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How much are you willing to pay for a PS3 at launch?
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How much are you willing to pay for a PS3 at launch?
Mar 30, 2006 04:48
I hope this topis hasn' t been posted b4. Forgive me if it has, I' m new here. Considering all factors, how much would you be willing to shell out for a PS3 on launch day? The 360 is available now...cheaper (most likely) The Rev will be coming out about the same time...probably...and definitely much cheaper. that' s a lot of choices. We all know sony will deliver the games. That' s how they got to be #1 and they aren' t stopping anytime soon. Personally, the more i consider my options this winter, the blurrier that image of a day 1 PS3 in my living room becomes. then again, i might be asking the wrong group....
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RE: How much are you willing to pay for a PS3 at launch?
Mar 30, 2006 05:32
2 Camels and a single Mountain Goat...
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: How much are you willing to pay for a PS3 at launch?
Mar 30, 2006 06:14
Well it all depends on what time you buy it, i am not going to buy one at launch [as i would be ripped off] but after one or two months, or more, i would expect to pick one up easily for about the 400 [euros] mark. thats with controller, hard drive, everything. And for what your getting i think its a resonable price. Remember the 360 at luanch with the premium package with all the extras and a few games cost upwards of 600 euros. I would never pay that!
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RE: How much are you willing to pay for a PS3 at launch?
Mar 30, 2006 07:05
after one or two months, or more, i would expect to pick one up easily for about the 400 [euros] mark Are you just trying to be funny?! 400 Euros works out at £277. With a wireless controller and HDD?! That' s nothing but a pipedream! Sony would NEVER take that much of a loss on every console. That would not only be more than Microsoft lose on either of their consoles, but it would be the biggest loss any company has ever taken for ANY console. You should be looking at the component prices for the machine (and bear in mind that even the component prices aren' t the total cost of production, because labour isn' t included). A single 360 costs Microsoft $513-ish to produce, and PS3' s components are more expensive meaning the cost of production will be higher for Sony. The component cost fo a single PS3 is about $800 (some have estimated as much as $905). So if Sony launched at $450, they would still lose around $350 on every machine sold. That' s NEVER going to happen because Sony simply don' t have the guts to take such a risk. They' re bettng pretty much everything they have on Blu-Ray being a success. The PS3' s Blu-Ray drive alone adds $200+ to the price of production and CELL isn' t cheap to produce either. I know what you' re saying about getting it on day 1 and getting ripped off, ...usually by the shop only selling the machine in custom packages (with a selection of games and extras etc...), but launching so cheap would be shooting themselves in the foot. I only wish it was possible because i DO plan on getting one at launch...
Terry Bogard
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RE: How much are you willing to pay for a PS3 at launch?
Mar 30, 2006 07:31
I' ll pay whatever Sony' s charging. If they want 2 mules and a donkey then I' ll raid a farm and get them two mules and a donkey.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: How much are you willing to pay for a PS3 at launch?
Mar 30, 2006 07:36
Because you want Gradius! If they have VF5 at launch, i' ll pay up to around £800...
Joe Redifer
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RE: How much are you willing to pay for a PS3 at launch?
Mar 30, 2006 09:38
$6,500! The more the better. I hope Sony reads my post and realizes that people will pay ANY PRICE because it is PlayStation. U R NOT E
Terry Bogard
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RE: How much are you willing to pay for a PS3 at launch?
Mar 30, 2006 15:07
Because you want Gradius! You dammm right!  In addition, regardless of development costs, the PS3 is bound to have CRAZY 3rd party support and that means more 2D shooters, platformers, and niche games.
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RE: How much are you willing to pay for a PS3 at launch?
Mar 30, 2006 21:05
600 dollar i guess? But i wont buy it at the release.
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RE: How much are you willing to pay for a PS3 at launch?
Mar 30, 2006 21:14
I' ll pass, thanks.
Vx Chemical
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RE: How much are you willing to pay for a PS3 at launch?
