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Graphics do Matter
Apr 17, 2005 16:48
People say these days, i dont care about the graphics its the gameplay that counts, i have heard it countless times; on forums, in mags, even my friends have been prone to say it once in a while. But do they mean it? Everyday you see games being realsed each out doing each other with their great graphics, people come in and complain that only ' casual' gamers care about better graphics. and to a certain point that is true, but graphics are a part of games if you like it or not, and they cant be neglected. If you elimate grahics, you basicly elimate most of the gameing coummity and that would destory the industry. So what do we do? ..nothing. yes thats right, we let the games get looking better and better even if the gameplay lacks, because everybody deep down knows that grahpics are a vital part of games. I heard of rumors of people crying when they saw the clip of the new Zelda game with its beatiful presentation. I dont think there was as many ' happy' tears shed when the wind waker was unviled, but the gameplay is the same. Look at Resident evil 4, the grahpics encance that game 10 fold, not because it ' just looks nice' but watching limbs explode in that mannor, never seen before is a new expirenace, we all should innocur. it woudnt have the same effect if it was on the ps1. Now that we are going into the next generation, we hear people saying, ' Oh i dont want to get ' next gen console' as the current ones are great and there is still pleanty of life left in them, true, the curerent machines could be pushed to its limits but for one, would you perfer to play games like this: [IMG]http://tinypic.com/4illko[/IMG] or this: [IMG]http://tinypic.com/4ilms0[/IMG] I would certanily pick the first, Games with that kind of graphics look the part and do enchace the gameplay, only a fool would stay back and play gta:sa while everybody else is playing Gta: london on their ps3' s and xbox 360' s. I rest my case.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Graphics do Matter
Apr 17, 2005 16:56
WRONG forum Bub  .. Well technically not really wrong since we can discuss ANYTHING in this one but this thread would definitely be more at home in the Gaming section ;) As for graphics, they do matter to a certain extent but not always.. For example, it might sound weird but when it comes to consoles, I don' t really care about graphics, BUT when it comes to handhelds I am such a graphics whore! I have never owned a regular Gameboy or Game Gear because they were 8-bit units. I immediately ran towards the Nomad, Turbo Express, Gameboy Advance and PSP when they were released.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 18 Apr 05 0:57:13 >
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Graphics do Matter
Apr 17, 2005 17:02
yeah i didnt know about which forum to post in, videogames seemed just for games, movies was just out there, but Everything Else includes games grahpics, so i rest my case [again] Handhelds dont bother me much [wait, irioinc isnt it? basicly the 2d era is now dead with the gameboy being replaced by nds + psp, but the most powerfull gaming machine, the pc, yets keeps it alive through flashs and shit, make you think, eh?]. In fact i like my handheld games nice and simple, i dont want to carry around a big mmorpg around in my back pocket [but thats for another topic...]. Just that playing games on my old ps2, makes me want more.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Graphics do Matter
Apr 17, 2005 17:21
The consoles I play the most are the Sega Saturn and Master System so you pretty much know that I' m a 2D lover! Way more over 3D! but Everything Else includes games grahpics, so i rest my case [again] " games graphics" still applies to video games in general and thus would be more at home in the gaming forum. Basically ANYTHING that has to do with gaming in some fashion
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 18 Apr 05 1:25:09 >
Joe Redifer
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- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Graphics do Matter
Apr 17, 2005 17:50
Graphics do matter, but they aren' t what makes me buy a game. If a game is not fun to play, great graphics won' t persuade me to shell out da cash for it. I might rent it just to see what my system can do, but that' d be about it. However if a game is fun, then great graphics (and sound) really do enhance the experience. Speaking of the Sega Master System, I sold my original Phantasy Star to a friend (as well as a bunch of other SMS games) when the Genesis first came out so I could afford to buy awesome games like Last Battle. Recently he gave me all of his SMS games including the ones I sold to him. Phantasy Star STILL has all of my game saves on it (I don' t think he ever played it). It is amazing how long those batteries last. My game saves are older than many members of this forum!
