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HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 11, 2006 08:40
the classic mgs critizm can be thrown in here " its only a movie and not in game footage" so who knows what it will look and play like when 20 people are playing on live.
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 11, 2006 08:45
Cant the same criticism be applied to H3 too? Scripted movie made using the in-game engine? (Oops, sry silent I just realised you were talking about H3! Please ignore choupolo..  )
< Message edited by choupolo -- 11 May 06 1:54:46 >
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 11, 2006 09:30
I thought that M$ somewhere manipulated that MC in real time during that sequence just to prove how in-game it was. I believe I also heard the same thing for MGS4... maybe I' m just hearing what I want to hear. Brain is assaulted with so much info at one time. I thought the classic MGS criticism was: " Metal Gear Solid is more like a really long movie that is interactive at parts than a videogame with plot."
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 11, 2006 16:21
Obviously they' ll need to tone the Pistol down a little, but as long as they don' t downgrade the weapons too far like in Halo 2 - which felt like you were forced into dual wealding when you shouldn' t have needed to - then I won' t mind if it' s like Halo 2 all that much. Well if you play with professional style settings it' s a lot different. Start out with BR: gives you a fair chance against any other weapon Usually pick up smg or some other single handed weapon if you come across it for backup or you can duel wield it with something else which makes a pretty good fight in close range making all of those weapons actually have a use (besides needler). Shotgun is an excellent close range worth picking up. Rockets of course are worth picking up but don' t totally dominate because they shoot slower. Sword is awesome for close quarters battle, it really isn' t as powerful as people make it out to be but still quite powerful. Snipers are obviously is the weapon to have at long range (even mid and close range if you' re good enough) Covenent Carbine is alright, good for if you run outa BR ammo. So there you have it, every weapon (besides the needler) has good use and make up for a balanced game as long as you are playing on an indoor map. For the big outdoor maps duel wielding weapons are pretty much useless. You have just been lectured on weapon balance.  Having actual uses for all of the weapons and each weapon have certain advantages over the other weapon for certain situations (like having a shotgun at close range is better than a BR). I really doubt they' ll bring back the old Halo 1 pistol unless they have an option to use the whole Halo 1 weapon set (even though it sucks). My prediction for the AR shown is that they' ll have it as a weapon in Halo 3 but make it a lot better than it was in Halo 1. Probably have a range a little closer than the covenant carbine and be about as effective as dueling SMGs except with better accuracy and longer range. I' m guessing they' ll bring back a lot of the weapons from Halo 2 with about the same attributes only slightly modified. They' ll probably make the needler even better.
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 11, 2006 17:28
I was really thinking about the single player side of things with regards to the duel wielding. Multiplayer I' ve always found uses and the balance of the weapons to be ok. Needler followed by machine gun (can' t remember actual name) works great and the sword when attacking from above also. The single-player experience was the only thing I had fault with, especially when finishing on Legendary. In that respect the duel wielding aspect was too forced a lot of the time, especially against some of the smaller enemies. Then again I' m probably the only one who plays stuff like Halo mainy for the single player mode. The only reason I switched almost entirely to multplay in Halo 2 besides how fun it is, was due to a poor solo outing. I still play through the first Halo' s Campaign mode.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 11 May 06 9:31:50 >
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 11, 2006 17:50
yeah, like me there are plenty of people who prefer the weapons systems (i dont need any help locking on with rockets thanks) of the first game, the campaign of the first game, and the, well the freshness of it. They even seemed to loose the special feel alot of the maps had. I hated the re-made blood gulch, I dont mind halo 2 multiplayer, and it does XBL a lot of good stats wise. I just hope the 3rd installment is as exciting, and jaw dropping as the first one was. I can remember turning on the last game for the first time, on launch day. Blew my socks off! I want that feeling again. Rather than a campaing mode I drop out of half way through on Halo 2 because it felt ' samey' Oh well, plenty more months left for them to release more bits and clips!
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 12, 2006 06:20
I' m no Halo fan, though I do find the game enjoyable and entertaining I fail to see its greatness. I found the first one to be definitely more entertaining than its sequel, as it then still had a fresh feel to it. Then when the second came I at first glimpse thought of it as brilliant, but after a hour or two I started to see feel like I had already played it for many hours and ultimately I simply saw it as Halo 1 with dual wielding (something I still don’t really get why it caused such crazy cheering with the audience at E3 during it’s time) and a rather childish story. Still it (the first) ranks third on my most played game in multiplayer split screen (I never play online) and I really enjoyed the Co-op, which I give it much praise for. The only games I’ve played more with my friends are 2nd placed Conker (64) and number one Goldeneye. I hope this 3rd one will really be the end of this series, not because I hate it but rather that I don’t think it is good to drag things on forever. It would be a nice breath of fresh air to see a company dare to end such a profitable franchise before it turns rotten.
