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If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fare and would you buy it?
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RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 27, 2006 23:20
I know a lot of people that like Sega in the Uk, just because they saw their name on a copy of Championship Manager.  Branded Scripting, it' s how Sony is where they are today. A new Sega console would definitly wake the hardcore gamers up, but others would be like " oh them old folks" - since they know Sega' s old arcade games etc. Not really actually.. Champ Manager is a new age game, that young people love buying, and I already know people that are sold on that 1 idea of Sega being a great company. (Again, Chavs and cockneys) But Sega, didn' t make the game, they only published it. Here in Uk, when Sonic Heroes came out on all consoles, you have no idea how long that was at the top spot for. EDIT: It would be a console with Sega games on it.. with common third party publishers (Ubi, EA etc).
< Message edited by Tiz -- 27 May 06 15:21:42 >
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 27, 2006 23:21
Original by: Tiz Dionysius are you on the Xbox gamertags forum? If not, put yourself on there! I wouldn' t mind a bit of 1on1 Greece vs. London... (When my 360 is repaired) Sorry, impossible! I have no Live account, nor do I intend to get one. It’s not like I have anything against it, but when playing multiplayer I tend to enjoy it more when playing with friends over (or over at friends), and on split screen. So sorry, no go… And it’s not because I’m afraid to get a whoop ass (hehe… have always wanted to say that). Also, I’m not GREEK!!!  I’m a normal Swedish/Bosnian/Croatian guy… eh!..  I’m from Tellus! Original by: Cetra I think people now realise that PS3 is going to be the most powerfull console, and still offer great titles that people have loved through time. Man I hope this next-gen war ends with peace! Original by: Tiz Hehe... That was my replacement 360 as well.. Fun ey? Dude, like… Whoa!
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 27, 2006 23:33
hey you asked what we think didnt you? really not much point in arguing against it the reason i think it will apply to the hardcore gamers, is because sega as a console brand has been filtered out of the mainstream marked. Those who know about the dreamcast, and its earlier days, are those who are somewhat older and have been keeping up with game history for more than the last 10 years. If they were to make a return, there would be one whole new generation of kids that know nothing about them.
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RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 27, 2006 23:35
Also, I’m not GREEK!!! I’m a normal Swedish/Bosnian/Croatian guy… eh!.. I’m from Tellus! Can I call you Swe-Bosni-atian then? (Sorry!) Why I thought you were greek I don' t know. Well you should get live, you' ve only half opened the box, Im on sometimes and so' s Majik and Quez and the rest. It' s up to you though..
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 28, 2006 00:15
Im on live everyday. And im 100% swedish!!!! me > all.
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RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 28, 2006 00:20
Quez, what games dyou play, I' m gonna add you as soon as my 360 is repaired..
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- Joined: Jan 01, 2006
RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 28, 2006 01:02
Some one give me a reason why I shouldn' t. Seriously Those that have been let down with a SEGA system didn' t buy it. or just bought Tombraider and and Madden 96. I think people tried to buy Playstation games on SEGA systems.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 28, 2006 01:07
Of course I' d buy a Sega system if there was one. Because if there was one then games like Virtua Fighter House of the Dead Virtua Cop Super Monkey Ball Panzer Dragoon Shenmue Otogi Sonic Virtua Tennis Yakuza Condemned Outrun Phantasy Star would be exclusives on it.
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RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 28, 2006 01:16
Virtua Fighter House of the Dead Virtua Cop Super Monkey Ball Panzer Dragoon Shenmue Otogi Sonic Virtua Tennis Yakuza Condemned Outrun Phantasy Star would be exclusives on it. YEAH!!!! Now that' s the kind of post we need, no numbers, no tech spechs, no raw grunt " my willy' s bigger than yours" posts.
