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Japan: 100 best games ever...what the??
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Japan: 100 best games ever...what the??
Mar 07, 2006 06:50
I just read kikizo´s article about famitsu´s 100 best games ever and i was stupified by what i have read.....Final Fantasy X in first place? Jesus....FF7 is way better... and Metal Gear Solid 1 in 50 ? behind MGS2 and MGS3? Someone must have been really drunk there at Famitsu
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RE: Japan: 100 best games ever...what the??
Mar 07, 2006 06:53
Someone must have been really drunk there at Famitsu Wasn' t it a poll of readers?
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RE: Japan: 100 best games ever...what the??
Mar 07, 2006 06:55
polls are for nubs
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RE: Japan: 100 best games ever...what the??
Mar 07, 2006 07:00
Wasn' t it a poll of readers? yes...i know that...but i guessed that the guy that printed the poll results was drunk or something because those results cant be right...it just sounds wrong
Terry Bogard
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RE: Japan: 100 best games ever...what the??
Mar 07, 2006 07:01
The list didn' t really surprise me at all.. The ORDER of some of the games in the 60 - 100 range seemed a bit odd to me though, like Grand Theft Auto being right next to Gran Turismo 4, when in fact the Gran Turismo series is WAYYYYYYYYYYY more popular in Japan than Grand Theft Auto ever was.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 6 Mar 06 23:05:48 >
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RE: Japan: 100 best games ever...what the??
Mar 07, 2006 07:09
It isn´t a full surprise Terry but come on...MGS1 kicks ass...and its story and impact in gaming world was way bigger than MGS2 or 3...but still it was listed on a lower position I know that japan has many strange games that even a sucker for japanese stuff like me can´t like no matter how hard i try but still... Yeah GTA was also a surprise to me...maybe some japanese rockstar employee sent as many letters he could to famitsu or something to make it to top 100
< Message edited by hidemoto -- 6 Mar 06 23:12:17 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: Japan: 100 best games ever...what the??
Mar 07, 2006 07:23
It isn´t a full surprise Terry but come on...MGS1 kicks ass...and its story and impact in gaming world was way bigger than MGS2 or 3...but still it was listed on a lower position No surprise there as I believe Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3 outsold the original in Japan... Not 100% sure but I remember reading something about the original Metal Gear Solid selling about half a million copies in Japan... I think 2 and 3 sold a little more. Plus, with Metal Gear Solid 2, maybe Japanese gamers thought Raiden was kinda cute 
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 6 Mar 06 23:24:44 >
Joe Redifer
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RE: Japan: 100 best games ever...what the??
Mar 07, 2006 07:26
Famitsu really is a crappy magazine. It and their readers are really nothing more than hardcore Square/Enix whores who would pay to suck the programmers dicks if they could.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Japan: 100 best games ever...what the??
Mar 07, 2006 07:33
I know I' ve said this before but I stopped putting much stock in Famitsu' s words after one of their reviewers lowered Shenmue' s score because he felt that the story was TOO strong! TOO strong? What type of $hittt is that???
Terry Bogard
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RE: Japan: 100 best games ever...what the??
Mar 07, 2006 07:35
Often times games get ragged on for having weak stories but yet Famitsu complained that Shenmue' s story was too strong.. bleh
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 6 Mar 06 23:37:56 >
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RE: Japan: 100 best games ever...what the??
Mar 07, 2006 07:39
lol how funny was that? No FF game is even close to OOT, nowhere near. And where is the deepest game ive ever played?? VF4 FF not even in there..
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RE: Japan: 100 best games ever...what the??
Mar 07, 2006 07:43
Hmmm only japanese games... Shows how importent FF13 and DQ9 gonna be to have...MS better open their vault before E3...
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RE: Japan: 100 best games ever...what the??
Mar 07, 2006 13:25
Joe, I was gonna say something along those lines but you summed it up perfectly in 3 lines. I' ve never seen a more biased list of top 100 of anything, not just games. They need to start to become open minded and enjoy other games besides RPGs, and western games too. Do these people even like living in this world? It' s like they' re obsessed with this shit. If Famitsu would' ve asked for the top 20 best games, all we' d see would be rpg titles. Sonic the Hedgehog was somewhere around the high 40s in place, wtf is that shit! I' m not surprised about the list, but I just can' t get over the fact that it seems like all they play is weird games and rpg games (with some other genere of game here and there). How do you do that? I don' t think they' re human, no no, they' re aliens from another dimension...am I being too harsh? who cares...I wish this forum would have more users, so we could have our own poll of top50 best games ever. Anyway...who cares if the 360 doesn' t do well in Japan Quez, or the revolution, they don' t deserve 360 and rev anyway, and they don' t want them either, unless 99% of the games released for those systems are RPG or RPG related games.
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RE: Japan: 100 best games ever...what the??
Mar 07, 2006 18:08
tHE thing is...the more 360 that sells in japan the more 360 support from Jap dev...
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RE: Japan: 100 best games ever...what the??
Mar 07, 2006 18:22
Here´s the Famitsu top 100 for the year 2021: 1- Final Fantasy 132 2- Dragon Quest 35 3- Final Fantasy 133 ... ... ... 100- Final Fantasy64 I bet that will be the line up at that time but seriously, i was recently in Japan and i went to akihabara where there´s many game stores or arcade houses ( i even seen Virtua Fighter 5 arcade OMG) and they only played old games that been out to game consoles (except fro VF5 of course) and Gundam games ( what the??). So it all makes sense...
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RE: Japan: 100 best games ever...what the??
Mar 08, 2006 06:37
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RE: Japan: 100 best games ever...what the??
Mar 08, 2006 17:53
I recognize (but not played) all the games on the list except for 2: Machi and Hokkaido Murder Mystery. I can guess what the latter is and is about. But what is Machi? For being so high on the list, I could find no info about it. It' s not a big deal. Just overly curious.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Japan: 100 best games ever...what the??
Mar 09, 2006 08:25
Surprise surprise, Final Fantasy XII got a perfect score from Famitsu. If it ws the same exact game and made by any other company than Squeenix, it' d get like 30/40 at the most.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 9 Mar 06 0:25:25 >
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RE: Japan: 100 best games ever...what the??
Mar 09, 2006 08:47
Famitsu is the kind of magazine that leaves you feeling sick, ...i mean i can' t read Japanese but it' s blatently tacky, ...and they don' t care about anything that' s not Japanese. The top ten from the top 100 poll are... Final Fantasy X (2001) Final Fantasy VII (1997) Dragon Quest III (1988) Dragon Quest VIII (2004) Machi (1998) Final Fantasy IV (1991) Tactics Ogre (1995) Final Fantasy III (1990) Dragon Quest VII (2000) Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998) Note that the only games ever to get 10/10 in their reviews are... The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo, for Nintendo 64) Soul Calibur (Namco, for Dreamcast) Vagrant Story (Squaresoft, for PlayStation) The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Nintendo, for Nintendo GameCube) Nintendogs (Nintendo, for Nintendo DS) Final Fantasy XII (Square Enix, for Playstation 2) The choices are understandable (meaning you can understand why the Japanese picked them, not understandable form your point of view), ...when you look at the nature of anime in Japan. There is every type of anime you can possibly think of, and even more types of manga (cooking manga?!). Anything that offers distant lands and epic journeys and they' ll statch it up. That and Nintendogs!
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Japan: 100 best games ever...what the??
Mar 09, 2006 09:26
Where was ff6? Japanese people...wake up FF6...ffs :O
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