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Gears of War get' s 10 on 1up
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RE: Gears of War get' s 10 on 1up
Nov 08, 2006 05:59
ORIGINAL: JalleNalle You guys should go download the 720p footage on Xboxyde Couldn' t you have the courtesy to link If i must. Xboxyde Blim says the servers are getting blitz' d right now so you may not get very good speeds. It' s the 720p movies you want - all 3 of them, and i would fully expect them to blow you away.
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RE: Gears of War get' s 10 on 1up
Nov 08, 2006 06:18
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RE: Gears of War get' s 10 on 1up
Nov 08, 2006 06:30
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RE: Gears of War get' s 10 on 1up
Nov 08, 2006 07:05
Amazon' s release date for Gears has been the 15 to 17th for a long time. They don' t get games right away though.
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RE: Gears of War get' s 10 on 1up
Nov 08, 2006 07:07
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RE: Gears of War get' s 10 on 1up
Nov 08, 2006 07:08
I heard the two vidoes besides the 10 minute one are spolier filled. I' m holding off on downloading them because of that.
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RE: Gears of War get' s 10 on 1up
Nov 08, 2006 07:08
Hehe... I remembered that review, and I still hope Kikizo got a descent share of Greens for writing it. Seriously, there are many times I don' t agree with a score a game gets and feel like something is overrated, but most of the times I can at least see what they' re getting at. However the thing with PDZ was that I just couldn' t get it and saw NO redeeming qualties of the game, what so ever. I was beginning to wonder if it was just due to my incompitence and failure to see beyond its faults and to a game worthy of 9.0, until I read one of those free magazines, that had given the game a 6 out of 10. And I fail to see how a game with an admittadly failed single player campaign can reach a 9... unless it' s on a scale to 100. BTW and back on topic, I' m really in the maybe yes and maybe no mode, right now. I' m thinking of getting GoW Collectores Edition (it has to be Collectors Edition  ) but it is really expensive, and the review at gametrailers said an average player could complete the game in aprox. 8 hours. Aww, F*CK IT! Ill just pre-order the damned thing!
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RE: Gears of War get' s 10 on 1up
Nov 08, 2006 07:11
ORIGINAL: Dionysius Aww, F*CK IT! Ill just pre-order the damned thing! Yay!!!
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RE: Gears of War get' s 10 on 1up
Nov 08, 2006 07:13
Thnaks for the links Majic. Ive watched the 2 10min vids and only got one thng to say: " Next Generation Does not start until Epic Games Says so" F%$k you Sony.
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RE: Gears of War get' s 10 on 1up
Nov 08, 2006 07:14
Anyway, get those HD movies on Xboxyde downloaded Bishonen. I want to know what you think. The indoor sections remind me of RE4. The game looks breathtaking! I heard the two vidoes besides the 10 minute one are spolier filled. I' m holding off on downloading them because of that. ...yeah games like GOW and FFXII are already proven must haves for me... ...after a certain point, i' ll start avoiding viewing media on must have titles like these because i don' t want to stumble across spoilers, or ' play the game out' too much before i even own it...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 7 Nov 06 23:22:52 >
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RE: Gears of War get' s 10 on 1up
Nov 08, 2006 07:14
The reviews has been awesome so i guess im gonna have to own tiz+ majik in a 1vs2 game at it later ^^ Btw Los todyssey > gears of war still.
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RE: Gears of War get' s 10 on 1up
Nov 08, 2006 07:24
Well I pretty much agree with the Kikizo review of PDZ.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Gears of War get' s 10 on 1up
Nov 08, 2006 07:51
ORIGINAL: f3hunter Thnaks for the links Majic. Ive watched the 2 10min vids and only got one thng to say: " Next Generation Does not start until Epic Games Says so" F%$k you Sony. I wonder what John Carmack and the rest of the guys at id Software think of Gears. I know hey have a new non-fps IP in the works. If it' s 3rd person it' ll be directly compared to this, and Epic have just raised the bar far higher than most people anticipated. id are going to struggle to sell their engines now. Source and UE3.0 are going to be the engines of choice and Gears does and exceptional job of selling Epics engine. id are going to need to pull off something miraculous. What i don' t want is any more re-hashes of old IP' s (though RTCW2 should be awesome) and i particulary don' t want Hexen 3. They' ve lost a lot of ground to Epic though and i can' t see them catching up any time soon...   Oooh, i wanted t ask you how you think Gears will fare in Japan. I know Famitsu liked GRAW, and that 3rd person games do better than 1st person games, but will Gears make any waves there?!
