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New Red Steel Pic
Jul 06, 2006 14:04
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RE: New Red Steel Pic
Jul 06, 2006 19:29
I don' t like shooting games where all you can see is a hand...but I think again it' s aqll down to how people react to the new controller. On a side note that guy looks such a tit you' d think he was holding a gun or something....
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RE: New Red Steel Pic
Jul 06, 2006 22:33
There' s a samurai game here in UK (Trocadero if anyone knows it). It' s kinda like the nintendo Wii in the sense that what you do with the sword is represented on screen. It gets a bit boring after a while because you end up just moving the rubbery sword like a madman.
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RE: New Red Steel Pic
Jul 06, 2006 23:13
Funnily enough I was gonna mention the similarities but ...couldn' t remember the name of the game and yr right it does get boring after a while cos it feels like a half assed attempt to games of its genre.
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RE: New Red Steel Pic
Jul 06, 2006 23:20
Yea, I know the one too, but I can' t remember the name either. I thought it got boring because it just didn' t work properly. Hit detection was off, there was a bit of delay between you and the on screen sword, and there was no feedback. So maybe if Red Steel gets those things right, it' d be fun.
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RE: New Red Steel Pic
Jul 06, 2006 23:22
That' s one thing I am afraid of the most, whether the Wii controller will have staying power? I reckon it will be great for the first few months, but what they said about Smash Brothers, when they said keep your gamecube controllers, thats good, but tells me that Nintendo aren' t too confident about using the Wii controller for some of their games. As far as it stands, the Wii controller is the only different thing. The SSB guy said that they didn' t want to alienate their SSB fans by bringing in a new control scheme. Where' s the confidence Nintendo? I believe you can do it.
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RE: New Red Steel Pic
Jul 06, 2006 23:24
ORIGINAL: choupolo Yea, I know the one too, but I can' t remember the name either. I thought it got boring because it just didn' t work properly. Hit detection was off, there was a bit of delay between you and the on screen sword, and there was no feedback. So maybe if Red Steel gets those things right, it' d be fun. You had to stand in a certain area for the sword to work, if you went too far forward, the sensor messed up, and if you went too far back, the sword didn' t move. The Wii has the one up because it has a analogue stick. Was it me, or did the guy demonstrating Twighlight Princess seem REALLY uncomfortable? He looked like he was cramping up..
< Message edited by Tiz -- 6 Jul 06 15:26:54 >
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RE: New Red Steel Pic
Jul 06, 2006 23:29
Well minus the wii controller all you have is a nintendo system thats not really that much of a ' ' pushing the boundaries' ' console but guess we' ll se what happens. By the way tiz did you mean you' re worried about if the motion detector things would have trouble detecting later on?.
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RE: New Red Steel Pic
Jul 06, 2006 23:33
The graphics tends to have xbox' ish look but with a much better lightning system.
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RE: New Red Steel Pic
Jul 06, 2006 23:35
Not that, but I know developers don' t really think when it comes to games. Like, a lot of people LOVE Sonic Wildfire... I think it looks cack. It looks like it will be fun for 5 seconds, tilting left and right etc. Sonic is all about speed! Wildfire looked too raily as well. Red Steel looks good, but again, how long before everyone gets bored? I' m saying this because Samba De Amigo is a game I love. But when people played it and were surprised by how easy it was to use all it got out of them was: " Wow this is brilliant! Love it!" Not.. " Where can I get this from???!" I don' t want Wii to be a Friday Night console... after liver damage.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: New Red Steel Pic
Jul 06, 2006 23:42
I look at the sonic wildfire game as a bit of a joke considering what sonic is about but i' m more worried like you said how long wii games are gonna maintain their likeability for...oh and yea the guy that was playing with the controller looked kinda uncomfortable/ trying to make it cool but maybe it' s down to being used to the traditional controls...
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RE: New Red Steel Pic
Jul 06, 2006 23:52
Feeding Frenzy is SO much fun BTW. Only played the trial version though. People say Wii is gonna have that Virtual Games console thing, but, you can just use emulators with the USB 360 controller for free. The guy playing Zelda: TP did look uncomfortable, I feel sorry for the WarHawk guy, he was rushed to hospital IMMEDIATELY after he made the demonstration. The thing is, if Wii creates a stand alone controller, that defeats the purpose of the Wii' s playability... It then becomes another console with weaker graphics, it also shows no confidence in their own creation.
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RE: New Red Steel Pic
Jul 07, 2006 00:00
ORIGINAL: Tiz Feeding Frenzy is SO much fun BTW. Only played the trial version though. I played the demo version and got hooked on it so much I had to get it ...with the nintendo controller thing I think a lot of people might end up getting the add on extention but that' s just my opinion.
