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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
I played a 360!
Oct 31, 2005 07:58
I hit up my local WalMart yesterday after hearing that they had a 360 display up. I went in and it just so happened to be sitting there without anyone on it! Initial impressions: -I LOVE THE CONTROLLER!!! It was so damn comfortable even with it being restricted by the display harness. The button locations are absolutely perfect. Even the new location for the black and white buttons felt great. As soon as I picked it up I was able to play. There was 0 learning curve. My favorite part of the controller is the Xbox Guide button. Even though the guide wasn' t supported with the demo it still had the menu pop up from the left. It was just so cool! -The graphics were f-ing awesome. Call of Duty didn' t look quite as good as what the recent trailers have shown but it was still great. Kameo was fairly impressive. I only played it for about 5 minutes but it was fun and looked quite nice. King Kong had some freaking amazing graphics. The human character models were decent but the enviroments and the T-Rex looked amazing. Sadly WalMart sucks and they didn' t set the resolution to match the wide screen display. The games were all running on the basic resolution so the widescreen automatically stretched and distorted everything. That' s dumb for even WalMart. -The console itself looks even better in person. I wanted to touch it but it was locked away behind the glass. It actually does seem fairly small. I' ll have no problem finding space for it.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: I played a 360!
Oct 31, 2005 09:22
Sadly WalMart sucks I get so frustrated even talking to WAL-MART about games. I hate phoning up and asking about a game and getting a 60 year old women ask " Is that for Sega or Nintendo?" because thats exactly what happened when i was looking for Shadow of the Colossus.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: I played a 360!
Oct 31, 2005 09:54
http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/3962/dieee0pd.jpg Cod2 look awesome on my pc :P Im sure it look amazing on xbox360,btw what did the middle button do on the controller? Hopefully we in sweden get to try the xbox360 some days before december as when it come :S cause playing cod2+morrowind to pc wont let me sleep at night :P I dont get it about wallmart,everyone trashtalk it but still every american seems to buy things there O_O? what is wallmart? And why dont we have it here in sweden,if its so damn big and great.
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 31 Oct 05 17:55:03 >
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- Joined: Oct 27, 2005
RE: I played a 360!
Oct 31, 2005 10:20
it' s not great, lol, they' re cheap tho
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: I played a 360!
Oct 31, 2005 10:47
Wal-Mart at night is where all the freaks go...but, aside fomr that its just a place that sells just about anything for cheap prices. They dont have any of the stands up near where I live yet. However, while visiting a friend in the middle of nowhere Wisconcin we stumbled upon a fairly fancy Wal-Mart and the 360 was there. Sadly, they had to shut it off since it was interfering with the security systems...at least I got to touch the controller. O so so nice.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: I played a 360!
Oct 31, 2005 11:06
Hmm..i think jay leno is a bastard then,if its a shop who just sell everything for cheap,cause every american seems to buy every kind of stuff there,and he seems to make fun of the shop :O Is he so rich that he thinks low of middle class? What a jerk.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: I played a 360!
Oct 31, 2005 11:31
I' ve read a lot of Wal-mart and K-mart and all of those cheap stores in the US. And know this: Things aren' t cheap without a reason! Never ever! I have never bought anything in any of those stores. But from documentaries and common sence I' ve learned a few things. The people who work at those stores often get really bad pay checks, forcing them to take two jobs to make a living. And the conditions at work are often really tough! No breaks or anything. Of course there are laws about how hard you can force someone to work, but the employees are often to scared to lose their jobs to tell anyone how it is. The stuff they sell at those stores are not friendly to the environment and they are often of bad quality. The cheap prices are making all competition go bankrupt, and eliminating competition means you can lower the quality even more since you can' t buy stuff close to their prices anywhere else. Their products can often be made of dangerous materials or chemicals. Their products are sometimes made by children in 3rd world countries. This is beacuse the company running these stores have no care about ethics at all. They don' t care if the poor mother with 5 children isn' t getting enough money when she is selling stuff of bad quality made in Bangladesh by some porr child working for water and bread! And they don' t care if what you just bought brakes or is hazardous to you in any way. This is what it takes to make products cheap! Think about that before buying stuff at stores that are cheap. Of course, if you don' t have much money, I won' t blame you. But if you can afford to play videogames I' m assuming you have enough money to stay away from those places.
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- Joined: Oct 27, 2005
RE: I played a 360!
