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Inside here only PS3 fans no 360!
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Inside here only PS3 fans no 360!
Dec 02, 2005 23:49
First and foremost i just joined and i would like to thank tha staff for making this amazing wesite, i really haven' t found this much info on next-gen throughout the web like i have on kikizo.com. i must say i grew up with PS just like millions of other kids and there will never be nothing better than the Playstation line (i just love that PS logo). anyways i was surfing the web last night and found something rather interesting. It said that if 360 does good in the market, sony will have to work really hard to releasing PS3 by spring ' 06, on the other hand if 360 does rather bad chances are that PS3 could be held back until late ' 06 or even early ' 07. I just wanna know your opinion on why is sony doing this and do you think 360 has any chance on outdoing PS3?
Terry Bogard
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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360!
Dec 03, 2005 00:10
I just wanna know your opinion on why is sony doing this and do you think 360 has any chance on outdoing PS3? Marketshare. If the Xbox360 does well enough then Sony won' t wanna let them have the next-gen market all to themselves for too long. Nintendo was a bit complacent during the 16-bit era and paid for it with the Genesis taking half the market. In Europe and the U.S. I think the 360 stands a good chance to challenging Sony' s dominance, Japan is a totally different story unfortunately.
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Dec 03, 2005 00:34
Since it cost $494 to manufacture PS3 for sony, what' s the possibility that PS3 will break the $400 barrier?
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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360!
Dec 03, 2005 02:37
Depends on how much of a loss Sony is willing and able to take. While nothing has been officially stated, Ken Kutaragi has stated a few times that the PS3 isn' t going to be the cheapest thing ever. Sony also spent a mint on research and development of the Cell Processor (several hundred million dollars) so that too may force them to take less chances. edit: spelling.
< Message edited by Unluckyone -- 3 Dec 05 10:38:31 >
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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360!
Dec 03, 2005 04:54
Grew up with the Playstation, huh? Best system ever, huh? Lets not talk.
Chee Saw
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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360!
Dec 03, 2005 06:50
ORIGINAL: lotusson Grew up with the Playstation, huh? Best system ever, huh? Lets not talk. Easy enough. Just don' t respond to the thread next time. As far as Sony' s next move, I heard that they WILL in fact take a big loss on the PS3. Maybe even more than Microsoft is on the 360!! To me that' s just crazy! They' re already not doing so well financially. I suppose if the 360 does well, they' ll have no choice.
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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360!
Dec 03, 2005 07:37
I just like the fact that Xbox 360 fans were told to stay out which pretty much instantly makes this a fanboy thread. I don' t care though. to each his own. Anyway, I hope for the best with the PS3. I' d really like to see them get the system actually up and running.Hopefully the whole downgrade of the Cell processor to 2.4GHz won' t happen. I' m still really anxious to actually see someone playing the actual console.
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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360!
Dec 03, 2005 08:12
I have no problem with a guy thinking PS was the best system ever. Metal gear solid,ff7-ff9,dragon quest7,gran turismo,tekken3,soulcaliber,nhl/fifa serie was outstanding under its period etc. Chrono cross,crash bandicoot,parasite eve,castlevania:SOTN,silent hill,vagrant story,tony hawk and all other great titles. PSX made games into mainstream,and its all thx to Ken Kutaragi,if anyone trashtalk his PSX and PSX you have to be a true fanby,what was not to love with the psx? The control was superb too. Hell,the late psx control had joystick+rumble pack.
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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360!
Dec 03, 2005 10:41
.... it' s all in the sales figures isn' t it?... ...i also think that the original Playstation produced far more quality game experiences than the Playstation 2 and Xbox combined..... ...also from where i am, 360 marketing and promotion seems to be as lacklustre and irrelevant as the original Xbox campaign was .... i doubt that there will be nearly as high a demand for 360' s in Europe and Japan like there was in the US ..... and Terry rightly pointed out in another thread that the current shortage in the US is most likely intentional..... ...I' m glad to see Microsoft trying harder for Sony' s crown though, it might give Ken and his buddies something to think about (like, if you could match Microsoft' s Live service you' d win this latest console war with one arm tied behind your back).... .....i hope PS3 comes out sooner rather than later as this would force Microsoft to counter with a genuine killer app or a price drop!  ... or both even!!
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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360!
Dec 03, 2005 10:49
Sony recently presented how the company was doing and 2005 was a very bad year for them. But they were optimistic and said that they were confident that they would be profitable in 2006/2007. Perhaps with the help of the PS3, meaning that it might be expensive. But since Sony is doing lots more than just PlayStation it' s hard to tell how the company plan to bring in the money. It' s easier with Microsoft since Windows is a sure bet. If Sony intends to making money with the PS3, they will sell it at a high price but that might cause a greater loss, since lots of people might not afford the console. I think the success of the PS3 pretty much depends on its price tag. And what that price tag will say is hard to tell.
