It' s amazing Rampage, & believe me, I' m seriously freaking suprised I actually got to play it.
A few good friends of mine had actually foregone all other plans (including work & school) to go pick the game up. So, when I got home from school, CoD:3-less I needed a pick-me-up, so I message my friends to make fun of them because they couldn' t have gotten a copy.
One of ' em he tells me to come over & suffer with him for a while. I do & when I walk into his room, lo & behold, what do I see?
Yupp... It was sw33tness.
Btw, I just cursed out a Gamestop employee because I got him to admit he' s go the game in and he still wouldn' t sell it to me even thouhg I already paid for the damn thing. I' ve never done something like that before, ever.
My friend at EB straight out admitted they' ve got both the games, but he' d lose his job if he sold one to me.

I did get a call from EB telling me that I had pre ordered CoD:3... En Espanol. I don' t even live near the freaking border, I' m in Michigan as far from it, & I' m getting pre-order calls in Spanish. A little broken.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 8 Nov 06 0:21:49 >