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 Mgs Movie... Confirmed!
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Mgs Movie... Confirmed! - May 03, 2006 02:29

In a recent broadcast of Hide-chan Radio, an announcement was made on a new movie. The movie would be based on the MGS franchise, something most Snake fans will love to hear.

Today this announcement was confirmed by Hideo Kojima, a name that should sound quite familiar to most of the Metal Gear fans. He is the man behind the entire Metal Gear Solid series.

Now the question remains, will this movie be as much of a disaster as past movies based on games were, or will this one be a real block buster. We all remain in doubt but let' s hope for the best!


No! i hope this isnt touched by anybody, other than Hideo Kojima himself!, snake wont be the same without the voice, the plot was be intact, but how much ' libertys' will be taken?

But since Silent Hill was an excellant film and the huge success it has at the box office,Komani would make A mgs movie sooner, or later. I just hope it turns out well.

I hope to god it does.


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RE: Mgs Movie... Confirmed! - May 03, 2006 02:54
Kojimas NEEDS to direct it. The cutscenes in the MGS games are far cooler than most blockbuster action films.

This needs to be kept well away from Uwe Boll who actually claimed a while ago that it was being made and he was directing it.

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RE: Mgs Movie... Confirmed! - May 03, 2006 05:05
apparently, the director of ' old-boy' was approached about it. However he declined.

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RE: Mgs Movie... Confirmed! - May 03, 2006 05:24
Why the hell are they making a movie based on a game that' s practically a movie by itself? Just play the games and you have a full feature movie. And I doubt any " real" movies can top those.

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RE: Mgs Movie... Confirmed! - May 03, 2006 05:29
Haha, this is laughable. Exactly, why make a movie of a game that even Kojima admits rips off elements entirely from other movies.

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RE: Mgs Movie... Confirmed! - May 03, 2006 06:44
It' s the second most stupid thing int the world - the first one is " books based on movies that are based on books" :)

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RE: Mgs Movie... Confirmed! - May 03, 2006 08:36
Dear sweet baby Jesus floatin' down the river in a smokin' birchbark canoe! To really pull this off right, they' ll need the right actors. I hope they don' t end up casting someone like Tom Hanks as Snake, or even worse, Eddie Murphy as Ocelot. I just hope they don' t re-re-redo the original Metal Gear Solid plot again.

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RE: Mgs Movie... Confirmed! - May 05, 2006 05:52
I think thats Bingo, Gold Leader.

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RE: Mgs Movie... Confirmed! - May 05, 2006 18:54
The options are fairly limited really. They can just make a ' Metal Gear' movie, or they can make a ' Metal Gear Solid' movie which would obviouly be about Snake.

I think putting Snake in the movie would be a bad idea. The voice and look or whatever would all be wrong unless it was a CG movie.

They can' t really use the story or characters from MGS2 or MGS3 because it would end up like a comicbook adaption with pathetic special effects, imortals and vampires.

They could easily remake the original Metal Gear Solid because it' s more like Bond or Mission impossible than the others, and would probably make for a great adaption.

I think that whatever they do, it' ll be done badly like the DoA movie.

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RE: Mgs Movie... Confirmed! - May 05, 2006 20:19
I think they' ll come up with an original story for this one.
Snake and a couple of other characters will probably appear in the movie but I doubt the main character will be one of the existing characters.

  • Total Posts : 4673
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RE: Mgs Movie... Confirmed! - May 06, 2006 03:23
I am pretty sure they are re doing the orginal ps1 mgs.

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