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Nintendo DS Evolution
Feb 25, 2006 05:09
Everybody loves the DS right? So everybody should be overjoyed about DS Lite right? Nintendo is alreadyhinting towards a third version of it' s brilliant handheld, so what do you guys think will change from the Lite? Nintendo DS Nintendo DS Lite Nintendo DS 3 concept
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RE: Nintendo DS Evolution
Feb 25, 2006 05:37
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 24 Feb 06 21:46:18 >
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RE: Nintendo DS Evolution
Feb 25, 2006 06:07
How about this: And this one: Pretty cool eh? I found a few like this before the DS Lite was announced.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 24 Feb 06 22:14:39 >
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RE: Nintendo DS Evolution
Feb 25, 2006 06:15
I like it! But what would you like added?! I' d like to have a wider top screen with 1st generation agmes having black borders. A much brighter screen too, much brighter than DS Lite...
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 24 Feb 06 22:20:42 >
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2003
RE: Nintendo DS Evolution
Feb 25, 2006 06:17
I prefer the top one myself. Makes me wish Nintendo actually put an analog stick on the DS.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 24 Feb 06 22:18:52 >
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RE: Nintendo DS Evolution
Feb 25, 2006 08:35
The DS Lite looks quite cool. Is it worth selling my current one now, and buying the DS Lite when its out? Hum. Decisions, decisions!
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- Location: Poland
RE: Nintendo DS Evolution
Feb 25, 2006 21:55
Nintendo is alreadyhinting towards a third version of it' s brilliant handheld, so what do you guys think will change from the Lite? Seriously ...who told you that? :) WOW some of those DS Lite Remakes are cool and so small to carry :)
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RE: Nintendo DS Evolution
Feb 26, 2006 00:13
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RE: Nintendo DS Evolution
Feb 26, 2006 00:43
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RE: Nintendo DS Evolution
Feb 26, 2006 02:42
Honestly, the DS Lite looks to be near as good as it gets. I don' t know why they want to improve it further. And all these concept pictures you guys have shown, they suck compared to the real deal.
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- Location: Poland
RE: Nintendo DS Evolution
Feb 26, 2006 20:06
I don' t think it' s improvement they have in mind - - they might do something that appeals to different audience - like GB micro - small and very comfrotable to take with you. It' what they always do - make nice variations of their hardware , and you can pick the one you want. Plus in 2-3 years from now , DS will get much cheaper , and that design could show some problems (yeah right :) ) - they could always improve on that.
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RE: Nintendo DS Evolution
Feb 26, 2006 22:13
Driving manufacturing costs and hardware size down is something that both SONY and NINTENDO do really well. Making a smaller unit like DS Lite will initially cost them a little more but once they' ve been on sale a few months it' ll cost them less than DS has been costing them. Personally i hope it evolves and they put more stuff in it while keeping it small! Gangsta previously mentioned a combination of DS and iPod. If that happened, and DS had music and video storage, i' d say PSP was doomed... Unfortunately i can' t see it happening, but i do expect the next iPod to have touchscreen Flash games.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Nintendo DS Evolution
Feb 27, 2006 02:50
The PSP doomed? You' re forgetting that the PSP actually has some really good games and that more are coming. It will never be doomed. It will probably sell less (sell is actually less backwards if you don' t mind the spelling  ) but it will never be doomed until Sony releases their next portable, if they ever will. The DS was a success because of its games and the PSP could stand up against the iPod and other media devices thanks to its games. As long as it' s a PlayStation, it will survive. I just want to say that I love my PSP. Great games, UMD movies, ripped movies, music, ebooks, photos, Internet browsing, online play, cool design, great price, fantastic screen, downloadable content (free game upgrades, free music, free videos, free wallpapers, free gametrailers and more), customizable themes and promising future game releases. Buy it now! The DS might get some upgrades and there will be other devices that can do everything the PSP can in the future, but who wants to wait? And those products will probably cost more than the PSP. Join the Sony family now and we will take care of you. Get new friends, experience the world, bring all kinds of entertainment everywere you go, and most importantly, do it today! And remember, your PSP will be much more when the PS3 is out. Now I' m just waiting for a paycheck from Sony  .
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 26 Feb 06 20:48:04 >
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RE: Nintendo DS Evolution
Feb 27, 2006 04:15
Well there are already rumours that Sony are working on a second version of the PSP, and depending on who you listen to it' s also possible that Sony could ditch UMD in favour of Flash Cards which would make definate sense. PSP could stand up against the iPod But if Apple released a touchscreen gaming iPod?! Buy it now! I have 2 already thanks. I also love PSP but i certainly think it' s beatable, especially if Apple get involved.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Nintendo DS Evolution
Feb 27, 2006 04:34
If Apple releases a touchscreen iPod it would compete more with the DS than the PSP. And they wouldn' t have any chance against Nintendo. Or the PSP. It' s all about the games and Nintendo and Sony are just to tough to be beaten by the likes of Apple. Microsoft has a chance but even they are having trouble. Besides, if Apple releases an iPod that plays games it will be in the future. The PSP is now and at the same time it is prepared for the future, the PS3. And when iPods device hits the market the PSP will have gathered a library of games so great that it won' t matter. Apple will never be able to compete with the 3rd party support Sony has and Sony makes their own great games. And the price of the PSP will be lower. I think that if Apple makes the kind of product of which you speak, it will be a good one. But it won' t be able to compete with Nintendo or Sony. So what if Sony ditches the UMDs? As long as they can provide me with high quality movies I don' t care how they do it. Ok, you have two PSPs. But do all your friends and family have PSPs? Think how happy they would be if they all had their own PSP! We should all unite with the Sony family and spread the PlayStation Joy!
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 26 Feb 06 21:34:48 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Nintendo DS Evolution
Feb 27, 2006 05:08
If Apple releases a touchscreen iPod it would compete more with the DS than the PSP. And they wouldn' t have any chance against Nintendo. Or the PSP. Rubbish. With iPod already having the same media capabilities as PSP, a touchscreen gaming iPod would sell through the roof. PSP won' t ever be as popular as iPod, ..ever. Apple have shifted more than 42 million iPods already so saying that Apple couldn' t get one over on Sony is stupid fanboyism! They sold nearly 20 million last year alone. It would be the perfect time for Apple to enter the handheld gaming market. Bear in mind that it' s speculated that Apple and Nintendo have worked together in secret for the past couple of years. Apple will never be able to compete with the 3rd party support Sony has I wouldn' t be so sure of that. With Apples vast current userbase i would say that IPod is 10x more marketable than PSP, ...especially when DS is outselling PSP worldwide. Ok, you have two PSPs. But do all your friends and family have PSPs? Think how happy they would be if they all had their own PSP! We should all unite with the Sony family and spread the PlayStation Joy! And you claim you' re not a fanboy?!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Nintendo DS Evolution
Feb 27, 2006 18:59
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on And you claim you' re not a fanboy?! Since it seems some of us aren' t familiar with something called sarcasm I will just end this discussion at once.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 27 Feb 06 11:00:11 >
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