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RE: Halo3!!! - Jun 14, 2006 22:49

I was reading through the halo story page, not being lucky enough to be playing the game on an xbox, and I found it semi-interesting that " ' Master Chief' had his name changed to John-117" . It sounded suspiciously like John 1:17, so I dug around in the Bible.

In " The Revelation of St. John the Divine" : Chapter 1: Verse 17: (revelation 1:17) -> " And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
(verse 18 - 20 also seemed applicable)
-> 18: I am he that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
-> 19: Write the things which thou hast seen and things which are, and things which shall be hereafter; (well maybe not 19, :-))
-> 20: The myster of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.

I know I' m reaching, but I still thought the 17 and 18 verse powerful and seemed to appeal to the spirit of the character.

Postscript: I' m by no means a scholar of religion so hopefully you will understand if I seem clueless.


It should be noted that John wrote of the se7en signs that point to Jesus as the son of God.

7 halo rings...that lead to earth...ahum...

Bungie has clearly thought about their story for a long time,look at the cortana letters that came for years ago,which said years before halo which talked about what happend in halo3.

Also one cool thing about the halo story is that one forerunner asked 343 guilty spark when he fired the halos for 100.000 years ago if he really should fire up the Halo' s and kill off other civilizations to stop the flood,he couldn' t make up his mind so he asked 343guilty spark and he decied it was the right thing to do.
Clearly a sign on that forerunners wasn' t so evil that some people suggested.

Also i want to clear out one thing,some people has said,well ofc guilty spark recgonize MC he looks like a robot perhaps forerunners was a robotic people,nope.

Look at what 343 guilty spark who was made by forerunners says to miranda keyes,the girl with no armor,343 guilty spark call her " reclaimer" as with MC.
So there you have it,guilty spark could apparently scan MC' s suit or he knew forerunners liked to wear strange suits.
But underneath looked like miranda.

Ofc i could be wrong,and reclaimers just be a word he call for the human race,but he putted the same air and weather and enviorment that suit humans,as cortana said...

His datanetwork on the Halo is very familiar Cortana says.... hmmm
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 14 Jun 06 16:14:18 >

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RE: Halo3!!! - Jun 14, 2006 23:23
It' s like i said; you can' t be a REclaimer without having had claim. The Forerunners were humans.

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RE: Halo3!!! - Jun 15, 2006 00:11
We know forerunner used to live on the same planet elites and the prophets lives on,and had wars,elites was winning,and the prophets called for a truce cause they found something that lead to the great journey.

We also know that they found a lot o relics,especially the prophets that they doesnt wanna talk about or know...
Also why is the only race they found that isn' t allowed to join the coveannts empire " humans" .

COuld it be that they see that humans and forerunners was the same?
And hide it?
Now before someone ask why hide it?

Prophets who is a smart race but not strong,would lose their status as the leaders of the empire,seeing how they all workship what forerunners has done,nbasically their gods would be humans.
Or atleast newly leaders.
And the prophets are basically the priest who is in control,but what happend when you find their pharao (humans/forerunners)... yeah you get the picture,they lose their status.

Btw in halo3 i hope we see humans fighting with elites,grunt and hunters against flood and brutes/jackals and drones.

Its gonna be awesome :P
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 14 Jun 06 16:16:28 >

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RE: Halo3!!! - Jun 15, 2006 08:46
well to include all covy races so far:
Elites, Grunts and Hunters
Brutes, Jackals, Buggers and Prophets

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RE: Halo3!!! - Jun 15, 2006 09:03
You just missed the engineer,that is being talked about in the novel,and is found hidden in the game code in HALO.

They might show up :P
They are the ones who repair ships and weapons...

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RE: Halo3!!! - Jun 15, 2006 10:22
I' m only half-way through the Halo novel right now. I' m only reading it during breaks on work (like 15 minutes a day) so it' ll probably be another week until I finish it.
Is it worth reading the other 2? I' m really enjoying the first one, but if the other 2 are just the same story as the game I think I' ll read Ender' s Game. I heard that pwnz.
Game Junkie

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RE: Halo3!!! - Jun 15, 2006 11:21
I read the three novels that came out back when Halo:Combat Evolved was released. Good read, I actually enjoyed the books more then the games. And knowing that the same dude who wrote the Halo mythology is writing the script for the movie makes me want to see it even more. You don' t know shit about the Cheif until you read the books. The graphic novels will be meh...

