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How many hours per Week do you spend playing games?
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How many hours per Week do you spend playing games?
Mar 05, 2006 18:46
There was a time where i spend more than 28 hours per week playing but recently i been only able to spend 3 to 4 hours per week in games. So sad
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: How many hours per Week do you spend playing games?
Mar 05, 2006 18:59
Let' s see... About 3 a weekday, and 4 in the weekend. So probably 23 hours. That' s, of course, depending on whether I have any distractions or not(ie. homework or going out). I' m mostly on the computer, though. Pretty nerdy, huh?
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2006
RE: How many hours per Week do you spend playing games?
Mar 05, 2006 19:30
I' m mostly on the computer, though. Pretty nerdy, huh? Well...even though i haven´t played that much lately i do spend spend a lot time in computer...so that makes us two
< Message edited by hidemoto -- 5 Mar 06 11:33:26 >
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RE: How many hours per Week do you spend playing games?
Mar 06, 2006 01:30
Heh, I can' t play much during the week, but on weekends I have been known to indulge in all-nighters on PGR3 online!  So I' d say ~15-20 hrs? Which is far too much considering I' ve got uni finals coming up soon! [:' (]
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RE: How many hours per Week do you spend playing games?
Mar 06, 2006 03:57
I play PC and console games less than I' d want to but I spend a lot of time playing portables as I can play them whenever I go. The bus, the train, when I' m waiting for a friend, at the job  , and so on. My PSP alone probably gets at least 14 hours a week.
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RE: How many hours per Week do you spend playing games?
Mar 06, 2006 04:01
Not much these days, I need a game to really get me involved to want to play it. Usually under 5 hours a week. When something gets my interest: As much time as possible. I usually am on the computer so make me number 3 please
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RE: How many hours per Week do you spend playing games?
Mar 06, 2006 04:04
I play a lot when I have a really immersive game - one of those that are hard to put down. Some games can make me play 60h per week (Japanese RPGs mainly) I have to make all kinds of excuses for my girlfriend when that happens and when I do meet her, I' m still thinking how I' m going to defeat the boss or something like that. That' s rare unfortunately - most games don' t keep me that hooked. I play only when I have 2-3h of spare time - when I have less time I just surf the net.
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RE: How many hours per Week do you spend playing games?
Mar 06, 2006 05:50
Last night i played 10 hours of pdz... Much co-op was done ;)
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RE: How many hours per Week do you spend playing games?
Mar 06, 2006 18:44
So what' s your take on PDZ?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: How many hours per Week do you spend playing games?
Mar 06, 2006 19:47
30+ hours every week but i have to play games in glass too so does that count?!
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: How many hours per Week do you spend playing games?
Mar 06, 2006 21:50
So what' s your take on PDZ? A great FPS,with to short SP,and a A.I that isnt as great as you want it to be,but PDZ has awesome graphics,and great MP.-its basically a 88/100 for me...thanks to the co-op- Anyway the reason why i bought it,and nothing more the 24 feb,was because i wanted to save my money for GRAW/OB coming in march,and yes i get my graw as soon as it hit my store in the 7 or 10th... 10th is the EU release but,stores get the game earlier,and sometimes let you buy their game a day or two before release.
Vx Chemical
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RE: How many hours per Week do you spend playing games?
Mar 07, 2006 18:39
If im lucky i might get to play 10 hours or week, but its usually less. 2 hours a day keeps the doctor away. Man i should be sick!
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RE: How many hours per Week do you spend playing games?
Mar 07, 2006 20:52
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ I have to make all kinds of excuses for my girlfriend when that happens and when I do meet her, I' m still thinking how I' m going to defeat the boss or something like that. ... What? That' s kinda sad... Thinking about beating a videogame when you are with your girlfriend is just... wow...
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- Joined: Mar 03, 2006
RE: How many hours per Week do you spend playing games?
Mar 07, 2006 22:56
I only play one type of game. But i do it in a sick fashion. I discovered console video game when i hurt myself and couldn;t work for a week. I went to a friend who was on school brake and he was playing GTA Vice City (with the book wich makes it more of a treasure hunt than only a killing spree). We played this for 4 days in a row and had an amazing time. Since then, I' ve waited long for SA and took a holiday to play it for 5 days in row. Nothing else than 4 hours of sleep and 20 hours of game every day for that week. My hole life was put on hold because of a game. Happily, there is not that much game that are as clearvely made (yeah yeah I know some of you think they are crap, save your saliva) with an environnement so satirical and imaginative so each time I rent something else (Mercenaries (yak) total overdose (yak yak)) that is suppose to be in the same line I quit it quickly. I won' t even touch the Crime thing in NY or LA. Else I try to play a bit of the first Civ game or Ages of empire no 1 once in a while.. for fun and because I;m to cheap to ay for game. Not more than 3-5 hours a week. By the way, if you' ve got game suggestion for my game player history please feel free. Kikizo is a great source of information but when you know nothing it' s hard to understand all the FPS, AID, WNY. Well good day to you all SB
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RE: How many hours per Week do you spend playing games?
Mar 08, 2006 01:33
... What? That' s kinda sad... Thinking about beating a videogame when you are with your girlfriend is just... wow... hehehe Now don' t get me wrong ...it' s not like I' m thinking about Ocelot while ...you know. It' s rare - the game I play must be totally awesome (I' m playing MGS3 right now and yesterday when I stopped ,the timer was at 10h). Normally I play 10 -15 h per week. I think it' s awesome that there are still games that can absorb me so much. Not sad at all.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 7 Mar 06 17:35:20 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: How many hours per Week do you spend playing games?
Mar 08, 2006 09:34
^5 Gangsta! Hey Ranpage the thing is, ...the kind of women Gangsta associates with are HOT as hell, so it' s not like there' s an issue there, ...but women are one thing and games are another. I love my girlfriend, that goes without saying, but i love games more... It DOES have to be an awesome game though (or almost anything on DS). Lu' does play games though, Kameo mostly so she kinda gets it. It' s hard to explain really, it' s escapism i guess. I dunno, ...i' ve spent the day in the pub and need to lie down. I think i' m gonna go watch some Samurai Champloo or maybe Naruto and pass out. Lu' says hi to Gangsta but no love for anybody else...?!
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RE: How many hours per Week do you spend playing games?
Mar 08, 2006 20:32
FF7 is better then sex,you want to prove me wrong? Well come on girls,you give me it,you doesnt want to have sex with me? Ah okay then ff7 won,gg no re...
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RE: How many hours per Week do you spend playing games?
Mar 09, 2006 06:51
Majik - my girl has just bought a console - GameCube (she loves Eternal Darkness and Star Fox Adventures - right now she' s playing Prince of Persia Sands of Time - good for rookies) take a look at the most beautiful gamer on the planet :
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 8 Mar 06 22:52:27 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: How many hours per Week do you spend playing games?
Mar 09, 2006 08:09
Grrrrrr! Ha, we should post pictures of attractive female gamers (or just your girlfriend/partner) on here...
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: How many hours per Week do you spend playing games?
Mar 09, 2006 17:19
FF7 is better then sex,you want to prove me wrong? Quez I don' t think any girl would be careless enough to stand against FFVII (boy am I gonna get it if my girl reads this) :)
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