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Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!!
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!!
Jul 13, 2006 22:12
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!!
Jul 13, 2006 22:22
Im up for some GRAW,i can host ;) Has 8mb internet connection. Btw Mass effect looked insane,as i said,its the best looking gameplay video i seen so far. When you see shepard close up talking its look even better then crysis.
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!!
Jul 13, 2006 22:23
So GRAW tonight or this afternnon? Now?
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!!
Jul 13, 2006 22:25
I could play GRAW now,i always win at so...
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!!
Jul 14, 2006 04:40
...i just downloaded the video off 1up, and i am pretty impressed.... ...this is defiantly more like it, and i hope that other western 360 developers will follow bioware' s lead in attempting to push the boundaries... ...i really, really, like the character models, i think they' re bada$$!.. ....if there are any criticisms though, first would be the frame-rate, which looked quite poor during the combat based sections of the video... ...second would be the backgrounds... ...or rather the lack of them... ...look at the walls, ground, floor and general environmental details during the bar scene... ..a bit ' no frills' isn' t it?... ...it' s like they used up all the available polygons on rendering the characters and forgot about the environments or something.... ...still, this game has a while to go right?... ...hopefully the finished article will iron out those issues... ...or am i being picky?...
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!!
Jul 14, 2006 04:43
ORIGINAL: Bishonen ...i just downloaded the video off 1up, and i am pretty impressed.... ...this is defiantly more like it, and i hope that other western 360 developers will follow bioware' s lead in attempting to push the boundaries... ...i really, really, like the character models, i think they' re bada$$!.. ....if there are any criticisms though, first would be the frame-rate, which looked quite poor during the combat based sections of the video... ...second would be the backgrounds... ...or rather the lack of them... ...look at the walls, ground, floor and general environmental details during the bar scene... ..a bit ' no frills' isn' t it?... ...it' s like they used up all the available polygons on rendering the characters and forgot about the environments or something.... ...still, this game has a while to go right?... ...hopefully the finished article will iron out those issues... ...or am i being picky?... You' re being very picky!!!!!!!   How dare you judge a game before it comes out, why can' t you follow suit like the rest of Kikizo and only slate PS3 games?!!! Even though they aren' t coming out for ages.... Damn you Bish... Sorry Bish, just out of curiosity... Where do your tastes sway in terms of the next gen console race?
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!!
Jul 14, 2006 05:13
...yea.. ....i do have this perfectionist thing going... ...that' s probably why i don' t buy half as many titles as most people... ...i tend to stick with the gaming visionaries and ignore the rest.... Sorry Bish, just out of curiosity... Where do your tastes sway in terms of the next gen console race ...i' m primarily a GAMER, who makes his buying decisions purely on games that appeal to me personally as a GAMER.... ...i have absolutely NO loyalty to any maker of gaming consoles whatsoever... ...my loyalties reside with Developers and Developers only... ...as quality gaming experiences will remain my number 1 reason for buying a gaming system.... .....i intend on getting both a 360 (Team Ninja, Bungie) and a PS3 (Kojima Productions, Square-eninx)... .....Nintendo don' t cater to my tastes normally, so i' m currently totally uninterested in the wii...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 13 Jul 06 21:15:56 >
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!!
Jul 14, 2006 05:16
Bishonen ever heard of Bioware? They have even better avg ration in terms of score on their rpg' s then square.enix. ABout the frame-rate...last dev stage is optimizing the game code. Also when i think about the future,i think about clean enviorment,i mean in terms of houses,bars,spacestations,i dont think there is 100000 junk lying all over the floor or at diffrent walls. And no,i didn' t write so in a attempt to defend what you think lacked details,cause i think they had a lot of them. Like on the casino,or at the abandon space station with the robots. Btw about why Oblivion run at 20 fps on the best pc they could find at bethsead,not because that pc sucked,at e3.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 13 Jul 06 21:21:31 >
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!!
Jul 14, 2006 05:21
.....i intend on getting both a 360 (Team Ninja, Bungie) and a PS3 (Kojima Productions, Square-eninx)... I take it you' re getting DOAX2 then? 360 has most of my gaming needs catered for, and more interesting IP than PS3. So I am generally swayed to the 360, but 90% of that loyalty is down to Ninja Gaiden 2. If it was coming to PS3, there would be certain shelved loyalties and new unchartered territory to discover and become acquainted with.
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!!
Jul 14, 2006 05:52
I take it you' re getting DOAX2 then? HELL YEAH!!! 360 has most of my gaming needs catered for, and more interesting IP than PS3. ...there' s defiantly a selection of very good looking games scheduled to be released on the 360, which if you had an ex-box like me, you will be ecstatic about (because beside Team Ninja & Bungie, there wasn' t a whole lot else worth spending cash on) ..but i expect PS3 to release some pretty awesome games too... ..i think it' s far too early to believe the ' Sony are doomed' crap because it not even out yet!... .....wait a year after PS3' s release, look at the IP currently available, sales and what' s on the horizon etc, and then make your decision.... ...like now with 360...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 13 Jul 06 21:58:02 >
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!!
