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Microsoft Zune to cost $249 this November 14th
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RE: Microsoft to release ipod rival ' Zune' this winter
Sep 16, 2006 19:35
in that case this screen is pointless cause those Zune players that are about to come out won' t play videos.
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RE: Microsoft to release ipod rival ' Zune' this winter
Sep 16, 2006 22:40
It does play videos. They show the Zune being used in the teamxbox trailer and they have a video playing. They put the 3 inch screen on there specifically to make things easier to look at. That was my problem with the iPod video, it' s screen was way to small for movies. The Zune' s screen makes watching a movie much easier on the eyes.
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RE: Microsoft to release ipod rival ' Zune' this winter
Sep 16, 2006 23:51
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ in that case this screen is pointless cause those Zune players that are about to come out won' t play videos. Where have you seen that genius?.
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RE: Microsoft to release ipod rival ' Zune' this winter
Sep 17, 2006 00:01
it' s official - first Zune players won' t support video.It shouldn' t be hard to find since it' s no secret.
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RE: Microsoft to release ipod rival ' Zune' this winter
Sep 17, 2006 00:15
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ it' s official - first Zune players won' t support video.It shouldn' t be hard to find since it' s no secret. Thanks genius.
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RE: Microsoft to release ipod rival ' Zune' this winter
Sep 17, 2006 00:53
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RE: Microsoft to release ipod rival ' Zune' this winter
Sep 17, 2006 01:36
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RE: Microsoft to release ipod rival ' Zune' this winter
Sep 17, 2006 01:48
That' s wierd. They showed the video function in the video so I don' t see why they are holding off on it.
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RE: Microsoft to release ipod rival ' Zune' this winter
Sep 17, 2006 01:54
ORIGINAL: Rampage99 That' s wierd. They showed the video function in the video so I don' t see why they are holding off on it. Iv' e seen every illustration on the blogs iv' e visited running music and other vidoes on them so I dunno. And have asked the guys at zune insider (or something like it) if the first ones will have video and they think it' s a stupid question. I' m a little confused nw.
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RE: Microsoft to release ipod rival ' Zune' this winter
Sep 17, 2006 02:54
If you look at THIS page from TeamXbox, it has some videos that will give you an idea (looks about the same as an iPod. Go figure!) ...thanx man... ...y' know, it looks like a pretty decent product from that vid.. ...and the larger screen could be draw to some consumers... ...too bad the newest Ipods pwan it in just about every department though... ...how well do y' all think Zune will do against Sony' s personal music players?... ...i' m right in assuming that Sony have the second largest market share in this sector right?...
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RE: Microsoft to release ipod rival ' Zune' this winter
Sep 17, 2006 03:05
ORIGINAL: Bishonen If you look at THIS page from TeamXbox, it has some videos that will give you an idea (looks about the same as an iPod. Go figure!) ...thanx man... ...y' know, it looks like a pretty decent product from that vid.. ...and the larger screen could be draw to some consumers... ...too bad the newest Ipods pwan it in just about every department though... ...how well do y' all think Zune will do against Sony' s personal music players?... ...i' m right in assuming that Sony have the second largest market share in this sector right?... You know what I find really strange is toshiba has teamed up with both microsoft and sony on risky projects. I don' t think zune will dent ipods market share at least not much as they do own something like 80% is it?, so it makes it easier for it to take a piece of the left over kinda like the xbox in gaming we all knew there was no way the new boy would be able to topple the master first time round. I don' t know how much of the market share sony occupies but as people seem to be making ipod relations then it might take away focus from the rest and comparisions to the kings might be a good thing for them. Also does anyone know what the finishing is?.
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RE: Microsoft to release ipod rival ' Zune' this winter
Sep 17, 2006 03:32
This thread should be in the " Everything Else" forum.
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RE: Microsoft to release ipod rival ' Zune' this winter
Sep 17, 2006 08:05
...maybe, maybe not.... ...Zune is brought to us by the same team as x360, is rumoured to be compatible with xboxlive and is likely to appeal strongly to about 95% of users here.... ...i' d say it just about scrapes through...  ...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 17 Sep 06 0:08:39 >
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RE: Microsoft to release ipod rival ' Zune' this winter
Sep 17, 2006 08:20
Well then I searched up " Will Zune Play Video?" and what came up was basically a list of contradiction. One site says no the next says yes and it actually alternates back and forth for the most part. I may get one depending on the price to space ratio. However, since this is the first in a family of projects I may just wait it out to see what comes later.
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RE: Microsoft to release ipod rival ' Zune' this winter
Sep 17, 2006 19:15
Maybe those first players won' t support video playback from day one , but will have some firmware update later - I don' t know.
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RE: Microsoft to release ipod rival ' Zune' this winter
Sep 17, 2006 22:58
That could be. I just think it' s wierd that they have a Zune in their demonstration playing videos but then wouldn' t offer videos. It' s obvious that it can do it since they' ve shown it.
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RE: Microsoft to release ipod rival ' Zune' this winter
Sep 17, 2006 23:11
The only reason I can think of is that they want to have their online video distribution ready first. When we talk about it' s design , we forget the biggest Apple advantage over every competitor.Click Wheel - this silly fuckin thing has turned iPod into a mainstream product - everyone can use it and it' s actually fun to use. It' s also very intuitive. iTunes is the easiest way to buy music now and it has built in reviews , info and stuff about all albums. MS is a long way from dominating this market.The funny thing is , they will fight Sony too.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 17 Sep 06 15:22:34 >
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RE: Microsoft to release ipod rival ' Zune' this winter
Sep 19, 2006 13:12
iTunes reminds me of Java. Every iteration of the software becomes more bloated and resource consuming than the last. Eventually it gets to the point where the software is useless. Apple should have the iTunes programmers shot for letting iTunes (v7) become the monster that it is. Back to Ephpod for me.
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RE: Microsoft to release ipod rival ' Zune' this winter
Sep 19, 2006 14:05
I noticed the newest itunes itsn' t as good as the last version. It' s no where near as stable and it causes all my tracks to skip slightly at random points. Stuff like this never happened with my last version. I' m tempted to downgrade it back to what I was using before.
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RE: Microsoft to release ipod rival ' Zune' this winter
Sep 19, 2006 17:23
I love new view options and it was 100% stable for me, but I didn' t use it a lot.
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