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If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fare and would you buy it?
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If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fare and would you buy it?
May 27, 2006 17:59
In light of all the Dreamcast threads; I decided to make my own!! Of course everyone would buy it, but what I want to know is with the current situation with Sony possibly on their last hinges with the blunder that is PS3 (even the japanese think it' s too expensive). I' m not saying Sony will definitely lose this one, but if they did, that would leave plenty of room for Sega to muscle in with a new console. It' s not fun if there are only 2 consoles.. With all the software publishing they have been doing, they have become a success in their own right (even if some stuff was shite). I know a lot of people that like Sega in the Uk, just because they saw their name on a copy of Championship Manager. So just post how you feel about the subject... I' d be first in line to buy it!
< Message edited by Tiz -- 28 May 06 14:43:40 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 27, 2006 18:06
Of course everyone would buy it Not a chance in hell.. Sega' s new console would get @$$ RAPED from every direction... I' d be totally sold on it even if no games were announced for it but Sega would be facing some INCREDIBLE odds with VERY little to no chance of pulling through... It was ideal for Sega when it was just them vs. Nintendo, with so many other competitors on the market, it' s no longer an ideal scenario for Sega.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 27 May 06 10:12:51 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 27, 2006 18:09
It say there isnt room for a Sega console in the market right now! I used to love the master system when i could rent it at my local gas station years ago! But somehow sega hasnt got anything to bring to the world right now!
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RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 27, 2006 18:23
I said if Sony were to drop out... COme on people... work with me..
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RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 27, 2006 18:25
I wouldn' t be so sure. They are begging to wise up to the fact that their mainstream efforts with their flagship IP' s sucked, and are looking to bring back some love to those once more. VF5 Next-Gen Sonic VT3 HOTD4 Sega Rally Revo (could be a step in the right direction) PSU Whilst it' s not much compared to the Saturn and DC era, or even the early PS2 and XB times. I do feel that things are slowly changing, and for the better. If Sega made another home system I would buy it without hesitation. Like the 80s videogame crash the penny for the mainstream market will drop, just like it started to with film a few years back. Hence why new IP' s and classic hardcore franchises are the way forward, and Sega could bring this to the table succesfully. It will never ever happen though.
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RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 27, 2006 18:39
It will never ever happen though.  Just had to shoot everyone down didn' t you?  lol But don' t be sidetracked by such negativity, everyone continue...
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 27, 2006 19:43
Depends… If the system seems to be a good one then of course, however I refuse to spend money only because of the sentimental feelings I have for Sega. But if it showed promise of being as good as Sega has been in the past and as good as we all know they can be, I would by it faster than you can say “Sonic†Of course I would expect them to reclaim some exclusives, such as Sonic and Panzer Dragon, but also come up with some great new games. Also I believe that since Sega aren’t as financially stable as Sony or Microsoft, obviously they wouldn’t try to compete with raw horsepower, rather they would think of something innovative which makes them stand out “a la†Nintendo. Oh, yeah! And they would also need to have Yu Suzuki finish what he had started. Man Tiz… You really shouldn’t start threads like this. It really makes me wonder about the “What if’s?†And then I start hoping. Edit: Hmm… On second thought I might by a new Sega, even if it seems like it might turn out to be crap. Just remembered I owe them one, for the Saturn I never purchased.
< Message edited by dionysius -- 27 May 06 11:44:32 >
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RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 27, 2006 20:13
Man Tiz… You really shouldn’t start threads like this. It really makes me wonder about the “What if’s?†And then I start hoping. The thing that spurred this discussion was the fact that I sent my 360 for immediate repairs, as I wanted to get down on some DOA4, so whilst it' s being repaired, I play my dreamcast. Yesterday was probably the best 2 or 3 hours of this year... Then I thought if Sony graciously fall flat on their arrogant/ corporate noses, Sega could easily make headway and release a console..
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RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 27, 2006 20:39
The thing that spurred this discussion was the fact that I sent my 360 for immediate repairs, as I wanted to get down on some DOA4… Repairs… Already?! Man, there seems to be a lot of problems with peoples 360’s. Guess it’s only to be expected as the technology only gets more advanced (can only wait to see the problems to unfold with the Ps3). But do not worry! I shall play a match on DOA4 in your place, on my own 360 (it’s the only game I really like for it so far *flashbacks of the previous box* My God! It’s happening again!  ) …so whilst it' s being repaired, I play my dreamcast. Yesterday was probably the best 2 or 3 hours of this year... You tingle my senses. That’s it! No time for DOA4, just time to hook up the old Sega boy and have some sweet fun with Shenmue and possibly a match in DOA2 instead. Then I thought if Sony graciously fall flat on their arrogant/ corporate noses, Sega could easily make headway and release a console.. Nah, I like Sony. Sure I get annoyed at them sometimes, but they’ve given me many hours of fun, so I can’t hate them.
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RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 27, 2006 21:01
Nah, I like Sony. Sure I get annoyed at them sometimes, but they’ve given me many hours of fun, so I can’t hate them. funny how people give all love to sega although they disapointed so many times, yes i agree they did so many things to this industry, but sega stay away from consoles please, and as a developer today you often suck !!!
