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HD TV: Are you getting one?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: HD TV: Are you getting one?
Oct 27, 2005 02:34
Ofc it does,but what kind of graphic engine is inside make more diffrence. I mean what would look best? Gears of war at 800' 600 or like a bad game from 2002 at 1280' 720?
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: HD TV: Are you getting one?
Oct 27, 2005 04:15
Well obviously the games are going to look different. but if you compare that crap game from 2002 on a normal TV to one with High Definition and you' ll still see a difference, even though a HD-TV signal won' t be sent. Compare a 360 game on a normal TV and one on HD you should hopefully see a bigger difference as the signal coming from the console to the TV will be in HD.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: HD TV: Are you getting one?
Oct 27, 2005 09:52
I just say that resolution is not close to game graphic engine. A game that have higher resolution (like using a hdtv) wont look nearly as good as a game with greater graphic engine. I mean brother in arms at 1280' 1024 look good,but fear at 1024' 768 look 10 times better. So for me its all about how the graphic engine look,i mean look at doom3 for ex to xbox,i just cant understand how a xbox can rendered that,and it look a lot better then any pc version with lower resoultion,so its all about programing and optimize for a code etc,not about the resolution in itself.
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 27 Oct 05 18:03:55 >
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RE: HD TV: Are you getting one?
Oct 27, 2005 12:36
Well that is true, but what the guy was asking was if getting an HDTV for xbox 360 would make a difference if he was getting a small TV. The answer is yes, it makes a huge difference. I use a 22 CRT viewsonic monitor with a viewsonic high def TV thing that connects to it. Even 480p from 480i makes is very noticiable. When I watch HDTV there is an enourmous difference. I' ve also used a 17 inch monitor and still noticed an enourmous difference.
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- Joined: Oct 27, 2005
RE: HD TV: Are you getting one?
Oct 27, 2005 14:52
Hi all, I' m new to this forum...yeey Umm, I' m getting a HDTV myself, but not one of those HUGE ones, I wanna get like a 27" or 30" max. I' m also buying a xbox 360 on e-bay and a Xbox Live Gold Membership. Man I can' t wait to play 360 games...I' m gonna cry  ,  lol. And yes, I actually had a HDTV for like a month, then returned it cuz sumthing was wrong with it, but anyways that' s besides the point, I can say there is a huge difference between standard tv and hdtv. Some of the channels i received had this one month promotion thing, where they broadcasted with HDTV signal. Do urselves a favour and buy one, even if it' s cheap and from a not-so-well-known brand.
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: HD TV: Are you getting one?
Oct 27, 2005 15:17
Armed with my credit card I layed down some cash for a HD TV today. I found the Samsung 26" for a cool £600... easily the cheapest store price I' ve seen. It' s £800 in PC world, Dixons and the like. In fact Amazon is doing ot for £650 but the delivery time on that is 4-6 weeks. I didn' t leave with the TV as they had none in stock. Funnily for £600 a piece they sold out. All is not last, last Monday they ordered 200 more expecting the delivery sometime this week or next. Are there any current gen games that take advantage of HD?
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: HD TV: Are you getting one?
Oct 27, 2005 16:34
Go to HDTV Arcade and click on the name of the system you want to scope out (in the upper left). You will be given a list of what games support what for that system. Only the Xbox and PS2 can do HD. The Gamecube is limited to 480p which is known as EDTV, or " extended definition" . it is still better than 480i, though. You will need component cables. Of course, most PAL games do not support the HD modes because they are PAL and PAL sucks tremendous amounts of hairy ass. Everyone in the world hates PAL. But some PAL games can run in 480p. Get an NTSC system and NTSC versions of all the games. Join their forums to learn more if the PAL version can run in 480p or HD. For example the PAL version of Resident Evil 4 for the PS2 can run in 480p.
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: HD TV: Are you getting one?
Oct 28, 2005 07:59
I' ll take a look there, thanks. At a guess the games that are HD that also run in 60 mhz mode will work. Unfortunately that’s not a lot and we are usually stuck with 50mhz. That’s a fraction slower but sometimes with boarders. I know on the Saturn the difference was very noticeable but not sure about the current gen.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: HD TV: Are you getting one?
Oct 28, 2005 14:57
Welcom to the world of HDTV paul. I' ve got a Toshiba 30HFX84 (30 inch tv) and love it. I don' t even have any Hi def signals going to it yet, so I' m really looking forward to seeing my 360 on it. The widescreen alone is nice though. have the Sony 34XBR960. 34 inches. Just like me. Wow, just like Joe didn' t know I was Canadian, I didn' t know he was a midget!! OH, sorry Joe, Little person. - I am jealous of the XBR though. 34 inches wouldn' t fit in my cabinet though, and I just didn' t have the cash at the time for it.
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
- Location: Minneapolis
RE: HD TV: Are you getting one?
Oct 28, 2005 16:26
PAL runs in 50 hz and ntsc 60 hz, not mhz. 50 hz is 50 frames per second and 60 hz is 60 frames per seconds. Just to clarify ;)
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- Joined: Nov 05, 2005
RE: HD TV: Are you getting one?
Nov 05, 2005 00:07
Hey everyone.... I just got a 27inch sanyo with built in hd that supports up to 1080i for 389 us dollars from walmart(the store that kills)
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- Joined: Jul 07, 2005
RE: HD TV: Are you getting one?
Nov 05, 2005 02:03
No I won' t getting one at the moment as I simply can' t afford it, but I just hope I won' t be missing out on too much
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