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LittleBigPlanet delayed due to Quran quotes
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Re:LittleBigPlanet delayed due to Quran quotes
Oct 21, 2008 16:39
If there was a God i would be able to have the Olsen twins. At the same time.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
Re:LittleBigPlanet delayed due to Quran quotes
Oct 21, 2008 18:30
Agent, lets remember here that no-one actually told Sony to do this, Muslims didn't get offended and riot the streets - this time. This was Sony's own internal decision, albeit arising only because of past history eg the teddy bear or the danish cartoon. I'm not angry with muslims on this It's Sony that I have a beef with. They overreacted. I just found it incredibly stupid. It's like compound stupidity. I'm over it anyways. Fable is putting me in a good mood, Fable 2 and SUSHI. I may even buy LBP afterall. I think cause and effect if left to its own devices, probably would not have led to where we are now. To me, its like imagining the chances a car with no driver (and no futuristic GPS autopilot!) will drive forward making all the necessary turns in order for it to drive from California to New York by itself. Sure there is an outside chance if the same process was attemted for millions of years - but its just improbable. When considering how incredibly intricate and complicated even a fly or an ant is, or when you've studied the human body with all the intricate systems that keep us alive - I just can't believe its purely down to random cause and effect over millions of years. Sure theres an outside chance, but the number of single improbable events that needed to happen to get to where we are, I just wonder what the actual figure would be - 10 to the power x? Cause and effect includes everything. Even with a god he would have to fit into cause and effect. I hope we can at least agree on this much. Nothing is truly random. Things can be practically unpredictable, that's not the same thing as random. The idea of cause and effect is only saying that things don't happen without a cause. Things don't pop out of nowhere. The Universe is mathematical, every variable adds to one solution. Everything is predictable with enough data. Which of course is impossible. The amount of data it takes just to predict the folding of proteins would blow your mind. With 10 000 computers, in order to predict one nanosecond of a protein folding it would take 30 years. That's just one atom in the Universe worth of data it would take in order to fully understand cause and effect. Even if Randomness did exist, it would still have fixed effects. The complexity of life is explained fully with evolution. It's a complete theory, science has our backs on this one. Things don't randomly change. They're called mutations. Maybe chemicals, radiation or something damages DNA. Most of the time DNA can fix itself during the gestation period. However sometimes DNA does not repair itself correctly and the our DNA changes. That's a mutation. Everyone is born with mutations. New DNA that neither parent has. Many weird conditions and diseases are mutations that stayed in the gene pool. I'm sure you already know this. Sometimes a mutation is beneficial to survival or the act of breeding and thus becomes more popular. As for how you things become increasingly more complex even outside of life. I like the Chaos theory. Obviously this doesn't explain the origin of life. Imo neither does the idea of a creator. All it does is extend to question of how did we get here to how did god get here. It's like a bad joke. If there was a God i would be able to have the Olsen twins. At the same time. That wouldn't be fair for the twins.
