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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
Jul 26, 2006 06:06
The screen below is from the extended E32006 trailer and is the only time we see Snake in a shot that resembles the gameplay from previous games. We know for definate that the entire trailer was rendered " in-engine" but is likely to have a shi*load of post processing effects that won' t be present during gameplay. However, whilst i stand by my previous comments about all MGS games looking far nicer during cutscenes than during gameplay and while i don' t think MGS4 will be an exception to that, i think is definately possible... ... Since we don' t know what kind of camera perspective Kojima will use it makes it hard to get an idea of what the game will be like when you' re playing it. Still, if it DID look something like that, would you be impressed?!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
Jul 26, 2006 06:16
Fukking traitor. Go and play some wii with gangsta biatch
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- Joined: Jul 09, 2006
Jul 26, 2006 06:48
Since we don' t know what kind of camera perspective Kojima will use I' m not 100% sure, but I think I heard somewhere or another, that the game was going to use the same camera method as that of Subsistance.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
Jul 26, 2006 07:17
its going to be 3rd person like subsistance, possibley with a top down perspective added in too. New trailer is going to shown in August, isnt that fantastic news!?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
Jul 26, 2006 07:19
ORIGINAL: Silentbomber New trailer is going to shown in August, isnt that fantastic news!? Think they' ll show gameplay?!
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
Jul 26, 2006 07:27
no way, in fact i hope they wont, Mgs is all about story. I love story. Its not an impossibleity though. But when MGS4 is ready to be played, thats when they will show some gameplay footage, expect that at TGS.
Naked Snake
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- Joined: Jul 21, 2005
Jul 26, 2006 07:30
In short, mgs4 is a masterpeace. It' s kinda hard to believe that the serie is finished... I' m confused.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
Jul 26, 2006 07:45
ORIGINAL: Silentbomber no way, in fact i hope they wont, Mgs is all about story. I love story. Its not an impossibleity though. But when MGS4 is ready to be played, thats when they will show some gameplay footage, expect that at TGS. No. I don' t expect to see gameplay unil E32007. It' s supposedly going to be released next year and all of the other entries have had their gameplay seen first at the E3 in their respective year of release.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
Jul 26, 2006 09:48
I' m not 100% sure, but I think I heard somewhere or another, that the game was going to use the same camera method as that of Subsistance. You' ll have both the Splinter Cell-Esque camera, and the traditional fixed-point camera in MGS4, I' ve read it in magazines, and it' s on Wikipedia, but I can' t find a freakin confirmable link. It' d be nice to see gameplay in some form at TGS, but I' m hoping they' ll hold back the big guns till E3. I want to be completely blown away by the demo. Edit: I was watching the e3 trailer again, and if you look at the L' s in the Metal Gear Solid: 4 end title, upside down, they look like sevens. three sevens... 7/7/07. Maybe I' m reading a little too deep, but it' d make sense, It' s the 20th anniversary of the Metal Gear release right? Here' s hoping.
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 26 Jul 06 1:53:36 >
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
Jul 26, 2006 14:58
man im so looking foward to play this game, its totally gonna rock the world, in this MGS we will see everything we love about the series upgraded like the octo-cam, the CQC, the new camera, the videos and everything we (fans and haters) didnt like fixed for instance, the healing sistem will become just cutscenes, octocam takes just a couple of seconds to activate, and u wont have to hunt an animal to feed but there will be an stamina meter. About the gameplay i belive its been understimated, its so awesome and deep, in MGS3 if u count all the weapons, camos and items u have like 200 diferent ways to interact whit your enviroment, besides the gameplay images used to look worst than the cutscenes because of the camera, but whit the new improved camera the hole game will look soooo cool, dont take my word for it, just go buy MGS3: Subsistance.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
Jul 27, 2006 01:21
and u wont have to hunt an animal to feed but there will be an stamina meter. Really? Interesting, where did you hear that? I thought Kojima was doing away with the stamina bar. (minus hanging/climbing and that sort of thing) besides the gameplay images used to look worst than the cutscenes because of the camera You think so? Sure, gameplay most likely won' t look any better than FMV' s and CGI, but I don' t think it' s because of the camera. I always thought that gameplay looked better with the fixed-cinematic style camera. The 3D camera is a great addition, and is good for stuff like sniper battles and vehicle missions, but when it comes to confined spaces or using cover, you can' t beat the original.
