churn.
Joe Redifer
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 24, 2006 14:24
It might be a wee bit less stressful if you didn' t have to travel nearly halfway around the world. Personally I don' t enjoy traveling much.
Vx Chemical
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 24, 2006 14:38
I for one dont find most of the booth babes that hot, some but mostly it' s just normal girls with loads of makeup and latex on. More focus on the games is better, its sad that games that doesnt really have any real interest just has to have almost naked girls around their stand and then the get publicity as well!
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 24, 2006 19:12
I dont know what i feel about booth babes,know some female irl games who work at the biggest gamingsites,and they hate it,they doesnt feel like a serious gaming journalist when being a girl...
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 24, 2006 21:34
It' s not like people go for th booth babes anyway, that' d be daft. Adam' s gonna gave LOADS to do this year i think, it' s going to be busy as hell! Ha, i can' t believe it' s only 4 months away, it seems like E3 was only a couple of months back. I wonder if i could use documentation form my degree course to obtain a free pass to the exibit floor... Adam, what kind of ID do you guys have to supply?! EDIT: Nevermind, i found it, it looks like it has to be something to do with a company you work for. Damn, couldn' t i just send them proof of my course?
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 24 Jan 06 13:39:14 >
Chee Saw
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 24, 2006 21:58
The hottest booth babe I' ve EVER seen was Blood Rayne! She was SMOKIN' HOT! All the rest look uninterested (or fake-interested) and plain.
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 25, 2006 00:49
If, ya know, you can' t be bothered going to E3 this year Adam I' ll gladly take your place. The chance to see the newest greatest games months before release, the PS3 and Revolution blown wide open and the possibility of even just having a glimpse of some of gaming biggest names is one I' d gladly kill for.
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 25, 2006 21:04
I' ve always found the idea of ' booth babes' funny until now. I can respect what they' re doing for E3. It' s a big step forward imo, but it doesn' t go anywhere to solve how sex is used to sell pretty much everything else these days. Also, women dont have to be nekkid to be sexy, it just requires a bit more imagination. So Im pretty sure the booth ladies wont suddenly become intelligent or knowledgable about the game they' re advertising. Should stir things up a little however.
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 25, 2006 23:03
...hey... .....are you the mysterious 4th ?....
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Stephen Rowley
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 25, 2006 23:49
Agree that they are completely unnecesary, even tho my experience of shows is limited to UK based ones. I would, however, worry if the reasoning behind the toning down this year is driven more by the hypocrisy of America' s puritanical, extreme, Christian-right than it is by a genuine desire to draw the focus of E3 back where it belongs. Besides, American Booth Babes predominantly seem to be made up off older, rougher models that can' t get better work, caked-up Pamela Anderson-alikes and those that are just oh-so plain. Only a handful each year are truly pretty (but of course there are those that believe ' more than a handful is a waste' anyway - or is that to do with something else?).
< Message edited by Stephen Rowley -- 31 Jan 06 20:56:04 >
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 00:16
...don' t you think that it helps the games industry?... ...women & girls love dressing up and role playing.... ..surely by regularly doing this at places like E3, Videogame culture would rub off, getting them more interested in gaming in general?....... ....actually i think E3 should host some-sort of professional cosplay convention in general..... ...something for the fans, you know?.. ....were the ones making them rich after all...
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Vx Chemical
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 00:20
Im not sure how the restrictive culture in the US helps the industry. If they start taking further steps back and begins to censor things, then thats bad for the industry. There are plenty of people in the US, who i think is inclined to ban games altogether!
Terry Bogard
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 00:40
E3' s main focus should be all about new games and technologies. That' s always been the entire point of the show. Not to showcase scantily cladded bimbos who know absolutely nothing about the games they' re supposedly representing. That' s why I like Nintendo' s booth. While they always have a bevy of beauties there, their booth reps as I like to call them, are dressed well enough and actually know a little something about some of the games in their booth. They' re not like some of the other Pam Anderson wannabe ' booth babes' with g-strings creeping up the crack of their asses!  For that type of stuff you' re better off with:
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 25 Jan 06 16:53:41 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 00:57
...that' s a bit harsh, no?.... ..of course E3' s main focus is new games and tech... but what is the male-female ratio of atttendeee' s?.....' s like E3 is a modern genteleman club or something.... ..would' nt it be a good idea to add some sort of diversity to the proceedings?.... ...who can argue that it would be greatly beneficial for the gaming industry if more females were involved?....
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Terry Bogard
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 01:13
More female gamers would definitely be a good thing. But I can' t think of any female gamers or potential female gamers that would see those T&A exhibitionists (aka booth babes) as a positive thing or a draw for them to get into gaming
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 01:29 disappoint me sir.... ...i thought you' d be familiar with Cosplaying, and how popular it is with women and girls... ....especially in Japan.....
