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Jun 14, 2006 06:28
Since halo has the best story in a FPS ever and music im very intrested in the story and seeing how bungie in the documentary says we gonna finish all the fights,what does that mean? Who here think they know gonna happend? I got so many questions,is humans related to forerunners? Is Gravemind a forerunner? When halo2 ended,we had a civil war at the covenants,and when lookin at the halo3 documentary,you saw on a LCD screen brutes with flypacks on their back,WTF?! So perhaps coevanants race has disabandon their prohpets and the prophets lety their army being controlled by brutes. But we cant just assume our enemies gonna be giants brutes,and look at gravemind,he found cortana at the end,and he is the leader of the flood. Flood that take over organic bodies and then create more flood inside them and make those bodies into zombies,well if those flood find earth... where coveannts are also on as seeing in the trailer...omg... Also,why did forerunners,build the last remote control for all halo rings on earth? Why does the 343 guilty spark robot in the halo' s call humans for reclaimers,and has their ring in perfect weather with air to suit humans,while not for coevants and doesnt show them any respect,even though they treat 343 as a living oracle of their own gods,namley forerunners. will Elites,hunters,grunts fight with humans to stop the prophets and the brutes from starting the halo rings. Will the flood make a mess for both side? OMG!!! I want halo3...now... For people who didn' t get the story,covenants had leaders called prophet who builded covenants techonolgy by trashed and destroyed forerunner technology,thats how they build their empire,they think the HALO rings let you find a path to salvation,thats why they talk about the great journey all the time. WHich they think forerunner took and is in a blessing place. However halo' s was build by forernners to work as a weapon,to kill all smart things,to starve out flood,in case they would break out of the HALO rings. Thats why you have to destroy the HALO in HALo1,because covenants try to start it up,not knowing what it done. In halo2,the covenants find out the truth about HALO' s,but the prophet then start a civil war,claiming they doing heresy,and the giant brutes,become sthe protectors of the prophet,which the elites,always seen as the most importent thing,to be guardings of the prophet,this make even elite turn on their masters. The last prophet leader is either insane,or a smart guy... He wanna fire up the HALO' s at the remote control place which is in earth,you all saw it in the halo3 trailer that was the remote control named ARK,perhaps its safe being there when shooting with halo' s,and then killing off his people who turned against him on the covenants planet,to then take over earth. But here is what we could get from the trailers and the documentary. 1.The remote control was real,we see it in the trailer. 2.The brutes lost their leader who was the last boss,but is still the main army now for the covenats,if the other races still stand for covenants is still to be seen. I mean some might still belive in their false faith. 3.Forerunners knew what humans was,why build halos to suit humans,recognize them in Halo library level,and build the last remote control place on earth?
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 13 Jun 06 23:00:09 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Halo3!!!
Jun 14, 2006 07:14
*cough* Forerunners were humans... *cough* *cough* Masterchief will die...*cough* *cough* Gravemind has Cortana trapped and will attempt to manipulate the Chief by " possessing" her...*cough* *cough* The flood, the Ark, the rebith of the world...  That' d have something to do with a bloke named NOAH then! *cough* EDIT: Let me put it this way... I expect Halo 3' s story to include " The Big Bang" , " the flood on Earth and Noah' s Ark" , " Adam & Eve" and " The Garden of Eden" .
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 13 Jun 06 23:25:57 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Halo3!!!
Jun 14, 2006 07:35
So you think,wow good thinking majik,that the gods " forerunners" who had flood kept in their halo rings studying them,released flood on races they didn' t like? Perhaps they created civlizations to their own image...
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RE: Halo3!!!
Jun 14, 2006 07:40
I agree with majik on all counts except that humans are Forunner. A couple of valid points show that it is highly unlikely. 343 Guilty spark calls the Master Chief " reclaimer" . If the humans were indeed Forunner, wouldn' t he refer to them as " creator" or " master" ? Also, if humans are Forunner, how would you explain our lack of Forunner technology? I believe humans were just a species that the Forunner liked or possibly even enslaved. There are points that would refute what I have just said, but IMO if humans are Forunner then it will be slightly deeper than just that fact. Possibly an outcast group or rebels?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Halo3!!!
