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Genres that you don' t get on with
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Genres that you don' t get on with
Jul 28, 2005 16:53
What genres are you generally bad at? I' d say I' m a pretty terrible fighting game player and only have time for the more accessible ones like Dead or Alive and Soul Calibur, my fingers just aren' t dexterous enough. Generally I' m also tripe at racing games. My car is normally all over the screen, not to mention a bit battered and bruised by the end of a race. One of my primary goals in life is to become better in these two genres and thus become a gaming god, sad ain' t it?
< Message edited by Auron -- 29 Jul 05 10:17:17 >
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RE: Genres that you don' t get on with
Jul 28, 2005 17:21
I play just about every type of game out there. The one I really hate though is the Dance genre. That is so freakin dumb. DDR and that sh*t is so lame.
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 29 Jul 05 1:23:43 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: Genres that you don' t get on with
Jul 28, 2005 17:22
Arcade styled racing games and I get along just fine.. Me and driving sims (Gran Turismo series, Sega GT series, etc.) do NOT get along at all... Me and RPGs aren' t exactly the best of friends but I DO give em a try every so often. Right now I' m really digging an action-RPG for the PSP known as " Tenchi no Mon" . But in general, I detest TURN-BASED RPGs. Sports and I, forget about it. The less realistic they are the better we' ll get along. And you couldn' t get me on a DDR Dance pad even if a Sniper had me in his/her rifle' s scope, threatening to shoot if I didn' t dance dance to the revolution.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 29 Jul 05 1:25:07 >
Joe Redifer
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RE: Genres that you don' t get on with
Jul 28, 2005 17:39
I don' t understand how Dance Dance Revolution has already been out for ages when it is obviously a Revolution game, and that system hasn' t even been fully unvieled yet. I don' t like FPS games like Halo or Doom or Half Life or the like. There are endless amounts of these types of games. They are boring as hell. I walk around and I only see my weapon. YAWN. I get my ass kicked HARD when playing these types of games online as well. I always (except for one rare occasion) feel bad that I am kicking everyone elses ass hard online in Out Run 2. I don' t care much for strategy games like Dragon Force or Military Madness. Turn based RPGs usually turn me off because of the constant non-relevant dialog and basically the extremely slow pace of the genre. Only a few games get it right, like Phantasy Star. Final Fantasy 7 bored me to tears and that game gave me no reason to want to continue playing beyond the first disc where Cloud dresses up as a bitchwhore to hide from the enemy (it was supposed to be funny but it was just stupid). The game had nothin' to offer me, nothing at all. I don' t care much for racing sims like Gran Turismo just because the pace of the games are so damned slow. You have to play for what seems like a million hours just to get a decent car. In the beginning your stuck with used Mazdas and Hondas that have a top speed of 50. The game won' t let you race on the majority of the tracks, and even the arcade mode only offers a few tracks to race on. If you want to race on them all, you need to unlock them in the boring GT mode. I do find GT4 interesting since it is the only PS2 game to ever run in HDTV. But that doesn' t make it any less tedious. Also, the music is horrible (was good in the Japanese version). I don' t like dating sims, The Sims, or pretty much any kind of game that tries to simulate real life. I already get enough real life as it is! Having said that I simply LOVE Shenmue. But then again it' s Sega, and Sega can never do any wrong ever. If both Sega and your mom were being held at gunpoint, and I was asked to choose who would be shot, I' d gladly tell them to shoot your mom in the face. Sports games pretty much suck as well, with a few exceptions.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Genres that you don' t get on with
Jul 28, 2005 17:48
Basically every thing Joe said above!! lol..
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RE: Genres that you don' t get on with
Jul 28, 2005 18:38
I don' t like the Dance stuff either, and I also don' t get along with sports games except Wrestling (if you consider that a sports game or not).
Evil Man
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RE: Genres that you don' t get on with
Jul 29, 2005 00:25
I like pretty much anything except RTS games, though I am very picky when it comes to sports, racing, and fighting games. My favorite genre is RPGs and Adventure type games like Zelda and Beyond Good & Evil.
Evil Man
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RE: Genres that you don' t get on with
Jul 29, 2005 00:30
Oh I thought this was about genres I dont like, not genres I suck at.... I suck complete ass on console FPS because I can and will never get used to playing a FPS on a controller, the mere idea of resorting to this type of control when a simple keyboard and mouse is superior is so f*cking stupid to me that I simply avoid the genre on consoles, on PC FPS I' m average, I can own alot of noobs online but theres always the people with no life who play 24/7 and have the highest online rankings that totally whoop my ass, but other than against those few low lives, I do pretty good. I suck at RTS games, I guess because they totally bore me, it' s not because I can' t " strategize" cause I am good at Strategy RPGs. And when it comes to fighting games I think I am below average.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 29 Jul 05 8:34:01 >
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RE: Genres that you don' t get on with
Jul 29, 2005 01:30
RTS games and me never really got along. I love turn-based stuff such as Civilization and Heroes of Might & Magic, but I just can' t get into the juggling act most RTS games require of you nowadays. Can' t stand sports games as well. Winning Eleven is alright, but that' s about it. Speedball 2 on the Amiga is still the king! Ever since " Yie-ar-Kung-fu" and " Way of the Exploding Fist" , fighting games have been my favourite genre. I just enjoy the process of learning the ins and outs of each system and the subtle nuances of every different character. I love the tactics involved and the competitive feel.
