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HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 10, 2006 08:04
Halo 3 is announced download the trailer on bungie.net or xbox live marketplace buckaaaaawkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 10, 2006 08:49
looks like they brought back the Assault Rifle from Halo 1. Hmmmmm, makes you wonder. One of the big things people want is to be able to play Halo 1 weapons, I wonder if that will be an option.
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 10, 2006 08:52
I don' t care till we get some in game footage, damnit! I was tricked by the Fable 2 trailer. It' s just bloody pre-rendered stuff... DAMNIT!
< Message edited by whatabout_paul -- 10 May 06 0:52:39 >
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 10, 2006 09:05
This is all real-time in game engine. Nothing is pre-rendered. But it isn' t gameplay its just a scripted movie.
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 10, 2006 09:09
...as a halo fan i couldn' t help but grin when that familiar theme tune kicks in but..... .....IT LOOKS ABOUT AS NEXT GEN AS TOMB RAIDER!!!!!!...[:' (][:' (][:' (] ...seriously, is this a ex-box or 360 game???...
dasher232 *shrill high pitch scream* ahhhhhhhhhhh halo finish the fight 2007. Game Junkie I' d rather wait for a AAA title then have a rushed piece of shit. ..exactly... ...now i know why majik was writing it off..... SPRING 2007: *stroking chin* ...hmmm... ...360+Halo 3 or PS3+Virtual Fighter 5+ Metal Gear 4?.... ....no contest really.... ...mind you i haven' t seen the new Gears of War trailer.... ... ...f*ck i really need sleep... -g' night.. ..again!....
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 10, 2006 09:16
If you think that Halo and GOW is all the 360 has to offer then you' re crazy.
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 10, 2006 09:18
.... ...seriously, is this a ex-box or 360 game???...
... I don' t see how anyone could think like that.... ....unless you were watching it on a 2 inch 200x200 resolution screen..... .... ....  ....
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 10, 2006 09:40
Er... I' ll shut up now and watch the trailer on my 26" HD TV with a HUGE smile on my face. Thanks.
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 10, 2006 09:53
That is in-game engine, huh? Dood, better prep me some prinnies, because I want to blow stuff up! Still, I better not expect to see more Halo 3 until next E3. If they make it as poor as Halo 2, I might go tyrannical.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 10, 2006 10:05
ORIGINAL: locopuyo .... ...seriously, is this a ex-box or 360 game???... ... I don' t see how anyone could think like that.... ....unless you were watching it on a 2 inch 200x200 resolution screen..... .... .... .... Agreed. You must be blind or have a really crap TV. Or your expectations are unrealistic. It' s what I expected. While it looks amazing, it' s probably still a little too early to make any assumptions about it. The trailer was just designed to whet your appetite a little bit and let you know Bungie are doing something.
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 10, 2006 12:12
I guess most of you didn' t read the announcement on bungie.net, but here are a few quotes. We won' t ruin the content of our short presentation by describing it frame by frame, but we will note that everything you' re seeing here is being rendered in real-time on the Xbox 360, using the current version of our Halo 3 game engine. The HDR lighting, self-shadowing, GPU-run particle system and many other effects should make it intact (and more) to our final game. Of course the trailer itself is a teaser - with no multiplayer, a single Earth-based locale, none of our sweet new AI or gameplay technologies. No physics to speak of, no new features other than a sneak peek at the graphics and audio engines…but the other stuff is there, and we' ll reveal more as time goes on. So what they are saying is the actual game will look even better than the announcement trailer, and the graphics are only one of many huge improvements over Halo 2.
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 10, 2006 16:26
locopuyo you did me a favour, was jt aobut to copy and paste from bungie! On HD, man it looks good enough to eat allready.. yummm and the weapons in the original were far better!
< Message edited by jtypecav -- 10 May 06 8:26:29 >
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 10, 2006 18:09
I was also about to copy and pste the bit that it say' s it' s in ' ' real time' ' I know I said I wasn' t interested in halo 3 before the conference but after downloading the trailer and seeing ' ' finish the fight 2007' ' for some reason I had a bit of a hair raising moment (and something in my eye) so there' s no way i' m not gonna get the final installment, and I honestly don' t see why people are so against it, they' re finishing it so therefore I expect just like they started it there will be a lot of time and energy put into it than ' ' metal gear' ' . And if that is indeed ingame like they said (which I have no reason not to believe) who wouldn' t want to finish the battle. Also the gears of war in game action looks brilliant.
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 10 May 06 10:28:50 >
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 10, 2006 19:55
If someone thought the graphic was poor,please show me whats next gen is all about? Cause masterchief is probably the most detalied best looking character ever made so far. Also its only gonna get better form now on :)
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 10, 2006 20:36
This is why I love kikizo though Most people seem to actually have their brains where it should be. On every other board you won' t believe the extent fanboyism has escalated ' ' metal gear will totally own man ....yea' ' , ' ' halo' s boring' ' ..... yet atil you play it secretly in your basement, driviling like a hungry dog.....fanboys. Seriously I think it' s a good move on microsoft' s half because I was worried that they would stretch the series out but this last installment gives them the chance to take over from the last clear up uncertaincies and blow peoples minds finishing with a bang so to speak. The best series are best left finished on a high otherwise when you water it down with drawn out sequels people forget exactly how good it actually is. The trailer is hair raising though I didn' t even play the original halo but was astounded and went to play halo (1) last night honest.
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 11, 2006 02:28
I' m not much of a Halo fan, but the trailer looked fairly tasty. However I' d have rather seen the ' sweet AI, gameplay tech and physics' than graphics we' ve kinda already seen before. (Be honest..) It' d be great if the actual game environments were that ' open' . But if the gameplay is stuck at Halo 2, I won' t be buying it till it' s £10 in a second hand store...as usual. (which didn' t take long the last time!  )
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- Joined: Feb 20, 2006
RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 11, 2006 04:38
Remember how different Halo 2 looked after it' s announcment trailer ;) Halo 3 will own.
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- Location: Minneapolis
RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 11, 2006 06:31
the weapons in the original were far better! The 2 weapons from the original, the pistol and the rocket launcher... Halo 2 actually has weapon and gameplay balance. I' m sure Halo 3 will bring new weapons and weapons from the previous games changed to better suite the gameplay of Halo 3. It will be a lot more like Halo 2 than Halo 1.
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 11, 2006 07:35
If they put back in the Assault Rifle and the Pistol with the zoom then fine. Obviously they' ll need to tone the Pistol down a little, but as long as they don' t downgrade the weapons too far like in Halo 2 - which felt like you were forced into dual wealding when you shouldn' t have needed to - then I won' t mind if it' s like Halo 2 all that much.
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 11, 2006 08:06
I don' t see how anyone could think like that unless you were watching it on a 2 inch 200x200 resolution screen You must be blind or have a really crap TV. Or your expectations are unrealistic. ....no... ...i had just finished the first new Metal Gear trailer.... ...having said that, the rez on the halo trailer wasn' t as good as the Metal Gear one, so i have just downloaded a much better version... ....it looks better than what i initially thought, and i didn' t know that it was using an ingame engine either... ...so... ..my judgement was probably harsh.... ...but... ...isn' t the Metal Gear trailer also using an ingame engine too?...
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