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- Joined: Jan 01, 2006
RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 28, 2006 01:21
There are no other systems I could be completely content with alone. And maybe Square(Enix) would support the for once in there lives
< Message edited by Kannon -- 27 May 06 17:22:17 >
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 28, 2006 02:56
Well to play devil' s advocate: Even if Sony fell flat on their faces and bowed out of the industry you think gamers would look to SEGA' s new console at the PlayStation replacement when Microsoft has been gaining momentum with gamers and developers?? If anything I see Microsoft' s console EASILY replacing the PSwhatever. Nintendo would be its direct rival, and Sega would still be the 3rd man out if it were to launch a console. A lot of gamers were on the fence when it came to the Dreamcast since they felt that they were burned one too many times by Sega in the past, you think dropping the Dreamcast as early as they did helped the situation out any? If anything it kinda gave them even more of a negative reputation as far as gaming hardware goes. Sega would have to REALLY prove themselves to gamers and Developers. EA certainly had no desire to support the Dreamcast and I don' t see them rushing to develop on Sega' s new system. It would probably take Sega an entire generation to prove themselves so that gamers would want to buy the successor of their next console. Microsoft has the money and would have the 3rd parties, Nintendo has the strength of its IPs, Sega wouldn' t be as strong in either area, making it an uphill battle for them. And I don' t think Sammy wants to see Sega bleed red ink again.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 28, 2006 02:57
Quez, what games dyou play, I' m gonna add you as soon as my 360 is repaired.. GRAW and Fifa world cup,and somtimes pdz. Gonna probably buy table tennis when it hit sweden 2nd june,and later of gears of war,rainbow six etc.
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 28, 2006 04:28
Can I call you Swe-Bosni-atian then? (Sorry!) I can’t forgive you. Well you should get live, you' ve only half opened the box, Im on sometimes and so' s Majik and Quez and the rest. It' s up to you though.. Yeah, I also think I that might be one of the reasons why I don’t seem to enjoy the 360 as the rest. Live seems to be a large part of the box, It’s just that I for some reason don’t find it as interesting. Oh, and please don’t think I dislike my 360, it’s just that there haven’t really come all that many games for it that I like, yet. BTW: Is there anybody here that would agree with me, that the Panzer Dragon world is one of the most beautiful ever created for a game? Edit: Now about that delete button...
< Message edited by dionysius -- 27 May 06 20:37:58 >
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 28, 2006 04:52
Well,i never liked my ps2,dont know why,i gaved it to my brother when he moved away,and kept my xbox and GC. Now my favorite console is ofc xbox360. My favorite console of all time was PS1,but dont know if im gonna get a ps3 or not depends if they can deliver something that appeal to me which wii and 360 does. About SEGA console.no i would never buy a new SEGA console. Becuase i would know they would fail and leave the consumers.
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 28, 2006 05:00
Well,i never liked my ps2,dont know why,i gaved it to my brother when he moved away,and kept my xbox and GC. Now my favorite console is ofc xbox360. Didn' t mean to offend, I am sorry if I did.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 28, 2006 05:04
Wtf,you never has,i just say how i feel. Im not gonna get FF12 or rouge galaxy as i want. Cause i gaved it to my brother,however i called him,and i can lend it if i want in the future perhaps. Cause he is gonna buy ps3. He is my neighbour but... I rather explain why i dont write or talk about ps2 stuff and be honest. I once had a campaign to force Kikizo people to buy ToS for GC...it failed big time :(
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 27 May 06 21:11:16 >
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 28, 2006 05:16
Wtf,you never has,i just say how i feel. Then I am sorry for missunderstanding.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 28, 2006 05:28
Yes,you clearly thought i was some kiddie,who had to trashtalk ps2 in some xbox defense,thats what you thought :P But thats not true >_<
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 28, 2006 05:46
Sorry. But some people are like that.
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- Joined: Feb 05, 2006
RE: If Sega brought out a new console, how would it fair and would you buy it?
May 28, 2006 12:24
" fare" not " fair" sorry, that' s just been bugging me
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