<message edited by Agent Ghost on Oct 21, 2008 18:32>
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
Re:LittleBigPlanet delayed due to Quran quotes
Oct 21, 2008 18:49
DR evil, Mohammed (dedicaced to VX and the likes) Fact 1: Mohamed is an analphabet , doesn't write doesn't read. Fact 2: The revelation of the curan begun when he was 40 year old. (notice the age) Fact 3: history shows that mohamed was a very respected man, trusty and extremely loyal. How is this relevant? I don't care about Mr. M. Maybe he was a great guy maybe is he was just a really happy pedophile. I don't care about historical figures. If you want to make him your idol or mascot, I'm all for it. I like the Terminator. I'd love to have my own Terminator. I wouldn't have to take any bullshit from anyone. I could go to a bar and people would know me by name, people would let me pass in lines. Having your own Terminator would be fucking handy. What I dislike is the lies and fallocies in the Quran as well as the resulting behaviour of devote followers. And thank the Terminators that most Muslims aren't devout followers. The Quran has some nasty text in it. Mohammed “ here I am a 40 years old fuck, sick of this trading job, sick of my family and sick of those rich bastards making money out of pagans, I should do something about that, this city is going down , I should restore some order, MY fucking order, I have traveled enough, seen places and read about religions , whoever created religion is a genius , I should come up with something similar and make a revolution, I know it doesn’t sound like me at all, but that’s the trick people will never ever guess that I can make up some bullshit like that ….. fuck I don’t know how to read and write, ooh what am I gonnaa do ? ooooh what am iii gonnna dooo ? i can probably hire a poet or a writer and split whatever we gain at first , then kill the bastard when we’re done … or I can learn to read and write , should be easy at 40, specialy when I’m trying to write something godly and bunch of famous poets out there. Fuck I can still bribe them as well to shut their mouth. I should go back to that cave and think deeply about this, and who is this poet who would sound godly and might fool billions of people from all times. a) Mohammed never learned how to read and write. But may be that’s only what history says who knows what he could do. b) Mohammed created a cult, a secret order called the fraternity of the matrix, they are extremely secretive and only them could write the coran, ever , like fucking ever. I’ll go with b for the sake of more stupidity Mohamed talking to one of the poets: _ So here is the thing, I need my first soura in a couple of months, that’s when the scheme will begin, make that the 27th of Ramadan, that’s your deadline, make it or you’re dead. Now, I want you to make it sound as godly as you can, there are a lot of famous poets out there. I know we got bunch of them, but those fuckers are so many like the fucking goblins. The poet is taking notes _ Second, and listen up , I don’t want you to screw this because it’s one of my so many brightest smartest ideas. For every word "man" and "woman" , paradise/ hell, good deed , wrong deed, angel/ demons, life / after life ( there are at leaaaaast 10 more instances) , make them equals in my book, for exemple if you write the word "woman" 30 times, writes "man" 30 times as well... and you know what don't ever talk about it in the book, just put it there , i'm sur that centuries later, some retard will write that on a forum , probably kikizo. and put other numerical schemes like that _ Splendid mohammed, you know I’m good at math, I’ll try to play with the number 19 a bit, should be fun , make some puzzles , you know ? make it mysteeerioooous . _ about mysterious, put some weird bullshit, put a lot of them and I mean a lot, with enough chance people from the futur will discover something VERY similar to science and will think it's a sign. _ Brilliant , I’ll do _ also, we should keep this bullshit for 20 years , now don’t fucking die on me, don’t talk about it ever, i am sure for 20 years we can manage to hide that easily in this village, everbody is dumb,our wives wouldn't know certainly, our friends as well, nobody can know. I forsee the word “intelligence” will be created by the CIA and should begin to show in 20 th century, by the end of this century, people like “the VX”… _ the “VX” you said ? _ An animal from the atheist family that talks and can easily show everybody’s ignorance. This my friend is our worst enemy. But I would be dead anyway so who gives a fack. _ Brilliant. Continue . _ i should hire some historians , _ we don’t have money , remember ? _ I’ll use your sister, I’m evil remember that ??, they will write they were witness of some miracles, like angels fighting on the side of mujahidine , sound like lord of the ring ? _ lord of what? _a cloud casting shades on me whenever i go, and some other bullshit like that, yeah probably some will not believe, but we only need the majority. _ I’ll look into that. _ make sure those historians write some great deed about me , that show how marvelous I am, how great and gentle , how I can raise armies even if I suck, how I can be an emperor from east to west, and don’t mention I’ll be so fucking rich, when I’m dead, write I was dead poor. make everything to the extreme, like I don’t make mistakes ever , eeever. I’m great and second to god. _ fair enough, but how can we raise armies. _ when they will believe our book, the best written thing ever created in Arabia, and I’m sure you can pull that off …. We can also have another soura that promises 50 virgins, or 70 , no 71 virgins to sound accurate once in paradise. I’m sure those ugly bastards will fly to their swords and slice anything that’s on their way. YEars later, Mohammed, Alias Dr evil , or pedophile to some people , have won hearts of noble men and women, fooled scientists of the time, surpassed the greatest poets and pulled out the greatest scheme that ever graced the earth. … Until The atheist Race is born to show light to humanity. Amen. So are you saying the Quran is garbage? I'm having a hard time understanding what you mean. If this is what you're saying then what sources do you have for Islam?