Jul 14, 2006 05:55
Here is the problem,Ps3 charge you basically 200$ more for their console,for me in EUrope they charge us 300 dollar more bvut enough about that. They ask you to work hard to be able to afford it. now why must i work hard and pay a lot more money for something that is specc wise with 360? What kind of titles is so special? Remember ps1 started from nothing to stealing Dragon quest and Final Fanatsy from nintendo. Sony has nothing that makes ps3 woorth buying for atm. if you' re a huge sick mgs4 fan who think watching a movie is worth 900 dollar.
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!!
Jul 14, 2006 06:01
They have even better avg ration in terms of score on their rpg' s then square.enix. Oh God here we go again :)
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!!
Jul 14, 2006 06:02
Hmm. Here' s what I think PS3 MAY possibly offer. MGS4: I only like watching MGS, I' d rather play Splinter Cell. FFXIII: Another game I' d rather watch. Urm... Yeh, I suppose I am gonna have to wait and see what else the PS3 has to offer... i think it' s far to early to believe the ' Sony are doomed' crap because it not even out yet!... I don' t believe they are doomed, just haven' t tied their laces at the start of the race. I do strongly believe the PS3 is going to mop the floor with the other 2, it' s corporate identity is too strong, and there are loads of people that would much rather purchase a Sony product. Take for example this: When 360 was being rolled out to all its respective stores, I managed to have a try on PGR3, which was great, it was my first taste of HD gaming on NextGen. There was such a big crowd behind me, I was like... WOW, does it look that good? Then, the CHAV couldn' t bear but say " Ain' t the PS3 meant to be better?" Everyone was like, " oh yeah" . Then left. Just the rumour of PS3 is enough to stop other consoles selling, fortunately for M$ their pockets are lined with the green stuff, where as Sega thought the public would just buy into their reputation. If M$ didn' t have the money to market, I think they would have gone the way of the DC.
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!!
Jul 14, 2006 06:46
Oh God here we go again :) You have anything against the best western rpg makers? Buy Dragon age for PC next year,its being made by bioware also,.
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!!
Jul 14, 2006 20:07
The only reason why I believe Mass Effect can be as fun as it looks is that Bioware (good - not great developer) has merged with great developers from pandemic studios. :) If I' m to point at the best western RPG makers I' d go with Blizzard/Bethesda Blizzard is the only PC dev that makes ultra high quality games with extraordinary presentation and production values.It' s also very rare for Blizz to release games as unpolished as Kotor(ending cut-scene was so bad, that it was hilarious) or Oblivion.
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!!
Jul 14, 2006 20:14
Gangsta didn' t like Jade Empire.
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!!
Jul 14, 2006 20:49
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on Gangsta didn' t like Jade Empire. Well... The characters sucked, and it was too short, on the plus side, the story was a complete flip around if not cliched, but they pulled it off well. And by FAR has one of the best battle systems I have ever experienced.. When I have Kids, I' m gonna watch Tom and Jerry with them..
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!!
Jul 15, 2006 06:41
I couldn' t stop playing until 12 h (I thought it' s the best game ever :) ) - then battles became to simple and easy - just a stupid rutine, some silly RPG schemes and stupid loadings in the arena ...this game was great for the first 10 h, but it was mediocre in overall.The story wasn' t interesting - not even a bit.But it was a great start and they can build upon that in Mass Effect with Pandemic (mercenaries - awesome/ Full Spectrum Warrior - awesome)
Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!!
Jul 15, 2006 07:44
The only reason why I believe Mass Effect can be as fun as it looks is that Bioware (good - not great developer) has merged with great developers from pandemic studios. What makes Pandemic a great developer? Bioware' s track record beats anything pandemic can dish up with! and further more, what makes Blizzard a good rpg game maker? WoW dont count, and diable, well its not a " real" rpg
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!!
Jul 15, 2006 08:04
Why Wow doesn' t count? cause you say so? If it weren' t for diablo , bioguys would never make baldurs gate.Diablo started it all. What makes developers great? Great games. The level of polish in mercenaries comparing to other games with comparing freedom was amazing. Bioware - I don' t care if you love them so much, they are a bunch of guys with nice vision and good execution - however far from quality that mercenaries or any game by blizzard ever was. Baldurs Gate 1 is their bigest hit to date - the one game that really made difference.I know you think that no game can match KOTOR or Jade - that' s your opinion and that' s fine with me. I' d rather play Grandia 3 for it' s battle system alone than finish jade empire (like I said I loved this game for the first 12 h - but that' s it).
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 15 Jul 06 0:05:29 >
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