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 N3 scored 31/40 in Famitsu
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N3 scored 31/40 in Famitsu - Apr 12, 2006 23:09

They had 4 people review it three ppl gaved it 8/10 and one gaved it 7/10.
Well,seeing how MS gonna re-launch 360 with a bundle with N3 this wasn' t the best news,however im sure the game is better then a freaking 7/10....

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RE: N3 scored 31/40 in Famitsu - Apr 12, 2006 23:18
is 7/10 bad? since when did a review score lower than 8 be condsidered poor?, 5 is the average, 7 is above average. It is a good game. Just not a Fantastic one.

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RE: N3 scored 31/40 in Famitsu - Apr 13, 2006 02:33
Wait, I wanna know one crucial thing... Has famitsu reviewed Oblivion? Because if
they gave it a low score.... The entire japanese population has been knocked
up by someone sinister... Not that marking 40 out of 40 ever made sense...
I will wait for my 10 out of 10 english review thank you very much... Isnt Dynasty
Warriors like a bad/worse game, but doesnt that sell loads?

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RE: N3 scored 31/40 in Famitsu - Apr 13, 2006 03:13
8/10 means it' s good, nearing great but with some flaws.

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RE: N3 scored 31/40 in Famitsu - Apr 13, 2006 04:57
IF they gave Oblivion 40/40 it would be a serious problem.Industry should not encourage people to release titles with bugs , slowdowns and other issues.

But it definitely deserves some props - I think most reviews on IGN , gamespot are pretty fair.

I hate Oblivion for one thing - they had a brand new next gen system and game runs better on high-end PC (check movies on - they proove how 360 version is inferior)

and any game below 8 is a waste of time (but for some people a game that got 7 is 9 - so it depends on your own rating)

If I play a game and feel it' s 8/10 (for me) - I don' t play it more than 1h.
There are too many great games out there to waste time on some shit.

By the way OKAMI got 39/40 in famitsu - no big surprise here give us the english version !!!

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RE: N3 scored 31/40 in Famitsu - Apr 13, 2006 06:54
Well famitsu is a strange magazine,kingdom hearts and ff12 both got 40/40 which means all 4 reviewers got it full jackpot...they are so fucking bias toward S-E thats its disgusting,and everyone knows im the biggest FF fan here(even though i hated ff10).

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RE: N3 scored 31/40 in Famitsu - Apr 13, 2006 06:58

I hate Oblivion for one thing - they had a brand new next gen system and game runs better on high-end PC (check movies on - they proove how 360 version is inferior)

...totally, TOTALLY inexcusable....

...this is the kind of half-@$$ crap that my poor ex-box suffered with, and it REALLY makes my blood boil....

...i swear this better not be the norm again.... cause i WILL send out death threats....
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 12 Apr 06 22:59:47 >

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RE: N3 scored 31/40 in Famitsu - Apr 13, 2006 07:17

IF they gave Oblivion 40/40 it would be a serious problem.Industry should not encourage people to release titles with bugs , slowdowns and other issues.

i' m playing oblivion now on my pc and sdly there some bugs that i thought it would not exist since the otehr Gen, but they' re still here, NPC behaving wiredly getting stuck in front of a wall, or jumping in the air or just poping up ... this is a PC syndrome and it' s very rare on the console world, specialy games developed by Jap.

I hate Oblivion for one thing - they had a brand new next gen system and game runs better on high-end PC (check movies on - they proove how 360 version is inferior)

and i believe this is a shame, obviously xbox360 lack ram in coparaison to PC 1gig, but still didn' t xbox run half life 2 with 64mb ram (i think), can you run half life 2 on your pc with 64mb, you wish... heck i don' t think it will even launch.

By the way OKAMI got 39/40 in famitsu - no big surprise here give us the english version !!!

you made my day thanks, i was a bit worried cus famitsu sometime make crazy review, kingdom heart and vagrant story 40/40 are they kidding me???

and i think any game below 7 is a waste of time, and i only play a game that get that score if it' s a franchise i love (castlevania, suikoden) and so i don' t wanna miss it specialy for the story.
game that got 8? hmm yeah sometimes but there is a high chance that i won' t beat it.

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RE: N3 scored 31/40 in Famitsu - Apr 13, 2006 07:21
I like to remind people,and especially kakashi that i was worried about how japanese people take it,i mean we know how fucking biased those reviewers are,have you ever seen one of those 4 speaking agains the others? to any square-enix game?

I wouldn' t trust them,or take any advice from them,however this bundle may not sell well in japan thanks to these people now.
Thats why i made the thread.

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RE: N3 scored 31/40 in Famitsu - Apr 13, 2006 07:29
well okami is capcom
okami is supposed to be an excellent game
now may be they hyped it up, but i guess it' ll remains a very good game at the least... that' s why i was happy.

hey comes to think about it ... vargrant story is square enix as well... and that game it' s faaaar from 40/40, it' s rediciulous and i mean farr, i remember it got on my favortie magasine back at the time 89% , the equivalent of 7/10... when i played the game, i was amazed by the presentation the was in 3d, amazing graphics , but when the game begun ....