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RE: New Red Steel Pic
Jul 07, 2006 06:16
I think you' ll see what everyone who got a DS saw - there' s no turning back once you' ve experienced it. Now ask yourselves if you have a DS and you' ll know if you' re openminded enough to enjoy the revolution :)
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RE: New Red Steel Pic
Jul 07, 2006 06:32
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RE: New Red Steel Pic
Jul 07, 2006 08:03
What the f*** is up with this thread? I' m seeing some people are losing their faith in the Wii. Sad. I' ll let my Nintendo fanboyism kick in to convince you how great the Wii is... The Wii will be great, there' s no doubt about it. Every person who have played it says it' s great. Read Kikizo, IGN, gamespot, they all love it. There are some minor problems in a few games but they are easily corrected. Don' t worry about the sensor bar. It works fine without any problems at all. Now, I' ve heard some of you think you' ll get bored with the Wii (Tiz  )... What the f*** is wrong with you? Did you get bored with the shoulderbuttons? Did you get bored with the analog stick? Did you get bored with the rumble feature? Did you get bored with 3D graphics? Hell no! And you' re not getting bored with the Wii-mote, that' s just how it is. Sonic Wild Fire is a railgame? And Red Steel is going to get boring? Well HELLO, every Sonic game is basically a damn rail game but this time we' ll have a better camera system and a cooler controller. What says Red Steel is any more boring than any other FPS? Hell, I think that it will last longer than CoD3 (same war shit as it' s always been) or that retared PS3 FPS. Metroid Prime is also a FPP game. Metroid Prime is boring? HUh!?!?You' ll get bored with that huh? Huh? Talk to me motherf*****! Oh, and I suppose you want to play those crappy simulation racers Gran Turismo or Forza motorsport with only updated textures instead of playing Excite Truck with the Wii-mote? Huh?!?! You think Zelda is uncomfortable? Just because that guy was a f****** retard when playing it? Well screw you then! Since you think the Wii will get boring I' m assuming you got bored with the DS too huh? Huh!? I guess you looooove the PSP and enjoy every second of it, don' t you Sony lover? Sony whore! And I guess you hate the Dual Screens? The Microphone? The Touch-screen? Did you get bored with New Super Mario bros? SuperMario 64? Huh!?!? DID YOU!?!? ANSWER ME DAMNIT!!! If you talk shit about the Wii I' ll make sure you end up dead you hear me BOY!!!!!
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 7 Jul 06 0:08:08 >
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RE: New Red Steel Pic
Jul 07, 2006 08:13
Ginjirou isn' t happy.
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RE: New Red Steel Pic
Jul 07, 2006 08:25
*Thinks before he is forced to pull out his gun and shoot Ginjirou*  I love the Wii, and it' s a good idea, but all I am saying is I hope it doesn' t get boring and they have faith in their product. I don' t want Nintendo to say about all their games that: " We thought of ways to use the controller, but thought we should keep to the conventional control style." WTF???!!!! If they don' t wanna use their controller for most games and figure out a good system for games like brawl, then the Wii becomes another console with worse graphics. Don' t mistake my gripe with potential laziness in Nintendo with a graphics debate.. I couldn' t care less (a bit) about graphics. I think you' ll see what everyone who got a DS saw - there' s no turning back once you' ve experienced it. Now ask yourselves if you have a DS and you' ll know if you' re openminded enough to enjoy the revolution :) The DS is perfect, I have no problems with it... they haven' t said they may consider other methods of control other than the touch screen. Nintendo' s track record since 64 hasn' t exactly been rosy when it comes to home consoles. I' m all for Wii though Ginj. Even more up for a Wii60 combo. Nintendo just need to show more confidence! But it may just be a few titles, as long as the main body of nintendo pulls through I am ok!
< Message edited by Tiz -- 7 Jul 06 0:27:29 >
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RE: New Red Steel Pic
Jul 07, 2006 08:33
WTF!?!?! You' re either 100% with us, or you' re against us! So you think they should use the Wii-mote all out in every damn game HUH!?! Is that what you want punk?!!?! Well excuuuuuuuuuse meeeeeeeee Mister but isn' t the d-pad still used in many current-gen games? Even though we have analog sticks? Huh!? What' s that Tiz? It is still used? Well there you see!!!!! You don' t have to give up old ideas in some cases just because you have something new!!! You want to play a fighting game with an analog stick? A shooter with an analog stick? No, and so they' ve kept the d-pad!!!!!! So here' s the thing, do you want to play a fighting game like SSB with the Wii-mote? Hell no! It just won' t be as fun as playing with a normal controller. Did all the DS games use the touch-screen or the Dual screens or the Microphone to their fullest!? No they didn' t!!!!!!!! Maybe in your damn head they did but not in real life!!!! Because some games just don' t need two screens or microphones or touch-screens. But they' re great games anyway. I' m not expecting nor do I want every Wii title to use the Wii-mote as the main control method. That' s retarded. Fils-Aime said they do things different not for the sake of making things different, but for making things better. That means you can' t force the new stuff on everything. Damn you to hell TIz!!!!!!! DAMN YOU TO HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 7 Jul 06 0:35:53 >
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RE: New Red Steel Pic
Jul 07, 2006 08:35
lol tiz is clearly insane. Ginjour when do you buy your 360 so we camn play?
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