Views: 2054 | Replies: 10 Dec 28, 2004 10:08
I want to know what game deserves the video game of the year title, San Andreas or Halo 2. I own both and I love each one for different reasons because they are, if you haven' t noticed, completely different. But I' m still not sure which one should be t
Views: 2623 | Replies: 19 Dec 08, 2004 06:40
What is the greatest RPG EVER?
Views: 2847 | Replies: 22 Dec 09, 2004 02:29
I want everybody who reads this to give me their opinion on which is the better console far as hardware, games, design, and anything else you can think of.
Views: 1795 | Replies: 6 Dec 08, 2004 05:39
Jak 3 or Rachet and Clank:Up Your Arsenal. I just want your opinion on which would be the better buy.
Views: 1965 | Replies: 13 Dec 08, 2004 04:35
What is your favorite First-Person-Shooter on any platform.