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Lame i know but i require advice
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Lame i know but i require advice
Sep 22, 2006 04:11
I am considering purchasing a 360 but im not 100% sure yet for two main reasons first of all i am at college and money can be tight so i do not want to be forking out on £300 or whatever for something that isnt that much better that what i already have which leads me to second reason i do not have a HDTV and i cannot afford to buy a HDTV so my questions to you experts are as follows: - Is it really worth the money, i have heard people say that on a standard TV their is not much difference in graphics when compared to an Xbox. I know that graphics do not make a game but sometimes its nice to look at something pretty.
- Secondly, Xbox live is that also worth getting?
All advice will be most appreciated! and sorry for being a noob and wasting your valuable time which could be spent doing something better.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Lame i know but i require advice
Sep 22, 2006 04:15
Those people who claim there is no diffrence must check their eyes. Play Table Tennis or Oblivion or why not GRAW in STV and you can' t be anything else then amazed,i remember talking to majik that i didn' t even need or want a HDTV when the graphic was that good for me with a STV,now that i got a HDTV i can see why people recommend it. It is a diffrence,and in some games big diffrence,but with STV at the better games,there is no similarity with xbox titles,perhaps with some few low budget titles on a STV. And about XBL. Well just by getting a 360 you get xbl gold for a month for free,so try it out,after that you have silver account until you pay for a year,and you have like 20 demos to dl even with silver,and like 100 game videos. So it kick ass anyway,yes it' s not wrong to only buy a 360 premium with no games,if you got internet,seeing how there is so many many demos out there.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Lame i know but i require advice
Sep 22, 2006 04:16
you will be happy with a 360 even with a SD tv. Its still an improvement over the standard xbox, and there are loads of excellent games coming. And when you can afford a HDtv, it will blow you away, or you can get a vga converter for the box, that will let you see the hd on your pc monitor
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Lame i know but i require advice
Sep 22, 2006 04:17
It' s a descision only you can make.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Lame i know but i require advice
Sep 22, 2006 04:24
It' s a descision only you can make. Ofc it is,but we need to tell these people that those with HDTV who lies or other fanboys need to stfu. I would have no problem with a ps3 on STV either,the graphic engine is the importent thing,not what " reso" you use.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Lame i know but i require advice
Sep 22, 2006 04:52
Buy the soon to be released 360 + PGR3 + Steering Wheel (£300).
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Lame i know but i require advice
Sep 22, 2006 04:58
nooooooooooooo GoW
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RE: Lame i know but i require advice
Sep 22, 2006 05:15
You' re just months away from the launch of the two competing consoles! Why not wait and see what they offer and what people think about them first. While you wait you could just make sure to get the great games you missed this gen. Or maybe get a handheld! Or get a PC, which can also be used for studying.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Lame i know but i require advice
Sep 22, 2006 05:30
If he has money problem,we shall not recommend a ps3 then for over 800$...
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RE: Lame i know but i require advice
Sep 22, 2006 06:12
ORIGINAL: ginjirou Or get a PC, which can also be used for studying. You sure you' re not 45? Also, everytime I see Mitsurugi, from now on, I always think he is called Ginjirou.. The same goes fo Quez' s avatar, I heard and saw it screaming in a Blue Dragon cutscene, and instantly I was like " Dear God, that' s Quez" It' s like you have both stapled your essence onto the avatars...
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Lame i know but i require advice
Sep 22, 2006 06:15
don' t make fun of my avatar,you don' t think he would kick your ass irl? Just look at him,i don' t care that some girl in the cutscene use him as a fluffy animal and move him like he weights 1 kilo,he kick ass,and he gonna kick some asses in Blue dragon,just you wait. He wont accept some facism robot dictator,he gonna say,hey wtf I kick your ass  fukk ... biatches, i kick your asses!!!
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RE: Lame i know but i require advice
Sep 22, 2006 06:20
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Lame i know but i require advice
Sep 22, 2006 06:21
There is a rumor going around the XBL friendlist that i sometimes get very angry and talk with myself,that is not true.! However, i been angry in Graw...
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RE: Lame i know but i require advice
Sep 22, 2006 06:25
I' ve never heard you talk to yourself, but you are in and out of convo' s very frequently... Yes, you do get angry in GRAW, i' m just glad I am on your team..
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Lame i know but i require advice
Sep 22, 2006 06:27
Yes,remember when i made that 14 year old girl almost cry and leave? Damn was i proud,i was like, hey biatcxh, i kick your ass,and she was like i kick yoursm,and i was like WTF Fucking stop lia bietchesm!!! Kdföö¨äd fuck this,,,´kyou suck noobi. And so on and i called her noob I was like... yeah kick ass!!!
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RE: Lame i know but i require advice
Sep 22, 2006 06:29
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RE: Lame i know but i require advice
Sep 22, 2006 06:32
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL Yes,remember when i made that 14 year old girl almost cry and leave? Damn was i proud,i was like, hey biatcxh, i kick your ass,and she was like i kick yoursm,and i was like WTF Fucking stop lia bietchesm!!! Kdföö¨äd fuck this,,,´kyou suck noobi. And so on and i called her noob I was like... yeah kick ass!!! That has to be one of my favourite moments on X-box live, she was like, screw this game it' s crap, and she said t her friend, " let' s play Halo 2" .. Cartman must be your idol. Lol..
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Lame i know but i require advice
Sep 22, 2006 06:34
That girl got ownd be me. She went and play Halo2 instead hahahaha.. Majik was intrested in her,he was like -" calm down" and i was like hey biatch,you suck! i kick your Aaasss! !!!
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 21 Sep 06 22:34:34 >
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
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RE: Lame i know but i require advice
Sep 22, 2006 07:50
Is it really worth the money, i have heard people say that on a standard TV their is not much difference in graphics when compared to an Xbox. Believe me, I don' t have an HDTV and my GRAW demo still makes my jaw drop. Well just by getting a 360 you get xbl gold for a month for free, Meh, I' m not so sure about that, I got a premium, and i wasn' t offered a month free. maybe I' m just special though. Personally, I would look at upcoming games for each console, check out reviews of games for each console, once they hit, and if it sparks your interest, then go for it.
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- Joined: Jul 15, 2006
RE: Lame i know but i require advice
Sep 22, 2006 10:47
Well, in a couple of OXM thingys ago they showed how to have the best dormroom playing center for less then $1000 w/ HD(computer screen). So if you won the lottery or something you could have a cool gaming system...but you' d never get your work done. I play my 360 games on a normal TV. Granted my TV is like only 12 months old. But heck, the games look amazing...and honestly, even if I had the money, I' d have to run over to the nearest Best Buy and see the difference between Oblivion in HD compared to my farely new TV.
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