The PSP doomed? You' re forgetting that the PSP actually has some really good games and that more are coming. It will never be doomed. It will probably sell less (sell is actually less backwards if you don' t mind the spelling

) but it will never be doomed until Sony releases their next portable, if they ever will.
The DS was a success because of its games and the PSP could stand up against the iPod and other media devices thanks to its games. As long as it' s a PlayStation, it will survive.
I just want to say that I love my PSP. Great games, UMD movies, ripped movies, music, ebooks, photos, Internet browsing, online play, cool design, great price, fantastic screen, downloadable content (free game upgrades, free music, free videos, free wallpapers, free gametrailers and more), customizable themes and promising future game releases. Buy it now! The DS might get some upgrades and there will be other devices that can do everything the PSP can in the future, but who wants to wait? And those products will probably cost more than the PSP. Join the Sony family now and we will take care of you. Get new friends, experience the world, bring all kinds of entertainment everywere you go, and most importantly, do it today! And remember, your PSP will be much more when the PS3 is out.
Now I' m just waiting for a paycheck from Sony

< Message edited by ginjirou -- 26 Feb 06 20:48:04 >