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Most Anticipated Game for the Holiday Season!
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Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Dec 04, 2004
Most Anticipated Game for the Holiday Season!
Dec 04, 2004 16:45
Hey, I' m new btw.. many from VIP or Gamerweb knew me as Dante... That was taken.. so here I am with my other alias... ANYHOW... Halo 2 was up there as the most anticipated game, but the more I see KOTOR II, I get psyched up and hyped about it. What about you?
Winner! JUL 2004
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Most Anticipated Game for the Holiday Season!
Dec 04, 2004 18:30
As of right now it' s KOTOR II for me.
Winner! AUG 2004
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RE: Most Anticipated Game for the Holiday Season!
Dec 04, 2004 18:36
For me, I am eagerly awaiting Mech Assault 2.
Winner! JUL 2004
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Most Anticipated Game for the Holiday Season!
Dec 04, 2004 18:41
I like what I' m seeing from it but I' m going to hold off until after I rent the game. The biggest problem with the original for me was the online play. I never understood how so many people could love to play that game. I would get so frustrated playing that game online. I' m pretty good at most games like that. Literally, 90% of the time I was playing I would wear someone down and be getting ready to finish them off and have someone from my team across the map spray a machine gun blast, taking the kill. So freaking annoying!!! Not to mention that playing deathmatch and team deathmatch gets old fast. If they have gotten rid of that cheap, easy way to steal kills then I might buy it. If not then I' ll be spending most of my time perfecting my Halo 2 plasma pistol skills.
Ninja Dog
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RE: Most Anticipated Game for the Holiday Season!
Dec 04, 2004 20:42
I would have to say World of Warcraft (WoW) is the most anticipated game of the season. " World of Warcraft Shatters Records Within its first day of release, World of Warcraft sold more than 240,000 copies -- the highest day-one total in PC game history. See the full press release to learn more about World of Warcraft' s launch-day achievements. World of Warcraft Selling Out in Stores Nationwide In just one day, World of Warcraft sold through an estimated 250,000 copies to players. Over 200,000 accounts have already been created, and peak concurrency across all active game servers has been above 100,000. See the full media alert here to read more about Blizzard' s epic first day of World of Warcraft! The alert also contains details about Blizzard’s plans to steadily increase server capacity and make more copies of the game available to stores in the coming weeks." see here for more info
< Message edited by Alley_Hater -- 12/3/2004 8:45:08 PM >
Kikizo Staff
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RE: Most Anticipated Game for the Holiday Season!
Dec 04, 2004 21:01
Well, it was GTA: SA, but that' s already out. Then it was GT 4, but that got delayed. So right now, I guess it' s Splinter Cell 3, if it' s still on track for this month.
Terry Bogard
Kikizo Staff
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RE: Most Anticipated Game for the Holiday Season!
Dec 04, 2004 23:58
Ridge Racers (PSP) Chaos Field (Dreamcast shooter being released on December 16)
Winner! NOV 2004
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RE: Most Anticipated Game for the Holiday Season!
Dec 05, 2004 00:08
There' s not much left hitting the UK before christmas. All the game I would be looking foward to don' t get here till March next year. Metal Gear Solid 3, Splinter Cell 3 and KOTOR II mainly. The last game I' ll probably get in 2004 is Prince of Persia: Warrior Within.
Chicken Wing
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Nov 30, 2004
RE: Most Anticipated Game for the Holiday Season!
Dec 08, 2004 16:59
In my opinion its KOTOR II, now that Halo 2 and Snake Eater is out.
Winner! JAN 2005
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Most Anticipated Game for the Holiday Season!
Dec 08, 2004 17:09
I' m actually anxious for a few RTS games. The only one to come out before christmas is Battle for Middle earth, and I think I' ll be picking that up for multiplayer fun with my wife, cousins, and inlaws. I' m waiting eagerly for EE 2, and Settlers:Heritage of kings. Although from what I' ve seen, they destroyed the style of settlers, and I was part of the minority that loved the overly complex economy management of those games.
Mass X
Winner! APR 2004
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RE: Most Anticipated Game for the Holiday Season!
Dec 08, 2004 17:48
I thought Splinter Cell 3 got delayed too early next year. Ne how being impatient to wait for games, I' ve already picked up the thigns I wanted. However, I guess I could ask for my xbox live to be renewed. So for my it would have to be Live then.
Winner! JUL 2004
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Most Anticipated Game for the Holiday Season!
Dec 08, 2004 22:05
Being on Xbox Live is pretty awesome right now. There are so many people playing Halo 2, and soon we' ll have even more quality games. I can' t wait until I get Ghost Recon 2 as well.
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