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RE: Genres that you don' t get on with
Jul 29, 2005 10:26
I love DDR, I mean where else can you and 4 friends look like complete idiots in the mall. Seriously though, I dont like games like The Sims, Zoo Tycoon, ect. Also I can never bring myself to play too much of a sports game that isnt football (american, not european), basketball, or rugby.
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RE: Genres that you don' t get on with
Jul 29, 2005 14:19
ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx I love DDR, I mean where else can you and 4 friends look like complete idiots in the mall. Nowhere! There is a reason for that! I' m sick of watching people that can' t dance try and dance to some game that makes you like even more of an idiot.
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Genres that you don' t get on with
Jul 29, 2005 14:50
The music genre deserves all the recognition it deserves. Especially DDR. It' s the only game where you can actually say ' Now that was a work out' . Now as for the genres I' m bad at, I am notoriously horrible at FPSs and RPGs. FPSs especially. I just hate the dual analog, I think it' s so stupid that you need two sticks to move a guy. Then you gotta shoot with the shoulder buttons, and aim, and crouch and reload your ammo, and search for guns aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!! I suck at RPGs and MMOGs too mainly because I don' t give a damn about turn-based battles and I always get my characters killed. It' s also incredibly frustrating what with the inventory and the HP and PP and all that jazz... I' m really good with fighting games, adventures, stategy games, puzzlers, and music games.
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RE: Genres that you don' t get on with
Jul 29, 2005 14:51
quote: ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx I love DDR, I mean where else can you and 4 friends look like complete idiots in the mall. Nowhere! There is a reason for that! I' m sick of watching people that can' t dance try and dance to some game that makes you like even more of an idiot. Such anger. Something tells me you' ve made a fool of yourself playing DDR as well.
George Foreman
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RE: Genres that you don' t get on with
Jul 29, 2005 15:54
I absolutely suck at fighting games and usually get my ass handed to me when I play against my friend(except in Marvel vs. Capcom  )who' s obsessed with the genre.
Chee Saw
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RE: Genres that you don' t get on with
Jul 29, 2005 16:48
I like most games and genres, but I kinda suck at racing sim games. Arcade racers, fine. The more realistic, the worse I am. As far as the Gran Tourismo series; it sucks. I' d much rather play Project Gotham. You don' t have to use crap cars, and the controls are a nice balance between arcade and sim. Other than that, I' m good if I practice at a game. For that I obviously have to like it, and be able to get into it. I think that pretty much goes for anybody, though. I don' t particularly like sports games, so I suck at those; I guess. I' d have to play to see, though.
Chee Saw
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RE: Genres that you don' t get on with
Jul 29, 2005 16:51
Oh yeah. DDR is cool. My girlfriend and I play together all the time (at home)! It' s one of the only games she ENJOYS playing. Every now and again I can convince her to play a fighting game (mostly Soul Caliber or Dead or Alive Ultimate) or Rumble roses or DOA Volleyball. Now that I think about it, she like a lot of games with fanservice in them! Hmmm!
Joe Redifer
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RE: Genres that you don' t get on with
Jul 29, 2005 16:55
I mean where else can you and 4 friends look like complete idiots Everywhere we go. We don' t need DDR to look like freakin' pansie ass morons who would do the world tons of good by committing suicide immediately!
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RE: Genres that you don' t get on with
Jul 29, 2005 17:37
ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx quote: ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx I love DDR, I mean where else can you and 4 friends look like complete idiots in the mall. Nowhere! There is a reason for that! I' m sick of watching people that can' t dance try and dance to some game that makes you like even more of an idiot. Such anger. Something tells me you' ve made a fool of yourself playing DDR as well. Actually I' ve never played DDR. I' fe just watched people make complete fools out of themselves. I personally don' t think any man can dance. I don' t dance and feel no need to try. It' s pathetic seeing a man dance. Trying to watch a man dance to a game that makes you hop around looking like Bruce Willis jumping around barefoot trying to dodge glass Die Hard style is even more pathetic. Don' t get me started on it being a work out either. If that game makes you tired get the heck outside and try some real sports to get an actual work out. Get into some good physical condition and you' ll see that the only reason it' s hard is because your playing too many games. Gah! I hate dancing and dance games altogether! End of rant.
Jason Zeidan
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RE: Genres that you don' t get on with
Jul 30, 2005 11:29
Jesus, Rampage, cool it.. Hey, I once played DDR for four hours straight, with no break in between. FOUR HOURS!!! My friends and I were worn out. Try jumping around and moving your feet with great speed for that long, and I promise you, ' Man, that was a workout' seems like a valid and legitemate statement..
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RE: Genres that you don' t get on with
Jul 30, 2005 11:43
I' m a distance runner. Try running for an hour and half straight doing 7 minute miles.
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