Jun 14, 2006 07:45
I agree,but here is points on why they could be the forerunners... 1.Coratan says the weather all around the halo and the air is perfect for humans. 2.343 guilty spark ask MC why he used so bad weapons against the flood,and why he didn' t upgrade his armor,its alsmot as he would expect something better from a human. 3.The only people who the 343 really wants or allow to active the HALO rings are humans,which he calls reclaimers,but with covenants and flood he use their race name,now why not call us Humans? Why use the name " reclaimers" . 4.Why build the last desperate remote control on earth? A place to flee if the Flood has spread to far in the galaxy then forerunners was supposed to gather up at earth to activate the ring. Perhaps we look like forerunners,or forerunners spread their seed in some places,could be so that we are related to covenants also :P TT Questions that doesnt make sense is this though... WHy build a weapon that storage something extremley dangerous as the FLood,and then if they break out,make that weapon kill all things around the ring but not the flood itself,so the flood starve out. WHy not kill the flood at the same time. What made the forerunners want to keep the flood knowing the danger,and wanting to prevent them... Something with flood was very very importent for foreunners but what? Btw you know how robotic the halo' s are? perhaps gravemind was a forerunner who got infected... That would explain how he managed to hack cortana in 1 sec. Then ofc he wouldn' t be a human...
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 13 Jun 06 23:48:33 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Halo3!!!
Jun 14, 2006 07:52
To REclaim we must once have HAD claim.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Halo3!!!
Jun 14, 2006 07:53
Or gravemind is a forerunner who got infected,and was left behind,and now feed on people like humans/covenants... That could explain why foreunners wanted to study him/flood. And why they didn' t want him to die off... And perhaps they left him...lol Whatever ,the story in HALo is so much better then any other FPS so many questions,so cool theories etc. In half life its a guy in suit who give you mission  TT Halo> half life.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 13 Jun 06 23:56:00 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Halo3!!!
Jun 14, 2006 08:23
Look at this i found it at wikipedia... " Near the end of Halo 2, 343 Guilty Spark explains that the Forerunner destroyed themselves along with other sentient life within three radii of the galactic center by activating the rings of Halo because of the spreading threat of the flood." and this... It has been hypothesized that humanity may actually be Forerunner who were protected from the original activation of the Halo weapons, possibly by The Ark in the same manner that Noah' s ark saved life from God' s flood. When confronted about the true function of Halo after retrieval of the Index, 343 Guilty Spark comments: " But you already know that. I mean, how couldn' t you? (...) Last time you asked me, if it were my choice, would I do it? Having considerable time to ponder your query, my answer has not changed." When taken together with the knowledge that the Forerunner apparently destroyed themselves with Halo (see " History," above), it suggests that 343 Guilty Spark believes that Master Chief was present when the Halos were originally fired. This would explain why only humans can use the Index to activate Halo (e.g., Tartarus uses Miranda to activate Delta Halo at the end of Halo 2). Guilty Spark' s comments may also hint at why the AI Cortana states in both Halo and Halo 2 that something seems " familiar" about the Forerunner computer systems. During the Halo 1 level " The Maw" section " Light Fuse, Run Away" , 343 Guilty Spark is seen in a cutscene extracting information from consoles in the engineering bay. As he madly hums, zapping boards with some unknown device, he comments to the Master Chief: " To have a record of all of our lost time! Human history, is it?" How could i miss that?
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 14 Jun 06 0:25:40 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Halo3!!!
Jun 14, 2006 08:37
You' re thinking about it all wrong... ...GOD created MAN in HIS own image. If Bungie are using the Bible out of context, then the Forerunners could easily play the part of the creator(s). Bear in mind that in the Bible, Christ is refered to as the forerunner in that he entered... before his people into the holy place as their head and guide. Mark 1:2,3 and Hebrews 6:20 http://www.christnotes.org/dictionary.php?dict=ebd&id=1373 It should also be noted that the ARK in Halo may be a reference to the Ark of the Covenant, as mentioned in the Bible, and NOT Noah' s Ark. It could be either. The Ark of the Covenant was was built at the command of God and its primary function was for God to communicate with Moses. However, with the Flood also bein involved, it could very well (as i suspect) be a ship (Noahs Ark). As we all know Noah' s Ark was a massive ship built at God' s command to save Noah, his family, and a core stock of the world' s animals from the Great Flood. However, the story is also mirrored by the Sumerian myth of Ziusudra, which tells how an ancient king was warned by his personal god to build a vessel in which to escape a flood sent by the higher council of gods.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Halo3!!!
