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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Games you missed!
Aug 04, 2006 13:05
I actually just started playing FFVII this year. I got the PC version and it runs fine on XP.
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: Games you missed!
Aug 04, 2006 13:17
How far ahead are you? I played till I reached Meteor Valley, and when I enter the cutscene with Bugenhagen showing his galaxy model thingie, it just pops up an error message and the game shuts down... I' ve tried a whole lot of patches, like the unofficial ' official' one. No dice... I think the problem is with my display options but I' m not sure...
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Games you missed!
Aug 04, 2006 23:15
I got to the point where I' m now chasing Yuffie around her home town trying to get my Materia back. I had some problems with freezes and stuff too. Infact it used to freeze every time I got Yuffie early (you can get her by fighting in some woods and not actually have to wait for her to come into the story). I fixed it by making a copy of my save files, then unistalling the game, then I reinstalled, and then finally put my saves back in the new save folder. Worked fine after that. If that doesn' t work send me a private message and I' ll try to help you out.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2005
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RE: Games you missed!
Aug 04, 2006 23:52
Legacy of Kain: Defiance (Xbox) ....i was a huge fan of the original Soul Reaver for the PS, missed the sequel (it was released shortly after i got rid of my original chunky PS2) and somehow totally overlooked the most recent incarnation, where for the first time both Kain and Raziel fight on the same side.... ...did anyone play it? ....and what did you think?... ....i' ve just seen the xbox version of the game (which i assume to be the best) at a dirt-cheap price online, which i' m going to order now.... ...going back to play great games is fun, especially when your console has been pretty much abandoned in favour of next-HD-gen....
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Games you missed!
Aug 05, 2006 00:28
It was a fun game right up until the end. The ending was horrible. I' ll tell you if you want but If you were a fan of the Soul reaver series you' re gonna be pissed.
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RE: Games you missed!
Aug 05, 2006 01:43
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Games you missed!
Aug 05, 2006 02:16
I' m not going to tell you unless you really want to know.
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: Games you missed!
Aug 05, 2006 04:01
Rampage I kinda liked the ending, loved the series, wish they' d remake them for next gen... all on one shiny bdrom for ps3, and a couple dvds for 360, the whole series... my dream. Missed game....... Nothing springs to mind....
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- Joined: Aug 24, 2005
- Location: b-to the remerton WA
RE: Games you missed!
Aug 05, 2006 04:52
segagaga. They never did make an english translation.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2005
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RE: Games you missed!
Aug 05, 2006 06:37
I' m not going to tell you unless you really want to know. ...uh-oh... ....don' t tell me Raziel pu$$ies-out and somehow gets his humanity back?... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW!!!!!![:' (][:' (][:' (][:' (][:' (][:' (] ....i can already see the newly-human Raziel skipping along to the sound of Christina Agulera, holding daisies in his hands whist being reunited (in slow motion) to his long lost mom.... ...you' re right, i don' t wanna know...  .... *sigh* Rampage I kinda liked the ending, loved the series, wish they' d remake them for next gen... all on one shiny bdrom for ps3, and a couple dvds for 360, the whole series... ...which one was your favourite in the series uumai?, and how does Soul Reaver 2 stand up against Defiance? .... ...do you think it' s worth going back to check out part 2 as well?... ...or does it suck by today' s standards, considering how Defiance is a relatively recent xbox release and SR2 was a pretty early PS2 release?......
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 4 Aug 06 22:39:11 >
Naked Snake
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- Joined: Jul 21, 2005
RE: Games you missed!
Aug 05, 2006 23:33
I missed Crystal Chronicles, is a fact
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: Games you missed!
Aug 07, 2006 05:13
...which one was your favourite in the series uumai?, and how does Soul Reaver 2 stand up against Defiance? .... ...do you think it' s worth going back to check out part 2 as well?... ...or does it suck by today' s standards, considering how Defiance is a relatively recent xbox release and SR2 was a pretty early PS2 release?...... Sorry for a late reply, forgot i posted in this thread ' til now.. Well I found defiance awesome but more action oriented, and focus on the new cooler combat system. They are all great games, but I liked Soul Reaver 1 on dreamcast better than number 2, it was amazing, not too long. Soul reaver 2 was a pretty big game, but the original SR to me made more of an impact... Don' t really remember 2 so well but sure, you should play through all then go on to defiance. I feel to do that myself, again.
< Message edited by uumai -- 6 Aug 06 21:15:30 >
Jessica Spencer
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- Joined: Jul 24, 2006
RE: Games you missed!
Aug 07, 2006 21:20
I missed a lot of cool games as I was not born!!! I would love one of those game+watch thingys!!!
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