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News - Jack Thompson calls to dismantle ESRB
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News - Jack Thompson calls to dismantle ESRB
Aug 06, 2005 14:02
Jason Zeidan
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RE: News - Jack Thompson calls to dismantle ESRB
Aug 06, 2005 16:51
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RE: News - Jack Thompson calls to dismantle ESRB
Aug 06, 2005 16:54
The ESRB rating system is quite frankly pathetic and does need an overhaul. Games like GTA shouldn' t be played by children, and yet under the current rating system there is nothing to stop a 6 year old from buying an M rated game. Violent games should carry a legal age rating stopping them from being sold to minors.
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RE: News - Jack Thompson calls to dismantle ESRB
Aug 06, 2005 16:55
People are upset because you can see sex in the game with the secret hot coffee crack. But it' s ok that in the game you can shoot cops, run over people, and get hookers (just as long as you don' t see the sex) but they are all up in arms because you see them having sex with the crack/mod. They seem to care more about sex then they do about Violence. First of all this game is NOT for kids it says on the box 17 years of age and older and why does one year make a difference? MA= 17 years old and AO = 18 years and older. OOOOO one stupid year plus kids are resourceful they will find a way to get the games and making a big deal about it just makes it more appesing to kids to want to play it.
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RE: News - Jack Thompson calls to dismantle ESRB
Aug 06, 2005 17:08
Sorry but i think you are incorrect there are laws in certain states saying that if a retailer sells a am mature game to a minor they wil get fined. But i was saying that GTA says on the box 17 years and older this is not meant for kids. But kids are crafty and clever enough to find a way to get it. You remember when you wanted something you would find a way around it. plus like i just said why is violence more of an evil then sex? Sex is a natural part of life. it' s just because our country is such a prude and prissy we make a big deal about it and other countries don' t and we have a MUCH higher teen pregnancy then any other country in the world. If we just taught right from wrong this wouldn' t be a big deal. It' s all politics, some of th emost violent stuff on tv is from cartoons but no one makes a big deal about it like the road runner and coyote and tom and jerry it was nothing but violence. But if you were to show nudity all hell would break loose. It' s hypocritical. Like the grandmother who is trying to Sue Rockstar because she bought GTA for her 14 year grandson and claims she didn' t know it was for adults even though it SAYS IT ON THE BOX. I personally don' t care for the GTA series i think it' s boring. I played the first one and the second one and it was fun and funny for a bit but it got old fast. http://www.gamesarefun.com/news.php?newsid=5349
George Foreman
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RE: News - Jack Thompson calls to dismantle ESRB
Aug 06, 2005 17:10
Except most stores don' t sell AO games so they seem to be trying to discourage the developers from making violent games by insuring that the games will not sell well.
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RE: News - Jack Thompson calls to dismantle ESRB
Aug 06, 2005 17:14
yeah but that is why there is the thing called the internet which you can get alot more stuff and cheaper then in stores plus if the hype is big enough doesn' t matter if it has a XXX rating the game will sell. Also the reason is because there aren' t any or many AO games ESPECIALLY with like i said hype. GTA has LOTS OF hype and popularity all this talk just makes it sell better. Rockstar is getting free publicity. Same thing happene with Mortal Kombat and look how huge that got and is stil pretty big to spawn another movie which i read on gamespot. They are making MK3 the movie.
Joe Redifer
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RE: News - Jack Thompson calls to dismantle ESRB
Aug 06, 2005 18:19
Who the hell is Jack Thompson?
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RE: News - Jack Thompson calls to dismantle ESRB
Aug 06, 2005 19:05
that is my question as well.
Jason Zeidan
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RE: News - Jack Thompson calls to dismantle ESRB
Aug 06, 2005 20:32
I think government attorneys were eyeing GTASA for a while, and I believe the Hot Coffee crack was the last straw, you know, a real excuse to attack Rockstar. Well, good for them. Our beloved industry should seriously take a bath. At least getting rid of dirt like GTA:SA (and then Killer 7, hopefully) is a good start. Yay, GTA ban!!!
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RE: News - Jack Thompson calls to dismantle ESRB
Aug 06, 2005 22:30
Well, good for them. Our beloved industry should seriously take a bath. At least getting rid of dirt like GTA:SA (and then Killer 7, hopefully) is a good start. I hope you are being sarcastic.
Naked Snake
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RE: News - Jack Thompson calls to dismantle ESRB
Aug 07, 2005 07:14
Why the f*ck it has such impotent *ssholes in our world... ![](https://forum.kikizo.com/upfiles/smiley/s6.gif) f*ck them for being so stupid. If the game industry would look on such a thing, they wouldn' t sell anything. That man is the incarnation of stupidity. And for the record: Games like " Silent Hill" would scare much more like a comic designed game, no matter how sick it is.
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RE: News - Jack Thompson calls to dismantle ESRB
Aug 07, 2005 07:16
Our beloved industry should seriously take a bath. At least getting rid of dirt like GTA:SA you' re only pissed off because you aren' t old enough to play this game...