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RE: N3 scored 31/40 in Famitsu - Apr 13, 2006 07:42
And i also remember how much they suck up in every pre FF interview,even saluted Sakaguchis FF movie.

They are bias.!!

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RE: N3 scored 31/40 in Famitsu - Apr 13, 2006 07:45

this is a PC syndrome and it' s very rare on the console world, specialy games developed by Jap.

Amen to that ...

89% is more like 8,9/10 :)

I also loved the presentation of Vagrant story but did not finish it - I intend to do so soon (I won' t judge a title by 10 min of playtime)

We keep flaming famitsu guys yet our own reviewers are much worse - Jade Empire IGN 9.9 - what the fuck is this? Gamespot Shenmue - 5,4 (no comment) ...and so on.

the 40/40 score is saying one thing - 4 people found that game to be perfect.It looks like a big chance for me or you to like it just as much.

If it' s 37/10 (say 8 9 10 10) it means that some were more into it than others - it really is a great system.

Square Enix makes RPGs and Japan is all about JRPGs so it' s not so surprising really.

I love FF as much as you do (and yeah I hate FF10 as well) and I' m not surprised to see any square-made game with high scores in reviews.

I think that Okami could be the game of the year (2006) - it' s more next gen than any 360 game released so far.
< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 12 Apr 06 23:47:17 >

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RE: N3 scored 31/40 in Famitsu - Apr 13, 2006 07:45
Actually, 89% is the equivalent of 8.9 out of 10...

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RE: N3 scored 31/40 in Famitsu - Apr 13, 2006 07:54
8/10 is a great score,but most of the time 8/10 isn' t 8/10 as you all know :(

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RE: N3 scored 31/40 in Famitsu - Apr 13, 2006 08:09
people goodam it i know math do i have to underline evry signle detail so you won' t think i' m " extremely stupid" ??, i' m just saying that their 89% is like 7/10 on ign, in that magazine (console +), games that get 89% are so so, as tekken tag tornament, it got 89%, see i read so many reveiws from that mag ( loong long time ago)and i know what i' m saying , it is defintly not 8.9/10 (if IGN is the reference)... i mean we all should should choose a reference right??

about IGN and their reviews, sometimes it get soo ridiculous, GTA san andreas 9.9 ??? houhahahahahha
jade empire 9.9??? was the rviewer drunk or something ...

if jade empire really deserves 9.9

then it should have fantastic graphics for xbox, graphics that you would almost think next gen (as in chaos theory)
fantastic story
and fantastic music
a lot and lot of new ideas that blow your mind

to sum up, if you like the type of any game that got 9.9, say you love RPG' s, and you played Jade empire and you could not even finish it because you think it doesn' t deserve much time... then it defintly doesn' t deserve 9.9.

if he doesn' t seduce you from the very first hour (and that' s already too much) or if you get bored then those are enough prove for the game to not deserve a 9.9. simple.

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RE: N3 scored 31/40 in Famitsu - Apr 13, 2006 08:11
Here is the diffrence,one guy gaved it 9.9,these famitsu guys all gaved it 10/10. to their games.

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RE: N3 scored 31/40 in Famitsu - Apr 13, 2006 08:12
Well the Demo I played of Okami - despite its age, was very good though my lack of japanese understanding got me stuck... But heck I was happy just running around and cutting trees in half. I can' t wait for the english release of the game.

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RE: N3 scored 31/40 in Famitsu - Apr 13, 2006 08:17

8/10 is a great score,but most of the time 8/10 isn' t 8/10 as you all know :(

that' s right, they say 8/10 is great, but most of the time i won' t call a game getting that score " great game" , so usualy i get interested in games that got 9/10, if one of my love franchises get 8, i get really disapointed ... suikoden , castlevania , damn you konami , damn you japanese , YOU ARE NOT THE WAY YOU WERE.

just take the exedmple of castlevania, how dare from konami to release a game that look horrible, and i mean horrible, extrely repetitive hallways, emptiness , this is castlevania and there is no fourniture, no impressive effects .. how could they do that ?? how could they allow themselve to do that to a well known franchise... are they stupid or ust doing it on purpose, let alone the major problems of camera and shit... i' m almost finishing it cus it has an awesom gameplay, it' s addictive to upgrade your character, but the game has the potentiel to be extremly great.

i think the real castlevania this gen is devil may cry series, don' t you all think that?? if only they could mix, give the awesome music and upgrades and weapons (a la rpg) to devil may cry. hmmm symphony of the night where are u...
Terry Bogard

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RE: N3 scored 31/40 in Famitsu - Apr 13, 2006 09:09

By the way OKAMI got 39/40 in famitsu - no big surprise here give us the english version !!!

AND a DS version!!

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RE: N3 scored 31/40 in Famitsu - Apr 13, 2006 09:20
But if its in right genre and made by dev uou like or previous dev get it!!!

I even loved bs3 :)
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