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RE: Gears of War get' s 10 on 1up
Nov 08, 2006 08:04
So am I the only one that' s actually played Gears of War here?
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 8 Nov 06 0:08:55 >
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RE: Gears of War get' s 10 on 1up
Nov 08, 2006 08:07
Oooh, i wanted t ask you how you think Gears will fare in Japan. I know Famitsu liked GRAW, and that 3rd person games do better than 1st person games, but will Gears make any waves there?! Does it have " Pretty boys" wearing futuristic, yet classic armor that looks like something a prince would wear in those cute little fairytales for little girls, that for some reason bares the chest and stomach of the hero in the game? *cough* FFXII *cough*) Or does it have sexy/cute innocent girls wearing a colorful and tight (god knows what) suit waving a magic wand, summoning beasts of he.... actually that last part could be in the game, yet I think this game will flop in Japan. Why do you wonder Majik? Edit: So am I the only one that' s actually played Gears of War here Asshole
< Message edited by dionysius -- 8 Nov 06 0:10:56 >
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RE: Gears of War get' s 10 on 1up
Nov 08, 2006 08:08
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated So am I the only one that' s actually played a copy of this game? I envy you with every atom of my being. Btw, I just cursed out a Gamestop employee because I got him to admit he' s go the game in and he still wouldn' t sell it to me even thouhg I already paid for the damn thing. I' ve never done something like that before, ever.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
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RE: Gears of War get' s 10 on 1up
Nov 08, 2006 08:18
It' s amazing Rampage, & believe me, I' m seriously freaking suprised I actually got to play it. A few good friends of mine had actually foregone all other plans (including work & school) to go pick the game up. So, when I got home from school, CoD:3-less I needed a pick-me-up, so I message my friends to make fun of them because they couldn' t have gotten a copy. One of ' em he tells me to come over & suffer with him for a while. I do & when I walk into his room, lo & behold, what do I see? Yupp... It was sw33tness. Btw, I just cursed out a Gamestop employee because I got him to admit he' s go the game in and he still wouldn' t sell it to me even thouhg I already paid for the damn thing. I' ve never done something like that before, ever.
My friend at EB straight out admitted they' ve got both the games, but he' d lose his job if he sold one to me.   I did get a call from EB telling me that I had pre ordered CoD:3... En Espanol. I don' t even live near the freaking border, I' m in Michigan as far from it, & I' m getting pre-order calls in Spanish. A little broken.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 8 Nov 06 0:21:49 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Gears of War get' s 10 on 1up
Nov 08, 2006 08:59
Play Magazine 10 out of 10 = 100.0% Games Radar 10 out of 10 = 100.0% PopCultureShock A+ = 100.0% 1UP 10 out of 10 = 100.0% GameSpot 9.6 out of 10 = 96.0% TeamXBOX 9.6 out of 10 = 96.0% Game Informer 9.5 out of 10 = 95.0% GamePro 4.75 out of 5 = 95.0% IGN 9.4 out of 10 = 94.0% GameTrailers 9.1 out of 10 = 91.0% Official Xbox Magazine UK 9 out of 10 = 90.0% Computer & Video Games UK 9 out of 10 = 90.0%
Agent Ghost
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RE: Gears of War get' s 10 on 1up
Nov 08, 2006 09:04
WOOT!, picking it up tomorrow...all for co-op, that games most important feature. Otherwise it would just be a rental for me. Have you guys ever played co-op with Halo on Legenday. Co-op is a blast.
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Gears of War get' s 10 on 1up
Nov 08, 2006 09:12
Thnaks for the links Majic. Ive watched the 2 10min vids and only got one thng to say: " Next Generation Does not start until Epic Games Says so" F%$k you Sony. Agreed x 100. And yes Agent Ghost...Co-op kicks ass on Halo. That was the main factor behind me buying Gears of War.
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