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Re:LittleBigPlanet delayed due to Quran quotes
Oct 21, 2008 19:09
Science hasn't fully explained the exact path evolution has taken. Its a sound theory of course and goes on in front of us today. Changes in the size of a birds beak or the length of its wings etc. Its the mutations which completely change life which astounds me. There are missing fossil records to how things exactly happened, but there are some mutations that completely changed certain creatures. For example, apparently birds evolved from reptiles. And somewhere along the line some repiles' arms developed into wings and eventually learnt how to fly. The theory is that a large change in genetic information happened by mutation, to alter the structure of their arms, provide a webbed surface, which eventually turned into a wing. Its a little abstract and each change would have to have been advantageous to survival in order to pass on and not just die out. Now I'm not saying this isn't possibly true, and I'm not disagreeing with the cause and effect principles. Maybe its the romantic notion of it, but the idea of growing wings and flying seems even artistic. Sure cause and effect is behind the process, but there's a sense that this process was directed in a creative way. Our world didn't have to be this way, the laws of physics, time and space, the universe, planets with atmospheres and weather cycles, and animals that think - it all makes sense to us because we live here. But things could have been different. Who said logic ever had to exist? Logic is a product of the laws of time and event. Is time finite? What's outside of time? So cause and effect yes, but maybe only in our universe. And as you said it doesn't explain origins, which is what makes me think that there needs to be something infinite to encompass it all. That infinite entitiy is what I imagine 'god' to be - rather than an old bearded guy with a sick sense of humour that likes to create universes just to see what happens. What really hurts my head is the question, why does anything need exist at all? ....LBP looks fun.
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- Joined: Aug 23, 2005
Re:LittleBigPlanet delayed due to Quran quotes
Oct 21, 2008 21:29
Actually, the artistic qualities of high level science is what appeals to many scientists. Many of the smartest physicists compare music and art to what they're doing. Because it holds some kind of "higher truth" in its best form. And time will most likely be finite if the mass of the universe is over a certain point which will make it collapse under its own weight. It certainly had a beginning and changes speed depending on the speed you're traveling at. Besides, cause and effect don't really exist at quantum level. Which is all the more fascinating since it is the basis for everything structured that we see. Although the chaos theory mentioned above kind of shows the underlying structure within chaos. It basically shows us that every system in balance is on the verge of chaos. But with the chaos actually following some sort of structure weird enough. Speaking of weird stuff, time etc. There have even been experiments where they sent a laser beam higher than the speed of light through an aquarium and (a part of) the information included in the beam got out at the other side BEFORE it touched the nearest glass wall. Many physicists at the highest level (even the atheists) have started to see some kind of "god" behind everything though. Well, as they said, call it whatever metaphor that you want but they've noticed that there is some kind of "blueprint" to everything. And some sort of underlying force pushing things towards certain states. Or it looks like it because they've seen that some things seem a bit too deliberate.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
Re:LittleBigPlanet delayed due to Quran quotes
Oct 21, 2008 21:36
Agent and VX , i'm gonna explain that dialogue and i'm really surprised how you both missed the point. my point is, that scenario cannot happen, i'm not talking about the content but i'm talking about its whole idea. i was trying to think like you, because saying Mohamed is not a prophete is saying: a) Mohamed is a liar. b) the author's coran is human. Now based on that i was trying to see how could both these assumptions happen . i ended up therefore with stupid dialogue that is far from being realistic. Everyone is off character. Therefore i urge you to explain me what could have happened back then. How mohammed pulled that off because if you really believe my dialogue could have happened then i regret but i cannot continue with this discution and choupolo should probably stop as well. i want smart and OBJECTIVE answers but at the same time they should be reasonable considering mohamed is a human after all. you can't talk "shaekspear" suddently as you turn 40 ( and why 40 exactly ?), can you agent ? your answer would be , "well that's subjective, the writing style is subjective " ?well could he have impressed all those poets suddently and how could he wrote in the coran " even if you try to write something SIMILAR, you will not be able to ?? NOT EVEN A VERSE !", he impressed all humanity after him and not a single person, even