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Virtua fighter 5
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Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 07:32
The second game by Nintendo Power Magazine (the other was RE4) to score a: 10/10 Scan: Lets see how the IGN review fairs... (should be any time soon)
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 07:39
I don' t see how it could fail. This is the game (alog with Galaxy) that will force the rest of us who haven' t been interested in Wii because of the poor software lineup, to finally buy one.
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 07:45
I don' t see how it could fail. This is the game (alog with Galaxy) that will force the rest of us who haven' t been interested in Wii because of the poor software lineup, to finally buy one. I agree for the most part. The only thing that is going to stop me from buying one this year is that between my 360 and ps3 I will already have too many games to play. I can see myself owning one by february or march though.
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RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 07:55
ORIGINAL: Dagashi I don' t see how it could fail. This is the game (alog with Galaxy) that will force the rest of us who haven' t been interested in Wii because of the poor software lineup, to finally buy one. I agree for the most part. The only thing that is going to stop me from buying one this year is that between my 360 and ps3 I will already have too many games to play. I can see myself owning one by february or march though. I know what you mean. I like getting my games on their release dates (i don' t know why) and there are loads between now and the New Year. I' ve also got to factor in time for online play in games like Halo 3 and UTIII so yeah, it could actually be a couple of months into 08 before i pick a Wii. I do really want Ghost Squad too though...
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 07:59
This game will get 10/10 from everysite because its one of the Nintendos dear game,and the critics will never ever dare to offend them.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 08:16
The only thing i would pick a wii up for is super mario Galaxy and maybe smash brothers. Not before it goes under 200 and has some other decent games. Syaing SMG looks great, apart from all that Alasing! yuck!
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 08:17
Actually, MP3 was not a certain Pleaser.. Taking a highly rated / respected game like Metroid Prime (known to be an FP Adventure and giving it totally new game mechanics is a risk .. It could easily turn against them and not feel like a Prime game atall. Mario Galaxy is also a risk, bringing totally new mechanics / elements which have never been done before into a premier mario game, is not something your every-day developer would love to have as a task. This game will get 10/10 from everysite because its one of the Nintendos dear game,and the critics will never ever dare to offend them. I think we all know why most Nintendo games are on average highly rated..
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 08:33
Halo is also a game that can never fail in reviews because of its status. FF13 and MGS4 too. Some games always gets easy off the press. Im not saying FF12,Halo2 and Mgs3 wasn' t fantastic,but even if they were not they would still got good score because these sites would basically have said to its reader your console is not good enough.
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RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 11:27
Metroid Prime is the third highest rated game ever, tied with BioShock, at gamerankings.com so the franchise have been pretty f***ing outstanding. If you then imagine that the Wii-mote adds precision aiming and that this is the biggest Metroid of all time a super high rating shouldn' t be very surprising. Here' s a quote from brittish gaming site Kikizo: " According to data aggregation site GameRankings.com, BioShock is tied in third place with Metroid Prime on the GameCube on the list of top ranked games of all time, behind only Soul Calibur for the Dreamcast and Nintendo 64 classic Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time." Metroid Prime owns!
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 14:54
But how can it score 10 when its running on old gen hardware Now it' s not meant as straight as that, but it does hold some degree of truth to it. With the Wii you now have to judge game by what the hardware is capable of when judging graphics and the likes, and not judge against what the standard of the time is!
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 18:08
Do you compare the graphics of PSP or DS games to graphics in 360 or PS3 games? No you don' t, because they are completely different kinds of consoles. Same goes for the Wii. Sure it' s a home console just like the other two but Nintendo has been clear with their marketing and what it is: It offers different control method, it' s cheap and it sacrifices next-gen graphics to be more appealing to non-gamers and more cost efficient. You may like it or dislike it, but the fact of the matter is that any game on the Wii can' t be compared to games on other next-gen consoles simply because the main purpose of the Wii is different. You are free to directly compare the entertainment value of the consoles of course, but in terms of specific game reviews Wii games can' t be reviewed side-by-side to 360 or PS3 games. Motorbikes and cars both run on the street. But you don' t compare them directly with each other when reviewing them, simply because they are two different approaches to vehicular mobilisation. Same things goes for Wii. It' s a different approach to videogaming and as such reviews must be based on the consoles capabilities as well as what it' s marketed as. And if we follow your example, then any game on any console ever (except for the first launch titles) should get really low scores because PC' s will always be years ahead in terms of graphics. But console games still get high scores regarding graphics simply because you have to base the score on the consoles capabilities and purpose. The purpose of consoles isn' t to produce the best graphics in years to come. And the purpose of the Wii isn' t to take the step into HD-gaming. Oh, by the way, graphics are more than just textures and particle effects. Art design comes a long way and the art in Metroid Prime is simply one of the best in the industry, securing a 10/10 by itself 
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 27 Aug 07 10:18:10 >
Joe Redifer
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RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 18:20
I didn' t care too much for Metroid Prime 1 and 2. However I loved the DS version due to its awesome and fun control. I am thinking I might like this one since it clearly offers a nicer control scheme which could make the game much more fun. Should I take the plunge? I am incapable of making the decision for myself and will rely on the trusted world of internet forums to decide for me.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 19:26
Hold on this cant be Joe. Joe doesnt like anything new. Give us our old TuroboGfx16 Joe!
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RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 20:31
IGN did a double video review with Matt and Bozon. Gave the game a 9.5/10, an editors choice and say it' s a must buy. So anyone who had doubts about Metroid here' s another good review. They didn' t find anything bad about the game. The only downside seemed to be the loading times a bit.
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RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 20:34
Wait a minute... loading times? Metroid prime isn' t supposed to have loading times
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RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 20:40
Well it' s the same thing as before. Hiding loading times with having to wait with doors opening. You should be used to that as a Metroid player. The doors and it not having such a huge impact as the first prime did were the only bad things they could come up with. So it' s a certainly a must buy. We rated the original Metroid Prime a 9.8 on GameCube and had Corruption been the first game in the series it' d have been worthy of the same score. As it stands, Samus Aran' s latest adventure is a spectacular must-own experience and one of Wii' s defining games. Stop reading and buy it.
< Message edited by demonoroth -- 27 Aug 07 12:53:55 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 20:50
Lets laugh at Ginjrou who started up the console vs pc debate again. LAUGH AT HIM. Btw Ginjrou how do you explain that a console which were half the system req specc for a pc could run a game like Doom3? Because its been optimized? yes ofc,NG for ex still had some edges over other pc games when it came out until this day,sure now with UE3 on its way and bioshock is out it lose big time. But certain consoles games can look way better then most pc games for a long while. I LAUGH AT GINJROU+METROID PRIME. ps! im off to play Blue dragon. And btw 95/100 for a wii game is equal to 70/10 for a xbox360 game. And BD score 7/10 is equal to 10/10 for any ps RPG because the media hates xbox.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 21:12
And btw 95/100 for a wii game is equal to 70/10 for a xbox360 game. But how can it score 10 when its running on old gen hardware These made me laff.. only on this forum..
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 21:22
Let' s laugh at Quez who likes low scoring crap games for kids or retards, like Blue Dragon and ninety-nine Nights.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 21:24
If i were to review Flashback now i' d still give it 10/10.
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