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 26 Jul 06 17:27:02 >
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
Jul 27, 2006 03:54
yeah u wont have to hunt down ur food, my guess is that u will be able to recover ur stamina other way, like in the TGS trailer when snake takes that shot in the neck, well is just a wild guess. The camera has a lot to do whit the way the game looks, i cant belive MGS3: SE and subsistance are the same game, whit the subsistance camera the game looks wayyyyyyyyy better, i think we will see the best of MGS series this time whit MGS4
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
Jul 27, 2006 05:13
Edit: I was watching the e3 trailer again, and if you look at the L' s in the Metal Gear Solid: 4 end title, upside down, they look like sevens. three sevens... 7/7/07. Maybe I' m reading a little too deep, but it' d make sense, It' s the 20th anniversary of the Metal Gear release right? Here' s hoping. I love crazy theories like that. I love it even more when such theories actually turn out to be correct.
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
Jul 27, 2006 05:31
whilst i stand by my previous comments about all MGS games looking far nicer during cutscenes than during gameplay and while i don' t think MGS4 will be an exception to that, i think is definately possible... But you can' t say that you felt downgraded visuals when you were actually playing - for me it was a totally seamless transition , so the difference in detail isn' t THAT big. I wonder if this new MGS will be the best game ever made - that trailer sure shows something that could be the best game ever , but that' s just a trailer.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
Jul 27, 2006 05:34
Best game ever made? You do realise this is MGS? Wake up please. This is not a Sakaguchi-blue dragon rpg that we are talking about.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
Jul 27, 2006 05:46
But you can' t say that you felt downgraded visuals when you were actually playing - for me it was a totally seamless transition , so the difference in detail isn' t THAT big. Cutscene Gameplay Now what are you talking about?
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
Jul 27, 2006 05:46
You' ll have both the Splinter Cell-Esque camera, and the traditional fixed-point camera in MGS4, I' ve read it in magazines, and it' s on Wikipedia, but I can' t find a freakin confirmable link. It' s only natural that since Subsistence utilized both the classic Birds-eye view camera and a new 3rd person view camera that Metal Gear Solid 4 would utilize both.. What would be funny would be if Konami later released an Metal Gear Solid 4: Subsistence with a first person view mode where you can run and shoot, for half the price ;)
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
Jul 27, 2006 05:51
Yes,majik has already told us how Gears of war and MGs4 would get down graded when it was gameplay,so far gow has slightly been that,and still look amazing.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
Jul 27, 2006 06:00
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL Yes,majik has already told us how Gears of war and MGs4 would get down graded when it was gameplay,so far gow has slightly been that,and still look amazing. Unfortunately for Sony that RSX sucks muchos ass and that Japanese developers don' t like shader heavy games. MGS cutscenes ALWAYS look FAR nicer than gameplay. What we' ve seen so far of MGS4 is gorgeous looking in-engine scripted videos where there is no AI or player input to worry about, very minimal physics to handle and tons of post processing effects added. Just like all MGS cutscenes. Gameplay will look nice, that' s undoubtable, but the gameplay won' t look as nice as the cutscenes. run and shoot    Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh!!!11!!!  
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
Jul 27, 2006 06:03
Majik,don' t forget that Kojima himself has admit he would rather want to do movies the games,you can see that in MGS2,but lets be honest,as long as he have a bisexuell vampire as a warrior working for some russians,he can forget his movie dreams.
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