Mass X
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RE: News - Jack Thompson calls to dismantle ESRB
Aug 07, 2005 07:32
I dont get what the problem is. ESRB rate it M in the first place, how is it their fault if certain ppl are too lazy to take the few extra seconds to look at an ID or if yer a parent take that time to read why it has an M rating. Look at the rating on the back already: Mature 17+ -Blood and Gore -Intense Violence -Strong Language -Strong Sexual Content -Use of Drugs Now where on there are they hiding anything. If the ESRB were shown the hot coffee scene prior to release, would they have bothered to boost the ratign back then? I doubt it cause for some reason I think that falls under the ' Strong Sexual Content' part. What reason do they have to 1. Dismantle the ESRB and 2. Ban such games as GTA:SA? The only argument they use is that ppl will immitate such games, yet statistacally violence in youth has gone down to being the lowest ever. Prior to videogames (a very very long prior) ppl were much more violent. Whats their excuse then? Well I can tell Ima start going off subject so Ill cut it off now.
Jason Zeidan
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RE: News - Jack Thompson calls to dismantle ESRB
Aug 07, 2005 08:59
So true, I' m but 16 and can' t buy the game. But I played GTASA many times at my friend' s house, and I stand by my statement. I' m sorry, but I have to side with Thompson on this one. Except for going after Sims or something. Killer7 and GTA is enough. Clean this industry up, senators. It has nothing to do with my age, I was just always against violence in videogames. Mass X- seeing the ESRB rating on the back is the practical action to do, but even that doesn' t work now. So, you' re right, in some respects, the people are the ones to blame, not particularly the game. But it' s not working, people aren' t looking at the back. So senators are doing their best to make sure that parents will look at the ratings. Seeing a rare AO rating will definately turn some heads, or some game boxes.
< Message edited by Jason Zeidan -- 7 Aug 05 17:13:58 >
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RE: News - Jack Thompson calls to dismantle ESRB
Aug 07, 2005 10:05
This is not the fault of the ESRB like MASS x says it' s already on the box. Plus You don' t have to turn it over it says MA on the front Cover and says Mature 17+. If parents only said hey this is only a game this is fake and if you are mature enough to not repeat the stuff you see in this game it' s ok. But parents today don' t care because their kids are whinning and complaining and spoiled and get what ever they want and they weren' t taught what you should and shouldn' t do it corupts them. These games are meant for adults because people like me have been playing games since the old pong and atari 2600 days. I think it' s smart to fine companies who sell them to kids but you should not hold the ESRB and video games as a whole just becuase of a few idiots. This is the same crap that happened with MK they wanted it banned which in turn created the ESRB to rate games and tell parents what the game has and i think they have done a good job. Esrb does not control what the game has they are a non-partisan company that reviews the games and it' s up to the developer to let the ESRB know what the game has ( i saw a episode of Icons about the ESRB and it was a very interestign and informative show) there is no possible way the ESRB can look through every game looking for secret info because it' s upto the company to divulge it. The ESRB is not manditory companies do it because they want to and so that parents can see what the game has. It' s the same thing as the MPAA that rates movies. Also games like this are made because they are different then most and contraversial and they know will sell because alot of people like watching violence and stuff. GTA:SA is basically a X rated sims game. The more publicity it gets the more hype it creates and the more people especially kids want because if you tell a kid this is not for you it makes them want it even more (not all kids just most).
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RE: News - Jack Thompson calls to dismantle ESRB
Aug 07, 2005 12:27
I want to fight this lawyer. I want to beat the sh*t out of him and say, " GTA made me do it!"
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RE: News - Jack Thompson calls to dismantle ESRB
Aug 07, 2005 14:10
Here in the USA we have a little thing called the first amendment. Basically whatever you try to do to get games banned doesn' t matter, because of the first amendment. The government can not ban or put restrictions on video games. They tried to do the same thing with books, movies, and Rock n' Roll. All shot down by the courts as unconstitutional. http://www.locopuyo.com/videogamepolitics.aspx All it is is liberal politicians trying to show that they care about your children. It is the parents responsibility to take care of their children. Don' t give me that bs about being to busy, you are a parent, if you are too busy for your children you shouldn' t have them. And if you think a law would actually stop children from obtaining games you are pretty stupid. It would just be like underage drinking.
Jason Zeidan
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RE: News - Jack Thompson calls to dismantle ESRB
Aug 07, 2005 14:41
And if you think a law would actually stop children from obtaining games you are pretty stupid If that question was directed at me, then here' s my answer. I do think the law will sometime prohibit minors from playing them. Harsher law won' t let kids buy the games, but I think taking it to the next level, like banning a game, or making video game standards for developers (for instance, there must be a limit for the amount of gush in a game) will do it. This ban of GTA, and the investigation of Killer 7 is but the beginning of many actions that will take place. I just want this industry cleaned up. I want it to be restored to the days that made it so amazing.
< Message edited by Jason Zeidan -- 7 Aug 05 22:42:07 >
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RE: News - Jack Thompson calls to dismantle ESRB
Aug 07, 2005 14:52
It isn' t banned, walmart and other stores won' t sell it because it is rated Adults Only by the ESRB. This is a choice the stores make themselves, not the government. Anyone can still buy it legally at other retailers. And I don' t really see why everyone is making this such a huge deal. I don' t think most of these people understand that you can download modifications for pretty much any PC game and get nudity and sexual content. If you just buy san andreas straight up you will not see any of the " hot coffee" content. The only way you can access that is by downloading a user made patch. So downloading the user made patch is pretty much the same thing as going to an Adult Only web site and downloading porn.
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