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Nintendo DS fasting selling console in Japan' s History
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RE: Nintendo DS fasting selling console in Japan' s History
Jan 07, 2006 04:23
Don' t forget Ryu ga Gotoku which scored a 10, 10, 9, 10 from Famitsu!! I' m talking about Europe and USA. I hope this game is that good - I really want another Sega quality title like Outrun 2 (saying " Like Shenmue" might be too much) :)
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: Nintendo DS fasting selling console in Japan' s History
Jan 07, 2006 09:40
i an jot saying this because i am a fan of nintendo but i honest never heard any problems with the analog i liked it and my friends all liked it too. I never had any problems with it except for one litlte thingwhich i understood that if the analog was not in center position when it was turned on the center position would be where ever the stick was it butr that actually made sens eto me to make sure it was in the center so i never complained. I liked the N64 contoller it was unique and different and the first to have analog contollers which now EVERYONE does. Every feature on a contorller today came from Nintendo including the wireless, the sholder buttons, analog, D pad, etc... they were the first.
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RE: Nintendo DS fasting selling console in Japan' s History
Jan 07, 2006 14:34
Hey I never said the companies are evil. If I ran a company I would of course do the same things that they do. Well, maybe try to have better quality on my stuff than Sony  . And I NEVER said he was a fanboy. The analog sticks weren' t just somewhat difficult to use, they broke! The stick was too thin so after extensive use it broke off. But I guess you can' t blame Nintendo since it was pretty much the first analog stick ever created.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 7 Jan 06 22:36:56 >
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: Nintendo DS fasting selling console in Japan' s History
Jan 07, 2006 15:01
Well DS Mariokart kicks the living S$£T outta my 360 racers " PGR3 / RR6" .. graphics dont mean much, when you have perfect gameplay.. DS is quickly becoming the best games console ive ever owned. I really hope Revolution goes the same way as DS, as im sick to death with the prettier updates of Ps2/xbox and soon 360/ps3 games .. Theres nothing more dull than to think of updates of games such as GTA and Halo but with better graphics but the same boring-tiresome control systems.. If anyone here thinks 360/PS3 will really bring new/fresh ideas to the games industry u will be disappointed. Thank god for Revolution. otherwise this next gen will be dull...
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 7 Jan 06 23:02:43 >
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RE: Nintendo DS fasting selling console in Japan' s History
Jan 07, 2006 15:05
I think there will be fresh things for the 360 and PS3 but maybe not as fresh as the Revolution games. But since the Revolution might have graphics comparable with the other two (I doubt it though), maybe we will get the best of two worlds from the Rev.
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RE: Nintendo DS fasting selling console in Japan' s History
Jan 07, 2006 15:14
yeah i mean if 85% or so of the people don' t even have HD Tv' s and the Rev will look pretty much on par with the other two being on a SDTV. The ony way for the PS3 and 360 will look cleaner and nicer is on a HDTV and like i said only 15% (or so not reeally what it is actually that is what i heard last time) in the USA and even fewer in Europe and other places barely have one.
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RE: Nintendo DS fasting selling console in Japan' s History
Jan 07, 2006 15:15
How common is the HDTV in Japan?
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: Nintendo DS fasting selling console in Japan' s History
Jan 07, 2006 15:27
If i am not mistaken we have the highest user base of HDTV with like 15-18 (i remember it was lower then 20) and japan is a little lower then us and Europe was still single digits last i heard and that was a couple months ago.
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RE: Nintendo DS fasting selling console in Japan' s History
Jan 08, 2006 15:11
in Europe HDTV base is veeeery low , in Japan it' s worse than in US where it is about 30% (or so I' ve heard) :) About fresh games - we really don' t need them that much - I' d rather have my games much more polished and with high production values like SC3, DQ8 , MGS , RE4,Zelda,Metroid,Outrun 2 ,Halo (Halo 1 ofcourse) etc. I hate it when those stupid guards from Splinter Cell act all crazy and show all the buggy object interaction or how Mrs Fisher sneaks on stairs - hehe that' s just lame. Some fresh ideas are cool but I' d love to see them implemented in huge epic games than short ones that haters will call Demos. :)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 8 Jan 06 23:17:02 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Nintendo DS fasting selling console in Japan' s History
Jan 08, 2006 15:14
It' s too early for both Sony and Microsoft to be pushing the HDTV thing. Granted PGR3 look absolutley amazing on a big widescreen HDTV but i have to use my 23" CRT instead to play in HD and i have a 32" SDTV, which is what my 360 is connected to at the moment.
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RE: Nintendo DS fasting selling console in Japan' s History
Jan 09, 2006 13:52
It definitely isn' t early for HDTV - those systems are going to be here at least till 2008 And in next year or two HD is going to be more and more common. Plus it' s always so fucked up when you have some fantastic equipement and it depends on other electronics to show it' s potential - like DD 5.1 decoder back in the days.It' s so fuckin cool to have that extra reward for having HDTV and to loose nothing when you have SDTV.
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