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RE: Halo3!!! - Jun 16, 2006 01:57
The Savants(engineers) are irrelevant to the war. In the books they dont care who or what they help, as they repair Chiefs armor, and simply just want to do thier job and never show any hostility to any group. Its my guess that both sides will have Savants.

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RE: Halo3!!! - Jun 16, 2006 03:08
Can we assume that covenant may have some extra race?
That they gonna use in their war?
Can we guess that some of the covenants still stay loyal to the prophets?
Even though grunt/hunters love elites and only respect them,which the prophets/brutes tried to do a genocide on.

Btw where do you guys think the war will be on?

I doubt its only earth.

I think you will come aboard a covenants ship with Truth on it,and then fly to some planet as they flee with something from the ARK.

And btw,is the High charity still under flood control?
Can' t be that hard to clear it may thjink.
Just bombard the planet :)
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 15 Jun 06 19:11:41 >

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RE: Halo3!!! - Jun 16, 2006 05:29

Can we assume that covenant may have some extra race?

Yep. It' s a sequel, so new enemies and weapons should be expected.

Even though grunt/hunters love elites and only respect them,which the prophets/brutes tried to do a genocide on.

I want to be able to kill them all!

Btw where do you guys think the war will be on?

At the end of Halo 2 the Masterchief has just arrived back in Earth' s orbit, and in the trailer for Halo 3 he' s seen in Africa at an excavation site.

The game, or at least the beginning will definately be set on Earth. I do however expect to have to fight on another Halo, and i wouldn' t be suprised if we didn' t have to go fight on another planet either or aboard an ememy ship.

And btw,is the High charity still under flood control?

I guess that depends on whether Cortana managed to detonate the In Amber Clad' s engines or not. I can' t remember whether we found out but since she' s now under the control of Gravemind it' s unlikely.

Perhaps John and the other living Spartans will have to go clear the place up...

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RE: Halo3!!! - Jun 16, 2006 07:22
I read the instruction booklet for Halo2.

Very intresting information,one of the girl spartans wrote a letter to MC wishing to see him,also they mention of the engineer works on the backside of the manual.

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RE: Halo3!!! - Jun 16, 2006 21:36

Very intresting information,one of the girl spartans wrote a letter to MC wishing to see him,also they mention of the engineer works on the backside of the manual.

I' ve ony got the boring elite/ covenant manual... I don' t care about their back
story, I mean, I' m killing them right? It doesn' t make a difference what I shoot..

(Definitely an American attitude)

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RE: Halo3!!! - Jun 17, 2006 06:16
You play as arbiter in Halo2,you didn' t know that? :P
Also look how halo2 ends,the Elites asked the prophets to let human join their covenants race,they also get almost killed by a an attack by the brutes.

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RE: Halo3!!! - Jun 17, 2006 07:12
Yeah i know but i HATED the Arbiter' s missions. I want to be the Big Green Giantf and i want to kill EVERYTHING!!!!!!!

I can' t wait for Halo 3 online, though i' d like to be able to play as every race in the game, if only in team games.

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RE: Halo3!!! - Jun 17, 2006 07:32
I heard that Halo 3' s ending involves master cheif taking off his helmet and it turns out he is a she. OR Samus to be excat. And the halo games are prequals to the metroid games.

Just an insider notice.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 16 Jun 06 23:33:32 >

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RE: Halo3!!! - Jun 17, 2006 07:34
Actually bungie has said that its not impossible that Chief takes off his helmet.
We already know he is white with brown hair and freckles and is 41 years old.
Yes i said " freckles" .


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RE: Halo3!!! - Jun 17, 2006 07:40
he gets a sex change. For the final boss. becuase you have to, the plot is a little sketchy at that point.

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RE: Halo3!!! - Jun 17, 2006 07:41
Actually,there are some female spartans still alive,even in the manual you can read how cassandra or wtf she was named is worried about john117,aka MC.

So there is no need :)

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RE: Halo3!!! - Jun 17, 2006 07:42
you know, i really have to play halo to really make a decent comment in this thread.

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RE: Halo3!!! - Jun 17, 2006 07:48
He take his helmet off and it turns out he' s Peter Kay!
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