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Japanese Developers flock to 360
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Jason Zeidan
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- Joined: Jul 12, 2005
Japanese Developers flock to 360
Jul 25, 2005 17:24
At a recent Xbox press conference in Japan, the folks at Microsoft showed that the Japanese do care. Rumble Roses, Ridge Racer, Final Fantasy.... hmm, it seems like alot of these games were exclusives for our beloved Sony. I told you all this would happen  !! I knew many developers would move to Microsoft' s side of things. Note that all these developers were pretty much Sony developers (and some Nintendo), but now they' re giving the yank a chance. I know they' ll support Sony as well (we' ll see about that in the coming months..), but this is proof of the beginning of an Xbox takeover!!
Joe Redifer
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RE: Japanese Developers flock to 360
Jul 25, 2005 17:39
Ridge Racer... Mmmmmmmm.....
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RE: Japanese Developers flock to 360
Jul 25, 2005 23:15
The Japanese Xbox summit was pretty good. I really want to get my hands on Enchant arm but there isn' t any confirmation it' s coming to the US or Europe. 99 Nights looks f-ing amazing. there were several other titles shown that caught my interest too. Frame City Killer looked a lot better in motion than it did in the screens.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Japanese Developers flock to 360
Jul 25, 2005 23:30
Rumble Roses for the Xbox 360, WHOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!11! Thank You Konami!
Joe Redifer
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RE: Japanese Developers flock to 360
Jul 26, 2005 00:01
Remember how everyone said the PSP would CRUSH the DS? That isn' t even on it' s way to happening. Nobody can say what will happen. So everyone who thinks the PS3 will be the winner again *may* be mistaken. With Japanese support like this, the Xbox360 almost has a chance!
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- Joined: Jul 07, 2005
RE: Japanese Developers flock to 360
Jul 26, 2005 01:33
All this Japanese support can only be good news for the Xbox360' s future in Japan, can' t wait to play Ridge Racer!
Jason Zeidan
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- Joined: Jul 12, 2005
RE: Japanese Developers flock to 360
Jul 26, 2005 10:05
In my opinion, Microsoft and Nintendo both have a better chance of taking the market that Sony itself. That PS3 is such a complete mess, no wonder the Japanese are turning to the next best thing (or in better words, the next best thing that' s available now, since Nintendo Revolution hasn' t been totally revealed yet). So Joe, Microsoft has the upper hand in this battle, and Microsoft will take on Sony, and Microsoft will become the market leader.... in the U.S. Expect Nintendo to slay Sony alive in the land of the rising Sun.
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RE: Japanese Developers flock to 360
Jul 27, 2005 17:47
Jason, I really don' t think Ninitendo has a chance in hell of beating Sony this next generation. No way in hell. Sorry, I just had to say it. In other news, the 360 will have 100 launch titles for the Japanese. Yeah, 100!!! It' s f-ing insane! This is like all out war! http://www.xbox365.com/news.cgi?id=GGuuNddHdL07271443
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 28 Jul 05 1:48:07 >
Chee Saw
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RE: Japanese Developers flock to 360
Jul 27, 2005 19:38
Quite honestly, I don' t give a damn whether Japanese consumers like the 360 or not! The bottom line is that the Japanese developers are coming on board, and that' s the important thing. The American and European markets are both larger than the Japanese market, and the only reason for the Xbox to fail is Japanese nationalism. It' s kind of akin to cars in America. For a long time people said, " Buy American! Buy American!" but foreign cars slowly but surely gained a foot-hold here. I' m sure the same thing will happen in Japan. Even if Microsoft goes from 1% to 3%, as long as they move forward, and not backwards, it' s a good thing. I say, just bring on Rumble Roses! Yay for next-gen naughtiness!!
Jason Zeidan
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- Joined: Jul 12, 2005
RE: Japanese Developers flock to 360
Jul 27, 2005 22:36
Okay, is there anybody in this world, ANYBODY, that actually thinks I have a point? I mean, it' s really amazing how nobody seems to think ' gee Jason, I think you have a point there' , or better yet, write it in the forum. Does anybody actually agree with me? Because if not, then I' m just talking to blank space here... Sorry Rampage, this rant is pointed at you, it' s just that everybody thinks I' m wrong! Hey, if there are no people out there who believe that ' big ideas win over big budgets' , or that innovation and affordability are more important than graphics and unoriginality, then fine, so be it. The joke' s on you...
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: Japanese Developers flock to 360
Jul 28, 2005 00:39
You' ve got to remember that these a forums. People put their opinions on here and you can' t expect everyone to agree with you. Personally I think it is too early to say how Nintendo will go. There isn' t enough information about their console to even speculate (market analysts are always wrong so I just don' t listen to their rants anymore). I agree with the fact that Microsoft will definitely become a bigger player in the industry this generation. Their whole strategy seems very sound. Is it enough to topple the mighty Sony? Only time will tell.