after a 1400 years , could somebody write something like it , similar to it, i don't know the coran by heart faaar from this, what i learnt by heart is only its 3% may be but you can be sure , when i hear the coran I KNOW it is, because NONE is like it, yes people in some circunstances say a few sentences like the way it is said in the coran, but we know that these people took inspiration from the coran " ( i didn't recognize it in LBP because he had a horrible accent mixed with the music, i didn't even know it's arabic, even though it's hardly a verse ) if indeed he was literate, how could he hide this fact from his surronding during all his life time , a life time do you understand that ?? he had a life , a whole enviromeent surrounding him and history that affected him ? why would he write those words equaly trough a book of hundrends pages, YET nobody knew about this fact , UNTIL recently ", is it like part of his conspiracy ?? could he be really that incredibly smart ??? or is it again a "coincidence " like you have explained the creation of awhole universe ? tell me agent tell me VX i neeed some answers. Not only that but the word earth and word sea have 33% and 77% occurences in the book respectively which is how our planet is (earth / ocean). remember there was an Aquality for many opposed word EXCEPT earth and sea , their ratio equals that of our planet. how could he build that mosque in sanaa facing EXACTLY with a straight line mekah which is miles and miles away ( proved by google earth), he didn't even went there when the building took place, he gave them very precise coordinations. 1400 years later he was proved right , outstanding ! and maps that were 400 years after the prophet were completely off chart, go to youtube and check for yourself. i need some answers goddamit , so who was he exaclty? i don't think you will believe NO matter what we say to you , and i have said the reasons and oh so many in my previous posts , they don't have to do with logic and math , they simply have to do with the education , your being and your pshycology . You are not ready for this. yes i said it !! and to you westerners and your media, how come when somebody eat glass or pull a car with his teeth , you make sure everybody knows it , like it's the fucking greatest miracle ever, but when our prophet has been proven right ( in that LATEST exemple , google earth which everybody can check) Nothing was said about it, i bet it should be at least judged "very interesting" . Of course you won't, certainly jews won't do it, atheists will say it's a coincidence and move on and christians won't make a high profile of their "competition"... VX , agent , you will probably never believe no matter what unless may be jesus get resurrected, well even that won't cut it; you would calll him a mutant, a genetical change made that could make him do whatever miracle he will do, a la HEROES, or a slip from secret government experiences... you will love that explnation, i bet you will.
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Re:LittleBigPlanet delayed due to Quran quotes
Oct 22, 2008 02:00
Muhammad was a pedo, get over it.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
Re:LittleBigPlanet delayed due to Quran quotes
Oct 22, 2008 03:14
Is the Quran brilliant in Arabic? I would put the English version at about high school level. No where close to Shakespeare, seriously. He was just wrong. In those days people believed their own bullshit/ stupidities. People believed the Earth being flat, some were executed for saying otherwise. Humanity isn't that bright. The further down history you go, the dumber they were. Our records of history from this era are far from perfect. People write what they want to write. Nothing we have is reliable. We can't even get reliable news coverage of something that happend last week in many cases. I don't know how you can make specific scenarios of what happened. The idea that all of it is held by the notion that it was a fucking Angel that communicated with one man. My theory is that he was a Schizophrenic if he wasn't lying flat out. Schizophrenics tend to have extremely high IQs, inflated egos and they suffer from delusions and vivid hallucinations, they can see and interact with people that simply are not there at all. If you were a schizophrenic all of Kikizo could be part of your hallucinations, you would never know. You ever watch "Beautiful mind"? There were many many crazies that claimed to be a Prophet, we still have some today. Some are nuts, some are cheats. You call them false Prophets, i say the same. The only difference is that I call out one more than you. That's my secondary theory. My primary theory is that Muhammad and friends knew that people were illiterate and easilly manipulated so he made up a nice bullshit story. Religion and Philosophy were like politics back then. If you can get enough people to belive your bullshit you can change policy. Lets say that he was the lesser of evils and he promoted some good changes for the time. So what? Today we have better science to answer the questions of the Universe and a better understanding of morality and law. Religion should be regarded as nothing more than a personal comfort and as a bookmark in history.