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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360!
Dec 03, 2005 15:00
Easy enough. Just don' t respond to the thread next time. Didn' t realize your name was Minde0511.....
Terry Bogard
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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360!
Dec 03, 2005 15:13
I think the success of the PS3 pretty much depends on its price tag. It' s a double-edged sword. They come in LOW with the price and keep their proposed specs, Sony' s gonna be bleeding money until they sell a truckload of PS3 games to cushion the blow. If they come in HIGH they won' t be losing as much but might scare off some of their marketshare. Most of Sony Computer Entertainment' s bread n' butter comes from mainstream gamers and I can' t imagine many within the casual/mainstream sector paying through the nose for a PS3.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360!
Dec 03, 2005 15:14
I think the success of the PS3 pretty much depends on its price tag. It' s a double-edged sword. If they come in LOW with the price and keep their proposed specs for the PS3, Sony' s gaming department is gonna be bleeding money until they sell a truckload of PS3 games to cushion the blow. If they come in HIGH they certainly won' t be losing as much money on each unit sold but might scare off some of their userbase. Most of Sony Computer Entertainment' s bread n' butter comes from mainstream/casual gamers and I can' t imagine many within that sector paying through the nose for a PS3.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 3 Dec 05 23:18:18 >
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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360!
Dec 03, 2005 15:45
that' s why i' m very worried about sony and their PS3, i don' t want sony to lose its crown to microsoft nor to nintendo.... Microsoft is scary , may be it' s just a cliché i don' t know... Microsoft is playing the nice dude because it' s not the leader, but i think it turns out to be N°1 in this industry things might get very nasty as with their Operating system today...
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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360!
Dec 03, 2005 16:09
how excatly are microsoft bad becuase they are the market leader with the os? from where i am looking windows xp is a smooth fast os that allows me to do anything i want [games/movies/work] with ease. Anyway, i am no microsft fanboy, sony or nintendo. But i do think ps3 will do well, i do think it will be sold at a loss at the start, they are making a fortune [200euro for a ps2 and a few games! [thats about 200 Dollars]. As the cost of production goes down they will start to make a decent profit, and games sales will rise. I cannot understand why sony didnt do anything to damage the 360 launch, like dropping the price of the psp or ps2. but maybe they know all 360' s will sell out regaurless of what price the ps2 is and to lower the prices would cause a loss in revenue possible. I answered my own question. Go me.
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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360!
Dec 03, 2005 17:35
how many MS haters out there ?? why ?? because they release buggy stuff that' s why, remember how Win98 gave nightmares to pc users, even xp now well it' s so much better than win98 thank god that' s the least thing but still it' s far from perfect... just look at Internet explorer isn' t it a shitty browser ooooh yes ... just have a look at opera and firefox both are free.. and for you much they sell their windows well expensive that' s because they monopolize the market , no serious competition
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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360!
Dec 03, 2005 18:05
Sony has sold 175 millions consoles to its gamers,100 with psx and 75 with ps2. Does anyone here actually think they will lose this war? People say ps3 doesnt seem to have titles... lol 1) how many xbox360 titles did you know about like 8 months before release? 2) MGS4,New GTA game,FF13,GT4,Devil may cry4,heavily sword,Resident evil 5,VF5,dragon quest 9,warhawk,brother in arms 3,tales of serie and whatever tekken game it is now... these are just some announced,we gonna hear a lot more the futurer we come to release,and the year after launch of ps3 too. I' m a xbox fanboy,but hell no am i missing the ps3.beam me up ken ;) Xbox360 wont win this war,but it can be big enough to win the next after the 360.
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 4 Dec 05 2:10:28 >
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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360!
Dec 03, 2005 18:11
quezcatol to your information, sony has reached 100 million units PS2 just a couple of weeks ago in the total it' s 200 million of Playstations , that' s really big...
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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360!
Dec 03, 2005 18:15
Abasoufiane,you dont actually think sony will lose their fans to a xbox360? If some goes xbox360 they will get their ps3 too ofc.
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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360!
Dec 03, 2005 18:34
well i don' t think so, although the price might cause some issues to a lot of people believe me... and as you said many of those who choose to buy a 360 will buy ps3 ... IMO revolution and PS3 might be the best combination for next years ... 360 is tempting as well and looks very promising but still i prefer PS3, i wish i could have them both or all three , oh may be i can after all...
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