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 01:33
Oh I am definitely familiar with its popularity in Japan, and TGS serves as a much better showcase for that stuff as a result
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 02:11
Cosplay is great, but I dont think blood rayne or DOA cosplay (or even the games/movies) are catering for female gamers somehow. That kinda stuff is what' s keeping E3 a gentlemen' s club. Sure you could go the other way and censor too much or for the wrong reasons. I mean sex is great, just keep it in its place. Id feel embarassed paying a random girl to dance and work up a crowd for my game cos its not good enough to sell itself. Oh and mysterious 4th?
Adam Doree
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 02:28
Mass X
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 02:33
So is this a complete banishment of Booth Babes or just the scantly clad type? I origionally had this thread titled ' No E3 booth babes' , but then I wasnt sure if that was what they meant since another site said only scantly clad women were not allowed. Then yet again other sites say complete banishment. ...Maybe I should read these articals in their entirety.
Terry Bogard
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 06:14
...that' s a bit harsh, no?.... Twas really just for show. For a brief moment, wanted to look more like a no non-sense, beer swelling bad-ass for once 
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 25 Jan 06 22:21:51 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
Joe Redifer
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 07:37
I personally am sick of seeing women dressed up as freakin' Bloodrayne. Any company that can' t get the attention of dumbass males without a booth slut doesn' t deserve to sell their games. And a lot of the E3 attendees (not all, mind you) drool over the caked-up booth sluts because they' ve never seen a real woman before. God I hate people! Terry, check your e-mail!
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 25 Jan 06 23:38:22 >
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 08:33
...yeah, i was going to say that these women only exist in these places because male gamers outnumber female ones by about 1000-1.....' s a shame the industry seems to be impotent when it comes to widening the audience...
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Joe Redifer
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 08:54
" Booth babes" are not widening the audience. They are pandering to horny males who don' t get any.
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 09:08
..... yeah, it' s sad that real women are excluded generally from videogame culture.... ...i suppose it should be expected for the organisers to exploit a potential advantage in promotion techniques....
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 10:33
I' m not really sure what you' re getting at, but women aren' t " excluded" from videogames. It' s just that a lot of them don' t like it. But you know what? A lot of them DO like games. Why do females exclude males from playing with barbie dolls? God damn sexists!
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 12:28
Joe, it' s ok that you play with Barbie dolls. And it is ok that I enjoy video games. As to the riddance of the booth babes, well I can' t say as I am sad. From the female perspective, it really wouldn' t be a drawing card. I am not going to be all feminazi and say " it is demeaning to women... blah blah blah blah" . I understand why companies would do it, I just don' t think it is necessary. If you want to have knowledgable female reps, that is one thing. Scantily clad women who know nothing about the topic and are there to make a buck, that is just a waste of space.
Chee Saw
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 26, 2006 23:37
ORIGINAL: Rikka Joe, it' s ok that you play with Barbie dolls. And it is ok that I enjoy video games. LOL. I agree with the decision. Should booth-babes be banished. I don' t know. Should they NOT wear thongs? Yeah. I think that a line SHOULD be drawn in the sand, for decency' s sake. Of course, like Terry said, Nintendo keeps it clean. Do they have booth-babes (or whatever)? Yeah. But they' re aren' t all whorish, and they actually train them about the games that they' re peddling. And don' t fool yourself Bishonen. Having scantily clad women pushing video games is a major impediment to bringing girls and women into the industry. Would you go to a section of E3 where there were shirtless, thong wearing men at every booth?! I certainly would not. Women who are interested in games, in either the playing side or the production side, should not be subjected to this either. And that article that you posted, Adam, was pretty insightful, but I think they tried to show games in a much more rose-colored light than what is actual. Sure, we don' t have that many Boris Vallejo paintings on covers anymore (highlighting the scantily clad women, that is), but we do have Bloodrayne, the DOA girls, Leisure Suit Larry, and many other games where actual in game characters are programmed to be as sexually titillating as possible. What am I saying? Sex sells! Both in games, and in the " real world" (if you could call E3 that!) I guess we just have to deal with that.
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 27, 2006 06:00
Scantily clad women who know nothing about the topic and are there to make a buck, that is just a waste of space. I find them hilarious, especially when on TV or interviewed by magazines. Most of them haven' t a clue about the game character they are, don' t know much about games and just really aren' t fans. Now Cosplay is another story. I say E3 take a leaf from the TGS and let the fans in dressed as their fave character. That’ll liven things up.
Mass X
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RE: No Sexy E3 Booth Babes?! Blasphemy!!!
Jan 27, 2006 06:36
Some of the cosplayers out there scare me...