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 12, 2006 06:44
The third one will " end the story arc" . So it is the end of this story. But they still can do sequals with new stories, side stories, or prequals. I' m actually kind of hoping for a RTS Halo that is a lot like StarCraft (btw when they were first making halo that was the plan). But the game is great as FPS so I would still like to see more Halo FPS games as well.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 12, 2006 06:47
I hope this 3rd one will really be the end of this series, not because I hate it but rather that I don’t think it is good to drag things on forever. It would be a nice breath of fresh air to see a company dare to end such a profitable franchise before it turns rotten. Entirely agree with you there I think it' s always best to go out on a high since people always remember the most recent and if the recent is rubbish it blows everything else out the window. I also remember the tomb raider guys saying ' ' this will be the last' ' and I thought good but then they brought out sequels that had nothing to do with the direct story and sorta killed it then they realised they had to make something to atone for that. So I hope this is the last though I would respect them for it plus it would appear humbling.
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 12, 2006 08:57
I' ve played Halo 1 and enjoyed it pretty well, single player and multi. I haven' t had much experience with 2, however most of the things I' ve heard about it aren' t really that good. Mainly things like the overly-easy head shots and a few other things... ...ok, my main reason for posting is actually to ask the question: What' s up with the " BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ? I don' t get it.
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 12, 2006 11:04
my xbox live gamer tag is locopollo so I always buckawk people. The vast majority of people think Halo 2 is better. Why would you speak up if you think halo 2 is better than halo 1? It is expected to be. The people that say Halo 1 is better are just more vocal about it. The only people I know in person, and it is only a few of them, that like halo 1 better than 2 like it better because they used to be the best Halo 1 players with the people they played and now there are many people better than them at Halo 2.
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 12, 2006 13:20
" The Bungie representatives made it clear to us that the trailer was running in real-time on the Xbox 360. The trailer is set in the African desert, and it was taken from roughly a third of the way through the game." " We next met with Marcus Lehto, Bungie' s art director, who filled us in on the technology as he gave us a fly through of the locations in the trailer. The crater seen in the trailer is three miles across, and it' s all rendered in real geometry." ' The demo shifted away from the crater to the part of the level you see the Master Chief walking in from. He was controllable, which means that the trailer indicates just how good the game will look." http://www.gamespot.com/e3/e3story.aspx?sid=6149725&pid=926632 Now IGN " During the conference Bungie explained that the demo was created using real time assets, Master Chief was controllable, and that the game used HDR (high-dynamic range) lighting, self-shadowing, and a GPU-run particle system as well as many other effects, which will be in the final title." http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/707/707241p1.aspx
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 12, 2006 14:55
As long as they keep the two player co-op (maybe 4) I will most likely get it with the reinvented (remodel) 360 next year. I hope the co-op mode was why everyone was saying it was great because otherwise I don' t see it
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 12, 2006 16:38
The vast majority of people think Halo 2 is better. The only people I know in person, and it is only a few of them, that like halo 1 better than 2 like it better because they used to be the best Halo 1 players with the people they played and now there are many people better than them at Halo 2. The thing is, when I went to a Halo 2 party a couple of days ago, it was the second time in my life that I had played Halo 2. Yet, when I started playing, I was doing much better than I expected, getting headshots easily. I was actually winning for a long while. In the last match, I placed second overall, and only by a few points. Most of the people there were also relatively new, but at least two said (they might have lied, I don' t know) they were veterans of the game. So, my question is this: Should a game be that easy to play and excel at, where a person who has only played the game twice can beat people who have been playing it for a while?
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 12, 2006 17:58
From everyone I spoke to they have found Halo 1 to be better overall than the sequel. Even though Halo 2 features one of the best multiplayer modes in an FPS, the single player mode falls flat. Forcing the Duel Wield in situations were it would realistically be avoided, unoriginal story with regards to going to ANOTHER Halo. And graphically although smoother than Halo 1, features much poorer texture detail and visual effects. In defence the characters look a lot better, but that' s it. Bungie need to have an engrossing single player campaign where you will want to go back and finish it more than once. Without that I believe that the Halo series will be rembered as one which started off great an quickly lost it' s way.
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 13, 2006 04:34
I can see how some people like the single player better and how some people like the multiplayer better for halo 1 but what you said about the graphics is straight up false.
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 13, 2006 05:14
yes, halo 2 campaign could have been a lot better, but seriously its not THAT bad... its still better than 90% of the games out there. the multiplayer is THE best out there. i truely think bungie learned a hell of a lot from halo2 and i can only imagine what 3 has to offer. quit naggin' on the campaign so much.. damn...
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 13, 2006 05:16
I think the halo2 sp campaign was a 90/100 while Mp was 98/100 however it should be acknowledge that the story/plot in halo2 is very cool if take it seriously and listen to all.
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 13, 2006 05:25
i consiter myself somewhat lucky in that i bought my xbox and halo with it about a year, year and a half before halo 2 came out, so i didnt have to wait 3 years like everyone else. on the other hand, that was a year and a half i was deprived of halo 1, so... this halo 3 wait... i almost prefer not to think about it... maybe it wil go faster that way.. (it was going good untill bungie screwed it up with that trailor that sent shivers down my spine.)
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RE: HALO 3 BUCKAWKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 13, 2006 05:30
you wanna hear something funny? i bought halo 3 last june... june 2005... approximately 2 years before its release.... wow....
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