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Kikizo on TV again (episodes now online)
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RE: On TV again, TONIGHT (UK)
Jan 11, 2008 23:05
I like this show. I' ve spent the morning watching it at work. The discussions are a tad on the short side, but i can' t complain because it means more subjects are covered. The presenter seems like a cool guy but the bloke from Play.tm? needs to know that his website is fucking horrid [:' (] Next time, you should go on pissed and take a wig from Steve Boxer
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RE: On TV again, TONIGHT (UK)
Jan 12, 2008 01:44
hahaha,love how Adam is on tele and ppl like me is a face of the site. But then again my holy crusade and priorities land on moving Blue dragon 2 from ds to 360.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: On TV again, TONIGHT (UK)
Jan 12, 2008 02:07
Where did you move from? Kansas to California. But I don' t even have cable service, not that having it would help me get to see European channels anyway.
< Message edited by chimura -- 11 Jan 08 18:07:56 >
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Kikizo on TV again (episodes now online)
Jan 13, 2008 14:51
Glad to see Adam give Uncharted a nice score. The comments some of these guys made were ridiculous. Saying it takes as many shots to take down a pirate as it did to kill a locust in Gears. Thats like comparing Quake to Rainbow Six and saying they have the same gunplay. I just couldn' t get over how they ripped on it for not being original etc. I for one think it lacked new ideas, but when it came down to it, I never got bored of playing it, I never got angry with it, the story and characters never seemed out of place, and I couldn' t wait to play it for a couple hours after work. Sometimes I feel like game reviewers look past the most obvious trait a game should have. Being enjoyable. I could care less if a game doesn' t innovate, or make huge leaps in storytelling if I have a blast playing it, simple as that. edit: I should add that I agree completely with Adam when he says that the puzzles were too easy, and that it is nice to have to take a look at a situation and think about it before solving it. It could definitely use harder puzzles for my tastes, but at the same time, by never getting stuck for long periods, and quickly progressing, it never got on my nerves, and always kept the tempo up. The interview on 1up is interesting in that the question of puzzle difficulty is brought up to some of the leads at Naughty Dog and they said that they had lots of focus groups, and they consistently got feedback saying that it was too difficult on their original puzzles, and always got great remarks when they tested the ones in the final product.
< Message edited by Dagashi -- 13 Jan 08 6:56:24 >
Chee Saw
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RE: Kikizo on TV again (episodes now online)
Jan 14, 2008 14:00
ORIGINAL: Dagashi ... The interview on 1up is interesting in that the question of puzzle difficulty is brought up to some of the leads at Naughty Dog and they said that they had lots of focus groups, and they consistently got feedback saying that it was too difficult on their original puzzles, and always got great remarks when they tested the ones in the final product. That' s because people like to think that they' re smart.
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- Joined: Jun 11, 2007
- Location: Ann Arbor, MI
RE: On TV again, TONIGHT (UK)
Jan 14, 2008 21:18
That' s because people like to think that they' re smart. That is true. Also i think Adam should put a word in about the forum and maybe give a shout out to the loyal posters who have been posting even though the reward promised was never given and no excuse was ever made.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: On TV again, TONIGHT (UK)
Jan 14, 2008 22:23
Put a word in about the forum? What fucking planet are you on? He didn' t even say hi to his mum...
