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Mgs4 to xbox360! trust me ;)
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Mgs4 to xbox360! trust me ;)
Jul 11, 2007 04:45
Head operator of NA and EU said this today. " Since Metal Gear Solid was born for the PlayStation, we would like to keep it a PlayStation game," Kitaue said. " But we might have to take some steps." " He also added. " I don' t expect a substantial impact...With $500, you can buy a personal computer." Now we already heard other Konami developer saying,even if its not exclusive it was dev with a ps3 in mind and now this,and all other jap developer choosing 360 like VF5,DMC4 and RE5. Its pretty much 100% confirmed at this point. Sure sony might pay Konami to pretend its still exclusive this e3 as they did with Ubi soft with assassins creed but its lost. Just face it. Mgs4 to 360-
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 10 Jul 07 20:45:49 >
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RE: Mgs4 to xbox360! trust me ;)
Jul 11, 2007 04:55
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RE: Mgs4 to xbox360! trust me ;)
Jul 11, 2007 05:01
The question is if it will be out as a " substance" (vr shit missions included) or at the same time,.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Mgs4 to xbox360! trust me ;)
Jul 11, 2007 05:02
You know, even if it does come it will still be a timed exculsive. If Sony loose this, All they have Left is FF13. Personally I hope they dont but as long as its on track to coming out on ps3, I dont really care.
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Mgs4 to xbox360! trust me ;)
Jul 11, 2007 05:02
Head operator of NA and EU said this today. " Since Metal Gear Solid was born for the PlayStation, we would like to keep it a PlayStation game," Kitaue said. " But we might have to take some steps." " He also added. " I don' t expect a substantial impact...With $500, you can buy a personal computer." Now we already heard other Konami developer saying,even if its not exclusive it was dev with a ps3 in mind and now this,and all other jap developer choosing 360 like VF5,DMC4 and RE5. Its pretty much 100% confirmed at this point. Sure sony might pay Konami to pretend its still exclusive this e3 as they did with Ubi soft with assassins creed but its lost. Just face it. Mgs4 to 360- Who are you actually Aiming this at? It' s sounds like your reassuring yourself
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RE: Mgs4 to xbox360! trust me ;)
Jul 11, 2007 05:05
I don' t get all the hype. I wish they' d release a book/5 hour movie, I' ve always found the Splinter Cell gameplay to be much more involving.
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RE: Mgs4 to xbox360! trust me ;)
Jul 11, 2007 05:08
Hideo would never let go of his baby like that. He' s been threatening to leave the MGS scene for years now & he' s never done it. I couldn' t blame him for not wanting to let somebody screw up his brainchild.
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RE: Mgs4 to xbox360! trust me ;)
Jul 11, 2007 05:09
MGS2 was out for the xbox.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Mgs4 to xbox360! trust me ;)
Jul 11, 2007 05:10
I hope it stays exclusive to PS3.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Mgs4 to xbox360! trust me ;)
Jul 11, 2007 05:13
MGS2 was out for the xbox. and it sold poorly, they said they wouldnt do it again, in fact it ran worse than the ps2 version, much like resi4 for the ps2. I am not saying that will happen but I say Konami is pressuring Kojima to make it 360. But theyre forgeting most people who bought ps3 will buy it. Of course it will sell like hot cakes on 360, ...why do hot cakes sell so fast anyway?? hope it stays exclusive to PS3. Really? why?, Dont you want to play it on the 360?
< Message edited by Silentbomber -- 10 Jul 07 21:15:28 >
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RE: Mgs4 to xbox360! trust me ;)
Jul 11, 2007 05:16
Because MGS is a flagship title for Sony. They can' t afford to lose it like this. I don' t have a PS3 yet, & I want them to keep it exclusive. MGS2 was out for the xbox. I was talking about a really bad MGS book or something like that. I know he' s had to let other people touch the license occasionally.
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RE: Mgs4 to xbox360! trust me ;)
Jul 11, 2007 05:19
Mark me saying yeah right as of today.
Gaiden BLACK
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RE: Mgs4 to xbox360! trust me ;)
Jul 11, 2007 05:23
ORIGINAL: mikayd2 Mark me saying yeah right as of today. I second that
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RE: Mgs4 to xbox360! trust me ;)
Jul 11, 2007 05:23
ORIGINAL: mikayd2 Mark me saying yeah right as of today. Marked. If it does happen, Mikayd2 (where the hell is the first MikayD then?) Owes us drinks... That being said, does it really matter if it comes out for 360? Granted it will be a better overall game if it stayed on PS3 rather than having to conform to the " limitations" of the 360. Meh, Splinter Cell V: Conviction looks more exciting anyway.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Mgs4 to xbox360! trust me ;)
Jul 11, 2007 05:48
Really? why?, Dont you want to play it on the 360? No, I want to play it on PS3. In general, I don' t want the PS3 to fail. I don' t like the idea of MS being the absalute leader in console gaming. Especially without Sony. If Sony looses exclusivity on MGS4, they' re fucked.
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RE: Mgs4 to xbox360! trust me ;)
Jul 11, 2007 07:02
mark me down as ' if it does go over to 360 it will be a timed exculsive on ps3' 100%. But I still dont want it to.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Mgs4 to xbox360! trust me ;)
Jul 11, 2007 07:05
Id be happy with it going to the 100, because i can push off buying a PS3 for atleast one more year. Its up the ICO team to convince me!
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RE: Mgs4 to xbox360! trust me ;)
Jul 11, 2007 07:46
and it sold poorly So will MGS4 do too if it stays on ps3. Just look at the biggest titles for each plattform at it best they sell to 1/4 of its people. Now with the ps3 installbae  ??
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Mgs4 to xbox360! trust me ;)
Jul 11, 2007 08:09
No, I want to play it on PS3. In general, I don' t want the PS3 to fail. I don' t like the idea of MS being the absalute leader in console gaming. Especially without Sony. If Sony looses exclusivity on MGS4, they' re ***ed I second that. I just don' t want them to be as dominant as they were in the previous 2 generations.
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RE: Mgs4 to xbox360! trust me ;)
Jul 11, 2007 08:53
rather than having to conform to the " limitations" of the 360. yeah, those damn limitations like bigger textures and more video memory
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