<message edited by Agent Ghost on Oct 22, 2008 03:39>
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
Re:LittleBigPlanet delayed due to Quran quotes
Oct 22, 2008 08:16
Agent Ghost If there was a God i would be able to have the Olsen twins. At the same time. That wouldn't be fair for the twins. Oh the stuff i would make them do... Mmmm...
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
Re:LittleBigPlanet delayed due to Quran quotes
Oct 22, 2008 13:10
I wonder if anyone has ever called them "quadruplets" before.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
Re:LittleBigPlanet delayed due to Quran quotes
Oct 22, 2008 15:54
I just got finished writing my letter to Santa. Since i've been such a good boy this year... the fat fuck better make damn sure he sends me both of them and not just one. I need two for what i want to do! Seriously, it'd be the celebrity sex tape of all time.
Joe Redifer
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Re:LittleBigPlanet delayed due to Quran quotes
Oct 22, 2008 16:26
They're trolls.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
Re:LittleBigPlanet delayed due to Quran quotes
Oct 22, 2008 16:48
Joe Redifer They're trolls. Twins Joe... the word is twins. And don't s hit in my kettle, I like Mary-Kate and Ashley.
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Re:LittleBigPlanet delayed due to Quran quotes
Oct 22, 2008 18:28
See thats what always confused me when people talk about them I always hear Mary...Kate... and Ashley as three separate names. And yea maybe like Agent, I wonder what the fourth one is called. Anyway aren't they still about 13 years old?
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Re:LittleBigPlanet delayed due to Quran quotes
Oct 22, 2008 19:55
Joe Redifer They're trolls. No, a troll is someone who behaves like VF or KikizoTroll. Mary-Kate and Ashley used to be hot, then 1 of them became Skeletor and had to go to rehab for anorexia. And that pic of the "Olsen Twins" isnt real, nitro. Its a shop.
<message edited by immortaldanmx on Oct 22, 2008 22:35>
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Re:LittleBigPlanet delayed due to Quran quotes
Oct 22, 2008 22:55
Anyway aren't they still about 13 years old?
Don't think so. I believe they're like 19 or maybe even 20. I'm positive that they're legal age considering they're on every celebrity magazine with bikini shots of their sexy bodies boniness.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
Re:LittleBigPlanet delayed due to Quran quotes
Oct 23, 2008 01:59
And yea maybe like Agent, I wonder what the fourth one is called. LOL That's not what I meant. You're too innocent. Don't think so. I believe they're like 19 or maybe even 20. They're 22. I remember that they're my age.
<message edited by Agent Ghost on Oct 23, 2008 02:01>
Joe Redifer
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Re:LittleBigPlanet delayed due to Quran quotes
Oct 23, 2008 03:09
Yeah, that picture is definitely 'shopped.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
Re:LittleBigPlanet delayed due to Quran quotes
Oct 23, 2008 08:06
Agent Ghost And yea maybe like Agent, I wonder what the fourth one is called. LOL That's not what I meant. You're too innocent. Bless...  [ And f uck you Joe! That image is real. It was probably a Halloween party or something... where they explored each other for the first time... or something.
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Re:LittleBigPlanet delayed due to Quran quotes
Oct 23, 2008 09:38
Nitro Agent Ghost And yea maybe like Agent, I wonder what the fourth one is called. LOL That's not what I meant. You're too innocent. Bless... [ And fuck you Joe! That image is real. It was probably a Halloween party or something... where they explored each other for the first time... or something. Sorry, Nitro. But neither of their tits are that big, and 1 looks like skeletor now.
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