Oct 31, 2005 11:38
even expensive stores have their stuff made in 3rd world countries.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: I played a 360!
Oct 31, 2005 11:47
Yes, but they have much higher standards. Not only considering where the things are made but in all other aspects as well. Mostly anyway. But we are talking of a store loacted in the US. The US aren' t as strict as a lot of other countries are. My dear Sweden for example, have very high standards. But I guess it could be much worse.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: I played a 360!
Oct 31, 2005 12:14
-I LOVE THE CONTROLLER!!! It was so damn comfortable even with it being restricted by the display harness. The button locations are absolutely perfect. Even the new location for the black and white buttons felt great. As soon as I picked it up I was able to play. There was 0 learning curve. My favorite part of the controller is the Xbox Guide button. Even though the guide wasn' t supported with the demo it still had the menu pop up from the left. It was just so cool! I sentiment those echos! Wait, or is it, I echo those sentiments? Bah, I TOTALLY Agree dude! When I first grabbed ahold of the controller back in May I damn near dropped to my knees in the EA booth. Everything is positioned very nicely and the Media button is big and position beautifully in the center.. If it isn' t, they should make the damn thing compatible with the original Xbox!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: I played a 360!
Oct 31, 2005 12:18
Please, link some pictures of it! I want to see the beauty again but I don' t have the strength to go find the pictures. I also think others visiting this forum would appreciate if they could look at it in case it was a while since they saw it.
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: I played a 360!
Oct 31, 2005 13:10
I managed to order a 360 Joypad for Windows from the us and it should (fingers crossed) be arriving any day now. It' s nice to hear it holds well but what I' d really like to know more about is how the games look ' in person' . Was there any trace of PGR3 or Oblivion in there and does Kameo actually look any good?
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- Joined: Aug 17, 2004
- Location: Saint Louis
RE: I played a 360!
Nov 01, 2005 09:02
For those who' ve been to the mountain and saw the light of greatness (a.k.a. XBOX 360)... You have truly been blessed.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: I played a 360!
Nov 01, 2005 11:02
I' m tempted to go get the controller right now and hook it up to my laptop. It' s just so great!!! The only problem is the Guide won' t pop up when I press the center button.  I still want it now! Hmm.... I foresee a trip to Best Buy tonight.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: I played a 360!
Nov 01, 2005 11:34
Ok, you can all be prepared to hate me. I just won another XBOX 360 through Pepsi. Don' t worry though, I' m not going to be one of those idiots who sell it on ebay just to make a pile of cash. Instead now Rikka can give the one she won to her brother, and I can keep mine for myself. Man, this has been a good week for me, new baby, new 360.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: I played a 360!
Nov 01, 2005 13:16
Congrats man. I' m tempted to kill you and steal your 360 in a jealous rage but since you just became a father I' ll fight the urge. Make sure to lock your doors tonight just in case.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: I played a 360!
Nov 01, 2005 15:34
congrats mxpx, can you by any chance buy me a lotto ticket?  unforutanly being in europe i havent seen a 360 yet, but i might pass by one in some gamestop shop or someplace during its european launch or around christmas. The 360 is allmost out now, only something like 2-3 weeks? for the u.s anyway. Good Luck in getting one!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: I played a 360!
Nov 01, 2005 15:38
Hehe,we in europe only see sony ads,MS just doesnt give a shit about us here at all. :S
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: I played a 360!
Nov 01, 2005 16:33
I thought they' d be pushing the 360 like crazy over here... but do you remember the old X-Box advert that got banned? It was ace. Can' t remember the catchphrase but it involved a baby spat out from the womb flung through the sky at high speed aging at a rapid pace before becoming old and dying. Brilliant. I' ve entered 3 or 4 competitions but no luck so far. I won a Dreamcast though from just one competition on the old sega-europe website :)
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: I played a 360!
Nov 01, 2005 16:36
Seen ps2 ads at the biggest sport event in europe/" champions leauge" the best club fotball team face of each other,and 100' s of million watchers,but no ms ads,there is a lot of ps2/sony ads though. They clearly know what to aim at,and why shouldn' t they? Ps2 sold 29 million here,ofc they wont or let europe market being lost. And it wont. And btw yes i remember that add :P Feel a bit sorry for the old man who was just before death,he must think im hired because i look almost dead :P
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 2 Nov 05 0:39:29 >
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