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RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 27, 2006 21:16
funny how people give all love to sega although they disapointed so many times, yes i agree they did so many things to this industry, but sega stay away from consoles please, and as a developer today you often suck !!! Be very careful of what you are saying. Kikizo is listening.
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RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 27, 2006 21:20
i think sega fanboys got used to me lol
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RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 27, 2006 21:56
Any anti-sega attitude won' t get you anywhere here, other in arguments with your intelectual betters, of which you will lose. Would i buy a sega console, hell fucking yes! Sure, sega of the late 90s has made some poor choices, but to be honest sammy seems to be getting them back on the horse, so to speak. And knowing what not to do, i think sega could stage a small time come back if you will. They might not have the ammunition to fight the big battles, but there is market for a low cost machine that has great games. They don' t have to drop out of the software business at all, just res erect the dreamcast in a more powerful form, perhaps give it the ability to play all of sega' s backlog of games, then sell it for $100. Then start reprinting all those old games on the cheap, the system doesn' t even need to be manufactured by sega, but it should be of dreamcast/saturn/sega 16 bit ilk. I think this would work fine, even if these primates cluck their tongues about how bad an idea it might be, deep down they have an cowardice about sega depriving systems they like. ...goons.
< Message edited by whiteguysamurai -- 27 May 06 14:29:03 >
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RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 27, 2006 22:25
Repairs… Already?! Man, there seems to be a lot of problems with peoples 360’s. Guess it’s only to be expected as the technology only gets more advanced (can only wait to see the problems to unfold with the Ps3). Hehe... That was my replacement 360 as well.. Fun ey? funny how people give all love to sega although they disapointed so many times, yes i agree they did so many things to this industry, but sega stay away from consoles please, and as a developer today you often suck !!! Without turning this situation ugly.... *holds himself back* Dionysius are you on the Xbox gamertags forum? If not, put yourself on there! I wouldn' t mind a bit of 1on1 Greece vs. London... (When my 360 is repaired)
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 27, 2006 22:30
I think people now realise that PS3 is going to be the most powerfull console, and still offer great titles that people have loved through time. If people decide to go for the wiimote instead, and make nintendo win the console war, ps3 will still be the most powerfull one, and will definitly not be filtered out of the market. Why would people want to buy a new sega console thats a power replacement for the ps3, that for some reason have disappeared? There are plenty of other companies in the industry which has the potential of bringing out a console. For example, Namco Bandai. Bandai is widely known in japan for their portable WonderSwan consoles. And when they have teamed up with richy rich Namco, imagine what they could create. Especially with Namcos contribution to the gaming the last years, just like Sega has.
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RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 27, 2006 22:45
Why would people want to buy a new sega console thats a power replacement for the ps3, that for some reason have disappeared? Cetra, this is one of those " Hypothetical" situations that I know you' re fond of, but we are just thinking that IF it happened hypothetically; would you buy it? We can clearly see that power has nothing to do with people wanting a console, 70% in japan want a Wii and 20% PS3... So your statement carries a fanboyish scent to it. Breathe in *sniff* Hypothetical, breathe out *exhale* no fanboys..
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- Location: b-to the remerton WA
RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 27, 2006 22:49
Agreed. Besides, sega has always been a crowd favorite in all segments of the gaming industry. Why one earth would you NOT want to see sega come back? Honestly, what do you have against sega?
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RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 27, 2006 22:51
But you clearly highlighted in this hypothetical scenario that sega would release a powerful console? Or maybe i understand you wrongly with musceling in a new console. Cause the wii dont have muscle. And I dont think we can clearly see that what people want in japan is wii. Its typical of your sony hatred to ignore the fact that it was only 300 people who voted. 300 !!!! Thats nothing, i can get more votes at my school than that. There are 127 million people in japan.
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RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 27, 2006 23:06
fine, but in Japan we know it usually dictates the majority.. And I dont think we can clearly see that what people want in japan is wii. Its typical of your sony hatred to ignore the fact that it was only 300 people who voted. 300 !!!! No-ones hating in here.. majority of votes in famitsu/Japan usually always dictates how events will turn out: 360 doing badly anyone? Whilst some can clearly accept the majority, others obviously can' t. The majority of votes, usually dictate how the situation will eventually turn out. But I am still trying to keep it HYPOTHETICAL which means answer the question or don' t post. Thats nothing, i can get more votes at my school than that. There are 127 million people in japan. You go ahead and do that... tell me how it turns out.. PLEASE keep it hypothetical people..
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RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 27, 2006 23:08
I think the famitsu poll was overrated. As far as I read, it was an online survey on Famitsu site, wasnt it? While the really big polls and surveys are in the main magasine, where Famitus has gotten polls before that included 10 000 people. I think a new Sega console would definitly be of interest to people. However I wish you could have defined it better, would it be a strong hardware console, or would it have something new and innovative? However, as the Sega department for console making was shut down(dont remember exactly how that story was) I think Sony and Nintendo has become the best placed names in peoples homes. A new Sega console would definitly wake the hardcore gamers up, but others would be like " oh them old folks" - since they know Sega' s old arcade games etc.
< Message edited by Cetra -- 27 May 06 15:11:52 >
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