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- Joined: Jun 11, 2007
- Location: Ann Arbor, MI
RE: On TV again, TONIGHT (UK)
Jan 14, 2008 23:18
Well first off his mum wouldn' t be gaming related now would it, and kikizo is undoubtably gaming related, hence the reason adam is on there in the first place, so it makes perfect sense. Also it was just a suggestion and I wasn' t really expecting him to actually do it.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: On TV again, TONIGHT (UK)
Jan 15, 2008 00:03
LOL, ...like it' s the fucking X-Factor
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- Location: Sweden
RE: On TV again, TONIGHT (UK)
Jan 15, 2008 02:18
I don' t think it would be very professional to mention his site at all, unless absolutely necessary... UNLESS he mentions me specifically
Adam Doree
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RE: On TV again, TONIGHT (UK)
Jan 15, 2008 05:34
Actually I mentioned Kikizo all the time in the first few episodes I did on there, which they have not yet added online. They actually make a running joke out of this, see the eppisode that has my pal Adam Hartley with me in it. Oh and I still promise that the games will still eventually get sorted. Even if it' s two years in one go. How long has it been now anyway? Very shabby, I will admit. Forum relaunch sometime around spring though, lots of development going into the new version.
< Message edited by Adam Doree -- 14 Jan 08 21:36:00 >
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: On TV again, TONIGHT (UK)
Jan 15, 2008 05:38
I' ve heard Kikizo mentioned a couple of times on the show. I haven' t actually watched it in weeks though.
Mass X
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RE: On TV again, TONIGHT (UK)
Jan 15, 2008 05:39
Oh really.
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RE: On TV again, TONIGHT (UK)
Jan 15, 2008 08:32
What the hell' s a Kikizo? Oh and I still promise that the games will still eventually get sorted. Even if it' s two years in one go. How long has it been now anyway? Very shabby, I will admit. Forum relaunch sometime around spring though, lots of development going into the new version.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: On TV again, TONIGHT (UK)
Jan 15, 2008 08:50
You want to know what Adam did with all of the money that he planned to spend of games for forum winners? He drank it all! Seriously! It all went on vodka. Every penny. But in all seriousness, the problem with back dating them is that many of the more deserving members have stopped posting here. The idea was to get more users into the forums, and we' re still only a very small community. It' d be much more logical to start fresh, first month of a new year and all... and for everybody to post more/pimp the site more/get their friends to post ...etc... I do think gingers should be excluded from nominations though
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- Joined: Jun 11, 2007
- Location: Ann Arbor, MI
RE: On TV again, TONIGHT (UK)
Jan 15, 2008 09:03
I do think gingers should be excluded from nominations though Seconded  . Adam you are my new hero.  But in all seriousness, the problem with back dating them is that many of the more deserving members have stopped posting here. The idea was to get more users into the forums, and we' re still only a very small community. It' d be much more logical to start fresh, first month of a new year and all... and for everybody to post more/pimp the site more/get their friends to post ...etc... While that has some merit I believe that there are people who have been here since the last games were given out and have had many good posts(even since I' ve been around), and I think that they will get shafted. I do believe that if there weren' t any good posts or if the good posters have already received a game then their should be no award for said month. I think we can all agree that their are certain people that deserve some recognition for their input on this forum. There are a select few that have yet to write a good post(aka me and I assume there is someone else).
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: On TV again, TONIGHT (UK)
Jan 15, 2008 09:09
ORIGINAL: Torr While that has some merit I believe that there are people who have been here since the last games were given out and have had many good posts(even since I' ve been around), and I think that they will get shafted. I do believe that if there weren' t any good posts or if the good posters have already received a game then their should be no award for said month. I think we can all agree that their are certain people that deserve some recognition for their input on this forum. There are a select few that have yet to write a good post(aka me and I assume there is someone else). Y' know what, you' re right
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
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RE: On TV again, TONIGHT (UK)
Jan 15, 2008 09:17
I do think gingers should be excluded from nominations though Hey! Have you seen the ginger kids episode of South Park? Don' t *** with us! 
< Message edited by Duffman -- 15 Jan 08 1:32:39 >
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: On TV again, TONIGHT (UK)
Jan 15, 2008 09:37
It' s okay. I make twice the endeavor to be constructive than you non-gingers. I' d get the award four times a week if I were eligible.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: On TV again, TONIGHT (UK)
Jan 15, 2008 13:47
Forum relaunch sometime around spring though, lots of development going into the new version. That made my day.
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