Jun 14, 2006 08:40
Good find Quez!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Halo3!!!
Jun 14, 2006 08:47
Could ARK be some teleport thing? or a giant space ship?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Halo3!!!
Jun 14, 2006 08:49
A ship. But where did it go?! Eden?!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Halo3!!!
Jun 14, 2006 08:51
Ahum...perhaps :P btw i found this now... The Jackals have chosen to side with the Prophets and Brutes in the Covenant civil war. The jackals are thos who wear a shield and sniper weapons in halo and halo2. So it looks like the covenant army is brutes and jackals... However we dont know how much flood will be in the game,or if some covenants still stay loyal ...or nevr heard the call of treason.And the lies about the great journey.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Halo3!!!
Jun 14, 2006 08:56
Also, Master Chief was one of the children used in the SPARTAN II project. What was the original SPARTAN project? Anyone?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Halo3!!!
Jun 14, 2006 08:58
also the flying drones in halo2,is on prophet sides,i missed that,. They was boring to killi nh alo2,but could be fun to shot if they fix some stuff. oh btw... e SPARTAN II project was originally modeled after the original Spartans, citizens of ancient Greece' s Sparta. Sparta was a military-oriented state; from birth, its children were screened for disabilities or defects, and those that failed the checks were left to die. Its population was mostly slaves (helots), allowing the city-state' s actual citizens to spend every waking moment training for war. Historically, the Spartans won many wars simply by arriving to fight. Appreciative of this reputation, the UNSC decided to use the name for their grand project. The result would be a group of super-soldiers gifted with inhuman abilities. With this goal in mind, Dr. Catherine Elizabeth Halsey set out to gather children who were genetically suitable for the project. They found a total number of 150 trainees, but for budget reasons only half that number were " conscripted," a process that involved kidnapping the child in question and replacing him or her with a flash clone. These clones were made deliberately unstable and quickly died of what appeared to be natural causes. They were officially conscripted by Section Three of the Office of Naval Intelligence, which is why the player' s character (the Master Chief) holds a Naval rank and is not a member of the Marine Corps, despite typically fighting with Marines. The group was taken to the UNSC' s space colony Reach, where from the age of 6 they were trained in all aspects of combat and tactics, as well as learning various other academic information in lieu of attending a proper school. They also were administered many physical and mental augmentations. The process was not painless, nor was it entirely safe, but Dr. Halsey knew she would have to sacrifice a few for the good of many. The result of the project was a group known as the SPARTANs, nearly invincible warriors with superior skills and tactical prowess. At the age of 14, the SPARTAN candidates underwent a heavy series of augmentations: * Ceramic-carbide bone grafting * Muscular enhancement injections * Increased blood flow to the eyes, enhancing vision, as well as retinal implants to further increase natural night vision and extend farsightedness-to-nearsightedness ratios * Neurofilaments added to nervous system to enhance reflexes and intelligence 30 of the original 75 died in the SPARTAN augmentation process; 12 more became disabled to the point that they were not able to participate in combat, and so became high-ranking officers in positions where their enhanced thinking capabilities would be very useful. The remaining 33 SPARTANs became the most elite in the UNSC' s forces, revered by nearly all other UNSC personnel. They were not referred to by their names; instead, each was assigned a three-digit number as their callsign. (As an example, John, the Master Chief, is SPARTAN-117.) To maintain the image of the invincible SPARTAN warrior, no SPARTAN was ever marked as killed in action, only as missing or wounded. [edit] Current status Just prior to the fall of the planet Reach, all but three of the SPARTANs were gathered for what was to be a defense against the ground troops on Reach. (The exact number is unknown, as there are discrepancies in numbers.) Three (John-117, James-(number unknown) and Linda-058) stayed in space for a side operation, of which John was the only survivor. The rest descended to Reach to combat a massive Covenant invasion force. Most of them were killed in action. The planet was subsequently " glassed" by heavy orbital plasma bombardment, killing most of the inhabitants. By luck, however, eight SPARTANs fell back to the one area that was not bombed: it contained a religious artifact the Covenant were hoping to retrieve. Dr. Halsey was within this complex as well, providing the wounded SPARTANs with much-needed medical attention. They were eventually rescued by the Master Chief, and Halsey was later able to revive Linda. Unfortunately, a number of surviving SPARTANs (Anton-044, Li-008, Grace-093, Isaac-039 and Vinh-029) were killed in action after the fall of Reach. The surviving SPARTANs are John-117, Fred-104, Will-043, Linda-058, the three Spartans who were never at Reach in the first place, and Kelly-087—who was abducted by Dr. Halsey for unknown reasons and is, ironically, the only SPARTAN to be truly MIA. [edit] Living Spartans * SPARTAN-117 " John" {Onboard Forerunner Vessel} * SPARTAN-87 " Kelly" {Currently MIA} * SPARTAN-104 " Fred" {Status Unknown} * SPARTAN-058 " Linda {Status Unknown} * SPARTAN-043 " Will" {Status Unknown} * SPARTAN-458 " Nicole" {On board ODP-777 Nassau} * SPARTAN-62 " ?" {Songnam, Korea} [edit] Equipment The SPARTAN-II survivors were granted some of the finest armor and weapons available. The contents of the SPARTAN armory changes depending on the scenario in question, but the general items stay more or less the same. The first SPARTAN-IIs mainly used the MA5B, MA2B (a shortened version of the MA5B), M6D magnum and fiber optic cables. Every SPARTAN-II wearing the MJOLNIR MK V and up had thermal optic and infared vision modes. Cameras were also planted in the spartans helmet as standard procedure to record all missions. The MJOLNIR MK V and VI have magnetic adhesive strips in specific locations so spartans can carry Covenant technology, extra weapons or even tactical HAVOK nukes as described in the halo novel The Fall of Reach. Also the MJOLNIR MK V and VI have the ability to house an AI. These AIs (such as Cortana from the game) can provide tactical guidance, distance calculations, hack into enemy com chanels and devices, analyse data, weapons, machines and identify specific threats such as mine distribution and other threats the spartan may not be aware of. A standard flash light in the side of the helmet that runs off a recharging fusion power pack in the back of the armour is also included. Also the visor of a Spartan provids a real time HUD (heads up display) and can provide weapon info, ammunition used and remaining, health and pulse moniters, energy shield status, active motion tracker and waypoints layed down by an AI. [edit] Armor A quick way to identify a SPARTAN is by his or her MJOLNIR armor. It' s a full-body suit with a reflective visor with a HUD on the other side. The suit augments neural ability, with slight commands becoming big motions with big results. It also allows for an AI to interface with the suit, acting as a layer between the suit and the brain. An AI interfacing with the suit provides improved response time, among other things. The first version of this armor put into use was the MJOLNIR MK IV, which Dr. Halsey tasked John' s team to retrieve. This entry-level version was rather primitive compared to newer incarnations, and because of conditions on Reach, spare parts were not available. Just before the Master Chief was deployed to Halo Installation 04, he was upgraded to the MK V, which added an automatically-recharging energy shield to protect the wearer from some damage. After the events on Halo, the armor was changed again to the MK VI. This latest armor is even more powerful, with a slightly more powerful shield, capability for the wearer to wield two small weapons at once, and continue to report data, and the ability to zoom in with any weapon through the suit itself. In multiplayer matches in the Halo video games, the Master Chief' s armor color changes to his team color in a team game. To help distinguish between players, a user can create an emblem to help uniquely identify his avatar.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Halo3!!!
Jun 14, 2006 15:37
nice info Quez!
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Halo3!!!
Jun 14, 2006 21:08
Since halo has the best story in a FPS First of all - the best story driven Fpp i Half Life 2 :)
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Halo3!!!
Jun 14, 2006 21:15
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ First of all - the best story driven Fpp i Half Life 2 :) You really think so?! I always thought the story was relatively weak. The game f**king rules, but the story itself was nothing special. Halo DOES have a great storyline, but then there are also numerous Halo novels available to help pad that world out. Halos story is better than Half Lifes but the Half Life games are cooler. I mean, what other game puts you in the shoes of a heavily armed ginger haired mute?
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
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RE: Halo3!!!
Jun 14, 2006 22:36
I mean, what other game puts you in the shoes of a heavily armed ginger haired mute? DOA4 lets you play as Hayate, but he talks... Are there really any cool ginger-haired characters out there?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: Halo3!!!
Jun 14, 2006 22:42
Half life 2 story is kind of okay,but its like... its a man witha suit who wants gordon to do missions...ahum... All questions about half life 2 is this,who is freeman. If the answere is that he is a robot from the future it would just have been lame :P TT Nah halo story kick ass,half life is just good.
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