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 18 Apr 05 1:51:56 >
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Graphics do Matter
Apr 17, 2005 17:53
Your game saves are older than the Internet, lol..
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- Joined: Apr 05, 2005
RE: Graphics do Matter
Apr 18, 2005 05:24
Yeah its not just the technical aspect to graphics it’s the art too. Like Doom3 sure its got bump mapping, per-pixel lighting and all the technical gubbings but too me it really doesn’t ‘look’ that good.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Graphics do Matter
Apr 18, 2005 07:29
I have to think that when people say graphics don' t matter, what they really mean is Graphics arent' the only thing that matters. AFter all, without graphics it' d be back to text adventure, and while fun, I like to see the key and door I' ll be using it on rather than just knowing " There is a door to the SW, there is a door to the SE, all other entrances are blocked. What will you do next" Seriously though, I do like a game to have graphics, but I agree that it isn' t neccesarily the number one factor.
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- Joined: Dec 07, 2004
RE: Graphics do Matter
Apr 18, 2005 11:58
it' s like going out and looking for a date and saying looks don' t matter....of course they matter!! it' s just there' s other things to worry about as well.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Graphics do Matter
Apr 19, 2005 16:35
it' s like going out and looking for a date and saying looks don' t matter....of course they matter!! it' s just there' s other things to worry about as well. Yeah but you want to find a date that has great A.I., great sound, and great gameplay, you don' t wanna get stuck with a date that just looks pretty, that stuff gets old QUICK ;) Oh wait, you just said something to that effect
Joe Redifer
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- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Graphics do Matter
Apr 19, 2005 17:22
Dates with a MUTE button are just as important as great sound.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Graphics do Matter
Apr 19, 2005 20:17
my first girlfriend was in 5.1 surround I' d swear.
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- Joined: Dec 07, 2004
RE: Graphics do Matter
Apr 19, 2005 20:25
key qualities one is usually looking for in a good girlfriend: - good graphics - good soundtrack - good backstory - hints at a promising storyline - sleek cover-design - good dialogue - lasting appeal - good sound effects - good and adaptable A.I. - not overly complicated controls
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Graphics do Matter
Apr 19, 2005 21:09
The one main quality I look for in a girlfriend are easter eggs, hidden secrets to uncover... Any girl that does something cool whenever I input the Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start code is marriage material as far as I' m concerned!!
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Graphics do Matter
Apr 19, 2005 22:41
Let' s not forget " replayability"
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Graphics do Matter
Apr 20, 2005 07:04
I cannot believe you guys are missing THE most important thing. MULTIPLAYER!!!
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Graphics do Matter
Apr 20, 2005 12:25
Actually I prefer a Single player experience ;) Multiplayer can quickly lead to STDs ;)
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- Location: Saint Louis
RE: Graphics do Matter
Apr 21, 2005 12:36
A game with awesome graphics is not always a great game just because it may bite when you go to play it. Graphics are a big part of gaming (as originally stated), but many old-school games are just as fun with their lesser grahics quality due to the game re-play factor. No, I won' t look away from games like Halo 3...but I won' t stop playing games like the Sega Genesis version of Sid Meier' s Pirates either. It' s all about personal preference...what you like might not be my favorite choice and vice-versa. I cannot believe you guys are missing THE most important thing. MULTIPLAYER!!! Yeah, but I like it when I' m the only male involved (that means two females for those of you too slow to figure things out).
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 21 Apr 05 20:38:29 >
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Graphics do Matter
Apr 29, 2005 15:36
Ok, this is the most impressive next gen image I' ve seen so far. It just looks RIGHT some how. Supposedly a pic from a game being developed for the PS3. There' s more at IGN on their new PS3 page. ok, the image won' t show, here' s the link PS3 photo [image]http://media.ps3.ign.com/media/744/744412/img_2745076.aspx[/image]
< Message edited by mxpx182 -- 29 Apr 05 23:39:19 >
Mass X
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RE: Graphics do Matter
Apr 29, 2005 15:56
Most definatly insane...Next Gen is just gonna nuts. I wonder if this is real-time or not.
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