Head operator of NA and EU said this today.
" Since Metal Gear Solid was born for the PlayStation, we would like to keep it a PlayStation game," Kitaue said. " But we might have to take some steps." "
He also added.
" I don' t expect a substantial impact...With $500, you can buy a personal computer."
Now we already heard other Konami developer saying,even if its not exclusive it was dev with a ps3 in mind and now this,and all other jap developer choosing 360 like VF5,DMC4 and RE5.
Its pretty much 100% confirmed at this point.
Sure sony might pay Konami to pretend its still exclusive this e3 as they did with Ubi soft with assassins creed but its lost.
Just face it.
Mgs4 to 360-
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 10 Jul 07 20:45:49 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.