Evil Man
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RE: Japanese Developers flock to 360
Jul 28, 2005 01:17
No they do not care, Xbox gets outsold by PSOne in Japan. Quick PS2 ports for the North American and European markets could generate a good cash flow, developing for it exclusively is suicide. On the other hand there is hundreds of developers that release hundreds of PS2 games that do not even make it out of Japan, and they still profit from it - Xbox will never have that.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 28 Jul 05 9:18:28 >
Chee Saw
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RE: Japanese Developers flock to 360
Jul 28, 2005 03:51
ORIGINAL: Evil Man No they do not care, Xbox gets outsold by PSOne in Japan. Quick PS2 ports for the North American and European markets could generate a good cash flow, developing for it exclusively is suicide. On the other hand there is hundreds of developers that release hundreds of PS2 games that do not even make it out of Japan, and they still profit from it - Xbox will never have that. Xbox does not NEED that. The American and European market are MUCH bigger than the Japanese market. A game could sell rather poorly outside of Japan and make a bigger profit than one that sells well exclusively in Japan. Don' t get me wrong; I am ecstatic that Microsoft is courting Japanese developers, but not because I want them to sell well over there. Just because the Japanese do in fact make some quality games. Example: The top two selling games WORLDWIDE for both the Xbox and the PS2 did rather poorly in Japan. Of course I' m talking about two little titles we affectionately refer to as GTA and Halo! As far as what you' re saying Jason, I think most of us would like to see Nintendo do SOMETHING. But the fact of the matter is, most of us are disenchanted with Nintendo. I' ll speak only for myself about my disappointment with the Gamecube. I like innovation as much as the next guy, but I also just want to play games that I like! There weren' t a lot of those on the GC, unfortunately.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Japanese Developers flock to 360
Jul 28, 2005 07:40
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RE: Japanese Developers flock to 360
Jul 28, 2005 09:13
ORIGINAL: Jason Zeidan Okay, is there anybody in this world, ANYBODY, that actually thinks I have a point? I mean, it' s really amazing how nobody seems to think ' gee Jason, I think you have a point there' , or better yet, write it in the forum. Does anybody actually agree with me? Because if not, then I' m just talking to blank space here... Sorry Rampage, this rant is pointed at you, it' s just that everybody thinks I' m wrong! Hey, if there are no people out there who believe that ' big ideas win over big budgets' , or that innovation and affordability are more important than graphics and unoriginality, then fine, so be it. The joke' s on you... First off, I don' t want to be too hard on you but I' m just going to say it like it is. You don' t base any of your opinions on facts. The only thing you base these " opinions" on are your own ideas and biases. You' ve made it very clear that you are Nintendo biased. That' s perfectly fine. I' m Sega biased. I love them to death but you don' t see me going on and on about how they are going to make this massive comeback and should reclaim there throne and blah blah blah... Be biased, just don' t bring it in to an educated discussion. Just because you love Nintendo doesn' t mean that every opinion you have of them has to be them rocking the world. Look at the facts. They ate it this generation. They ate it f-ing hard. Both in terms of sales and quality games. They did have a few really good games but definately not enough to push the system. Hey, if there are no people out there who believe that ' big ideas win over big budgets' , or that innovation and affordability are more important than graphics and unoriginality, then fine, so be it. The joke' s on you... I love that part. I really do. Obviously that whole thing was proven wrong this generation. Ninitendo may have been innovative, and non mainstream this generation but look where that got them. they came in dead last. I' m not trying to put the big N down but it' s just fact. The jokes not on me as was proven this generation. that was just a stupid and ignorant comment. Ninitendo is lining themselves up for another @ss kicking once again this generation as much as you want to deny it because of your biase. They aren' t supporting the high definition stuff. They are going backwards with the controller by taking away buttons(I guess that' s my opinion), and their console is so small it can' t contain the high end technology that the other consoles are going to be busting out. Imho, Nintendo currently doesn' t know what the f*ck they are doing. At E3 they showed an empty case calling it the Revolution. It was small and looked really cool but they had no hardware, software, or controller... not even concepts to show. This is not a good way to start a console take over. It' s definately not a good way to try and beat Sony. The secracy is scaring more people than it is getting them excited. I go to an art school where I' m majoring in designing video games. I' m taught by people in the industry. I go to school with die hard fans of each of the three curent behomenths. None of them have a good outlook on Nintendo. Only the ones so blinded by their biase are the ones jumping around saying Nintendo will make the biggest comeback ever. If you look at the facts Nintendo is in a horrible position. All they have is talk of a revolutionary console that won' t support new hardware. To take that and form your opinion into Nintendo taking over the industry is just stupid. Looking at the facts, they look pretty screwed. I could be wrong, but right now the joke definately isn' t on me.
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Jul 28, 2005 10:20
<message edited by cpsethgt on Apr 30, 2012 05:37>
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RE: Japanese Developers flock to 360
Jul 28, 2005 10:41
I doubted it would happen. I laughed when I heard ol' Bill Gates wanted to step into the game market. I thought they were gonna fall flat on their faces while Sega rocked the world with the all powerful Dreamcast. Ah.... I remember the days where I awas ignorant to the facts too.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Japanese Developers flock to 360
Jul 28, 2005 10:49
I doubted it would happen. I laughed when I heard ol' Bill Gates wanted to step into the game market. I thought they were gonna fall flat on their faces Actually Rampage, those were the same exact feelings shared by MANY in the industry when Sony first entered it with the PlayStation... With two long time industry veterans like Nintendo and Sega at the top of the roost, Sony didn' t stand a chance, and they wouldn' t have had BOTH veterans not have made SOOOO many damn mistakes. But now Microsoft has that chance to come in and capitalize on the mistakes of their competitors. I' ve never been too gung-ho on the Xbox but if anyone deserves to come in at the #1 spot next-gen it' s certainly Microsoft.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 28 Jul 05 18:50:27 >
Mass X
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RE: Japanese Developers flock to 360
Jul 28, 2005 10:50
Im definatly cheering Microsoft on and everything being the Xbox is my current favorite console. However, I dont think they will top the market. Still tho Im pretty sure they gonna have a very impressive outing, coming very very very close to Sony. Of course theres the chance that MS does take over the top spot and when that happens Ill be a very very happy little MS whore. The reason I think Sony will top the list is because of this theory I have as stated in this thread ' PS3 Price' . If you can mae sence of it then you can see why I think this.
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