Mar 30, 2006 21:16
Anything more than 100$ i wouldnt buy it at launch, so i guess i wont get it at launch! There are more 360 games that id rather get than spend money on having to pay some of KK' s paycheck!
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: How much are you willing to pay for a PS3 at launch?
Mar 30, 2006 21:18
Yeah same here,i rather buy a ps3 mid 2007 or something,why? cause if those NR specc are true its basically like an xbox....no thanks.
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RE: How much are you willing to pay for a PS3 at launch?
Mar 30, 2006 22:13
You' re not going to get a Revolution because on raw power it' s not much superior to an Xbox?! You' re missing the entire point!
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: How much are you willing to pay for a PS3 at launch?
Mar 30, 2006 22:28
If I was going to buy a ps3 at launch I would probably be looking at paying at least 550-600 canadian, but like some of you here I will probably wait until next year sometime to buy a ps3, I think I can live with my 360 and my N5 when it is launched, definately going to have to buy an N5 at launch.
Vx Chemical
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RE: How much are you willing to pay for a PS3 at launch?
Mar 30, 2006 22:37
You' re not going to get a Revolution because on raw power it' s not much superior to an Xbox?! You' re missing the entire point! Well not exactly missing the point, since there are more similarities between PS3 and 360, revolution is like something different, Nintendo in itself is something different, as they have good IP' s. Ohh wait something sony has that too :)
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: How much are you willing to pay for a PS3 at launch?
Mar 30, 2006 22:55
Yeah,i know that the controller is the new thing,but for me its just a way to get pr,it doesnt look fun at all for me,i want a real normal control,not some crazy stuff like nintendo use.
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RE: How much are you willing to pay for a PS3 at launch?
Mar 31, 2006 00:56
If i buy a PS3 i will wait until the prices goes down to 2 thirds or maybe half...as long as i have an xbox, pc, dreamcast, mega drive, snes, saturn and a revolution i can wait
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RE: How much are you willing to pay for a PS3 at launch?
Mar 31, 2006 01:05
It all depends on the developer support for me. If Sony have mucked it up with the devs this time round, then it wont be worth anything for me. BluRay isn' t that appealing to me either at the moment, especially since it' ll cost so much to implement for us and the industry.. [:' (] I can' t wait for Revolution. Many people are happy with the limited range of games that are available now, but the whole idea of the new controller is to open up gaming to new ideas, new players and more freedom of expression. That' s what I think now anyway. After E3, I' ll be able to say for sure on PS3 and Rev I guess...
< Message edited by choupolo -- 30 Mar 06 17:10:43 >
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: How much are you willing to pay for a PS3 at launch?
Mar 31, 2006 02:07
400 Euros works out at £277. With a wireless controller and HDD?! That' s nothing but a pipedream! I never said I was buying one at launch. Anyway, if you know where to look and not run into your local Game, you would be surprized how much you' d save. But that involves waiting..
Game Junkie
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RE: How much are you willing to pay for a PS3 at launch?
Mar 31, 2006 03:16
I' m willing to pay as much as I did for the 360 Premium. However I probably won' t get one at launch. I don' t even have time to play the worthy games on 360. Speaking of worthy games on 360, why the fuck can' t I find DW5? I even took the bus to Ottawa (capital) to check an EB games there, they said April. WTF? April!? its supposed to be out since the 28th of this month. Have you guys noticed that they' ve been stingy about release dates lately. Before when a certain day was the release date then any and every store that sold new videogames had the game on shelves that very morning. Now shit, I had to spend 4 days looking for Oblivion after it was released before I found a copy. I' m still looking for my copy of DW5. Is it because the 360 is a new console or is this happening with other platforms? I guess I went off topic there but fuck this is pissing me off. Its not that I' m impatient its that I' m tired of running around like a jackass looking for one god damn game. It wouldn' t be so bad if I knew when I could find the bloody thing.
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