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Jaffe wouldn' t have used Blu-Ray
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RE: Jaffe wouldn' t have used Blu-Ray
Apr 13, 2007 06:26
I have the same kind of body as Bruce Lee. Maybe not at the same kind of athletic level but the " overall design" is the same  . Zero fat, quick and flexible muscles, explosive strength (great for punshing and kicking!) etc. Anyway, Blu-ray is great by itself but when it' s the biggest reason the PS3 is priced so high I kinda feel that if Sony really liked gaming they would' ve released the PS3 without Blu-ray. But they don' t like gaming, they like money and they' re trying to conquer all aspects of electronic entertainment, including the movie formats. So they use the PS3 to spread the Blu-ray. Not a bad idea from a bussiness point of view and the PS3 is a bargain of you really want Blu-ray. But from a pure gamer point of view, it kinda sucks really.
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RE: Jaffe wouldn' t have used Blu-Ray
Apr 13, 2007 07:03
Dino-what a fuck face. Seriously what a fucking disgusting ps3 fag. FUck him.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Jaffe wouldn' t have used Blu-Ray
Apr 13, 2007 07:03
Well i consider most of you to be scrawny weaklings i could kill with just my non-dominant arm... But moving on, ...Sony has issued a statement regarding Jaffes comments... " While we respect [Jaffe' s] opinion, we feel strongly that the future of gaming lies in the ability to deliver more to the consumer -- more gameplay options, more lifelike graphics, more dynamic sound -- all in high definition... ...To do that, you need a storage vehicle such as the 50 GB Blu-ray disc, because your standard 9 GB DVD simply can' t handle the demands of true next-generation gaming." LINK Morons.
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RE: Jaffe wouldn' t have used Blu-Ray
Apr 13, 2007 07:05
Yes,Mass effect,Oblivion and Gears of war lack these features.
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Jaffe wouldn' t have used Blu-Ray
Apr 13, 2007 07:22
Gears isn' t a great game to use as an example Quez. Yes everything about it is great, but after all, its only 6 hours long, with cinematics using the in game engine, no CG stuff to take up space. Mass Effect on the other hand is likely to be a great example. The fact they are squishing that game onto a DVD is a feat in itself. Lets remember though, that this is a great developer, one I' ve loved for years, and there is a vast majority of sloppy developers(need I name them?) that probably couldn' t manage it, or would make a fuss if they did. Again, BluRay is not needed, but not pointless either IMO. I like having it, the movies look great at 1080p, and down the road it could prove to be a great feature. I still remember people complaining that the ps2 used a DVD in it, therefore making it quite pricey. The main difference this time is that there is a well known rival format.
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Jaffe wouldn' t have used Blu-Ray
Apr 13, 2007 07:31
Hjhahahaha. Finally I got a come-back. Scary thing is it was exactly the kind of response I hade expected... Bit dissapointed abot that. Well i consider most of you to be scrawny weaklings i could kill with just my non-dominant arm... So I take it you' re pretty strong. Wanna arm wrestle? " While we respect [Jaffe' s] opinion, we feel strongly that the future of gaming lies in the ability to deliver more to the consumer -- more gameplay options, more lifelike graphics, more dynamic sound -- all in high definition... ...To do that, you need a storage vehicle such as the 50 GB Blu-ray disc, because your standard 9 GB DVD simply can' t handle the demands of true next-generation gaming." I' ve seriously had enough of comapnies trying to hide the truth, that they want your wallet and nothing more. Whenever they say things like " Next-Gen" or " Revolution" or " true HD" all I hear is Cashing! However I get even more mad, when they say something bad about their company or something that might actually be true, like Jaffe. Then I' m like " O.K what' re you after?!"
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Jaffe wouldn' t have used Blu-Ray
Apr 13, 2007 07:37
However I get even more mad, when they say something bad about their company or something that might actually be true, like Jaffe. Then I' m like " O.K what' re you after?!" I think he wants some favors from Ken Kutaragi and Kaz Hirai in exchange for being nice to them again. Favors with sexy results!
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RE: Jaffe wouldn' t have used Blu-Ray
Apr 13, 2007 11:09
You gotta use the Google calculator, man! Go to Google and type in anything like " 182 cm to feet" or " 584 ounces to pounds" or " 38 kilometers to miles." I could have easily opened the calculator in the start program, but im too lazy for that A very strongstick, that won' t easily break. Though I' m currently working hard on gaining weight. I recommend watching the movie " Super Size Me"
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Jaffe wouldn' t have used Blu-Ray
Apr 13, 2007 16:34
However I get even more mad, when they say something bad about their company or something that might actually be true, like Jaffe. Then I' m like " O.K what' re you after?!" So you get mad for having people being honest? Lol @ you. Just because he see bad sales and work at sony and says what he thinks gone wrong you get angry,what a pice of fucking shitty fanboy you' re.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 13 Apr 07 8:34:55 >
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Jaffe wouldn' t have used Blu-Ray
Apr 13, 2007 16:45
^ Hjhahaha. It' s just too easy.
