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Jericho review up at 1up...
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Jericho review up at 1up...
Oct 26, 2007 19:17
3/10 A horrifyingly bad shooter. Take the writing, for example, especially the opening narration: This overwrought tripe is so over-the-top, so ridiculously high-school-goth that it makes Max Payne' s brooding melodrama read like a paragon of stylistic restraint. What' s worse is that it' s delivered via some truly horrendous voice acting. I' m also perplexed by the absurdly long (and frequent) load times, given that the game looks like complete garbage. That ineffable, forgettable quality [of the enemies] is especially remarkable considering how long you' ll stand there looking at enemies as you pour ineffectual bullets into them. Yes, for some reason this crack team of occult operatives appears to have been mistakenly deployed with BB guns. Also worthy of note: the stupid, unforgiving, scripted button-tapping events (think God of War, only terrible). LINK I don' t like 1up and i don' t really like game reviews but i thought this was funny, especially since some people here do like reviews and were really looking forward to this game. Avoid this shit like the plague and pick BioShock up instead.
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RE: Jericho review up at 1up...
Oct 26, 2007 21:54
Too human > bioshock ...  [
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: Jericho review up at 1up...
Oct 26, 2007 22:19
Played the demo of it. 6/10 at best. Looks nice though.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Jericho review up at 1up...
Oct 26, 2007 22:22
ORIGINAL: 2pac Too human > bioshock Links Crossbow Training > Too Human Actually...
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RE: Jericho review up at 1up...
Oct 26, 2007 23:17
having it on the pc. saying its 3/10 is not taking your job seriously. I can understand 6/10 or 7/10 if you doesnt dislike these settings+nature of the style etc. But 3/10? come on.
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RE: Jericho review up at 1up...
Oct 26, 2007 23:26
The boards feel empty without someone obsessing over a game . I just thought of taking over where quez left off . Now that you mentioned link' s crossbow game , i gotta say it sucks balls .
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Jericho review up at 1up...
Oct 26, 2007 23:40
Its hard to be obessed about a game,when I cant wait for... Naruto rise of a ninja,Mass effect,CoD4,Ace combat 6 and Assassins creed etc. All coming in November.
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RE: Jericho review up at 1up...
Oct 26, 2007 23:44
Mister Nitro took only the worse review which is a joke, 3/10 come on!! most reviews score were 6-10 game rankings average 70%, 1up was excited about this game at e3 and now for them its total crap, what a bunch of retards.
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RE: Jericho review up at 1up...
Oct 27, 2007 01:33
You gotta admit it is a disappointment though. Have there been any games directed by famous artists outside the game industry that have worked? Dont say King Kong. Isn' t Spielberg interested in doing a game? Im sure he wont make the mistake of working with Codemasters.
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RE: Jericho review up at 1up...
Oct 27, 2007 02:33
you' re damn right it is disapointing, after all the hype at e3 i' m disapointed but then you guys tried the demo and you weren' t all excited about it; that' s a bad sign right there, but it' s 6/10 game; it sucks average i won' t play it but there is no way it' s 3.
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RE: Jericho review up at 1up...
Oct 27, 2007 03:23
ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane 1up was excited about this game at e3 and now for them its total crap, what a bunch of retards. Exactly . I mean , if a game is that bad then it must have been bad from the beginning . WTF did these people who did the preview play ? Not only with this game , its the case with many games . In the preview they praise the games and say its turning out nicely, then when the game actually comes out they give it like a 4 or 5 . Previews and reviews are a scam i tells u , a SCAM .
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RE: Jericho review up at 1up...
Oct 27, 2007 04:28
i totaly agree with you 2pac, in their preview it seems like it' s an AAA title or something close, then it droped down to a 3 how the fuck did that happen; specialy when he says the game is really ugly even technicaly, well were you blind when you were playing the demo build !! come on; they did that shit with many games from the OMG it' s the game of the year to it' s mediocre or total shit... But i' ll just remind some<people here that it' s not as bad as it seems but what difference it' ll make...
Vx Chemical
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RE: Jericho review up at 1up...
Oct 27, 2007 05:36
If magazines and sights gives bad previews, they arent going to get any exclusives at all. You wont see any previews critizising a game. I even expect some articles to be censored. I think reviews will be more accurate than previews in some cases. In most, you can only judge for yourself!
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RE: Jericho review up at 1up...
Oct 27, 2007 05:53
Thats not the point, Aba. " Not that bad" isnt good enough when your title needs to compete with recent and upcoming FPSs (Bioshock, Halo3, CoD4, Orange Box, UT3)
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RE: Jericho review up at 1up...
Oct 27, 2007 06:07
that' s why i said what difference it' ll make, from 0-6 it all fall in the crap realm, but my point was how can the preview give an excellent image of the game while at the day of the release; the same people give it a horrible 3, now that' s bullshit; i know shit happens but a game that scores 3 or anything in that range shows clear signs from the very begining... i think the case here is that indeed they were impressed by the game at the preview; probably because of the ideas that show a lot of potential and specialy the atmosphere, obviously the game didn' t turn out that good, and somebody wasn' t happy at all.
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RE: Jericho review up at 1up...
Oct 27, 2007 06:30
All previews on mainstream sites should be considered bullshit. If you' ve ever thought otherwise then you' re a fool. Have you never found it strange when sites report that the x cosole build looks and runs just as good as the y console release, and then when the game actually comes out it not only looks noticibly worse but runs worse too? It happens on sites like 1up and IGN all the time. Previews don' t count for shit. Now personally i don' t even care for reviews. I' d much rather they publisher put out a demo and let me try it form myself because reviews on the biggest sites are full of opinion and bias. I quite like Eurogamer and i rate TeamXbox pretty highly, but other than those i rarely bother to read reviews because they' re usually full of shit. Anyway, i thought the 1up review was funny. Unfair? Yeah, but then who cares? How come you didn' t play the demo Aba?
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RE: Jericho review up at 1up...
Oct 27, 2007 07:07
I just didn' t have time to download the demo because i was downloading other " stuff" , it' s not woth the risk of getting banned specialy when you and some<other people here reported that it sucks, and my connection was ddamn slow , now it' s not but the game is pretty average anyway... i don' t read reviewes but only summuries; too much things i would love to discover myself, also my only real refeerence is gamerankings i hate to sound like a broken record but when it scores above 80 the game is nice in its own genre but the games i really care about are those that score above 88. surprisingly teamxbox is a great site as well i thought it would be biased. by the way; soldier of fortune wil be released mid november, i think it' ll be crap, for god' s sake it was only announced couple of months ago and now it' ll be out ??!! that' s a very bad sign
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 26 Oct 07 23:20:02 >
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Jericho review up at 1up...
Oct 27, 2007 07:08
double post sorry
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 26 Oct 07 23:18:55 >
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Jericho review up at 1up...
Oct 27, 2007 07:13
triple post can somebody erase this mess ?
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 26 Oct 07 23:20:52 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Jericho review up at 1up...
Oct 27, 2007 08:21
ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane by the way; soldier of fortune wil be released mid november, i think it' ll be crap, for god' s sake it was only announced couple of months ago and now it' ll be out ??!! that' s a very bad sign Sounds like a budget release to me. Same technology, slight facelift - like the new Painkiller game. The last game was pretty good, but we' ve come a looooong way since then.
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