< Message edited by dionysius -- 13 Apr 07 8:46:02 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Jaffe wouldn' t have used Blu-Ray
Apr 13, 2007 21:11
To butt fuck your friends irl? Wow,what a fag you' re.-
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RE: Jaffe wouldn' t have used Blu-Ray
Apr 13, 2007 22:32
Mass Effect on the other hand is likely to be a great example. The fact they are squishing that game onto a DVD is a feat in itself ..how big a game is Mass Effect exactly? ...like oblivion or final fantasy big?
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Jaffe wouldn' t have used Blu-Ray
Apr 14, 2007 01:03
..how big a game is Mass Effect exactly? ...like oblivion or final fantasy big? Can you really compare the size of Oblivion to FF? I swear, if you have xbox live i think while you sleep Bethesda is really creating more and more quests so you never can really complete the game
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Jaffe wouldn' t have used Blu-Ray
Apr 14, 2007 01:41
Can you really compare the size of Oblivion to FF? I swear, if you have xbox live i think while you sleep Bethesda is really creating more and more quests so you never can really complete the game Not only thatm they steal your dreams too! I have the same kind of body as Bruce Lee. Maybe not at the same kind of athletic level but the " overall design" is the same I bet your 40 stone.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Jaffe wouldn' t have used Blu-Ray
Apr 14, 2007 05:28
Quez still kicks ass. I still play 360 games online with him. To be honest i don' t put the blame for his OTT comments here soley on him. Some things are lost in translation (his spoken English is better than his written) and he' s taken enough insults from other members (current and not), and other overly pro-Microsoft posters here haven' t been treated with such disdain. Quez posts on Xboxyde and Game Reactor and his attitude their is much more like it was here six months ago. Anyway, back on topic, Mass Effect' s size can proably be compared to Wind Wakers, ...although like with Oblivion i expect significant DLC to expand the universe.
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Jaffe wouldn' t have used Blu-Ray
Apr 14, 2007 06:46
To butt fuck your friends irl? Wow,what a fag you' re.- I see nothing gay with buttfucking a girl. But don' t be jelous Quez. If I have time I can give you one, as long ass you keep a bag on your head. Please keep it up. Seriously, it' s fun! Anyways, I' m really looking forward to Mass Effect, but I do get the Oblivion feel from it, more than say Final Fantasy or... Wind Waker? (You will have to explain that one Nitro  ) Not that Oblivion was bad, it was Crazy Awesome, but it is the kind of game that I don' t have time to spend on, as it just keep going on, like an Energizer Bunny. You know, it just keep going, and going, and going, and going and going, and going...
< Message edited by dionysius -- 13 Apr 07 22:46:53 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Jaffe wouldn' t have used Blu-Ray
Apr 14, 2007 08:02
Majik are you home on saturday? I will try and gather as many people I can for some hardcore 4vs4 Annex gears of war battles. Ofc you and me+ribcage should be on the same team. I will try and talk with bertil also,but dont know if he is in tomorrow.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Jaffe wouldn' t have used Blu-Ray
Apr 14, 2007 09:34
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL Majik are you home on saturday? I will try and gather as many people I can for some hardcore 4vs4 Annex gears of war battles. Ofc you and me+ribcage should be on the same team. I will try and talk with bertil also,but dont know if he is in tomorrow. I' m out in the morning but i should be available mid-afternoon and probably in the evening. Is Funner playing? Oh, and how did your big test go? ORIGINAL: Dionysius ..or... Wind Waker? (You will have to explain that one Nitro.. ... ORIGINAL: Majik ..Mass Effect' s size can proably be compared to Wind Wakers..
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Jaffe wouldn' t have used Blu-Ray
Apr 14, 2007 10:16
My big test went " OKAY" got 129 questions about science... I answered perhaps 80-90. I should have gotten 70 correct atleast...
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Jaffe wouldn' t have used Blu-Ray
Apr 14, 2007 19:03
..Mass Effect' s size can proably be compared to Wind Wakers.. Yeah, I was actually more curious as to how you figured, but never mind.
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