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GameCube vs PS2
Feb 04, 2005 21:00
Ok, so I have an Xbox and love it, but I' m getting a new tv for my bedroom and I' d like to get a different console for it. I' ll mainly be playing single player games on it so online or multiplayer capabilities doesn' t really matter (I have my Xbox and Xbox Live for that). I LOVE the Gran Turismo series so that' s a big plus for the PS2, but then again, Resident Evil 4 looks like a must-play videogame. I' m not really sure what good games are on either system, but I' ve heard the PS2 has some good role playing games. If anyone wants to list a few of the good role-playing games on the PS2 that' d be great. Also, name any games you think are " must-haves" for the system you think I should get. So, which do you think I should get and why?
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RE: GameCube vs PS2
Feb 04, 2005 21:18
I think my last post at VIP covers pretty much what I think, including the games.
Mass X
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RE: GameCube vs PS2
Feb 05, 2005 02:13
Even tho PS2 is last on my list I cant deny it has a good selection of games. RE4 will be heading to it also neways. So basically Id go with the PS2.
Terry Bogard
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RE: GameCube vs PS2
Feb 05, 2005 08:12
With the GameCube you get to experience the Nintendo 1st party magic, with the PS2 you get to experience the magic brought forth by third party developers.. I guess it all depends on which you look forward to more ;)
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 5 Feb 05 19:32:40 >
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: GameCube vs PS2
Feb 05, 2005 09:14
I agree with Terry. If Mario, Metroid and Zelda are your things (or other first party material) than go with the cube. If you want 3rd party go with sony. If you already have an x-box, you may be able to already get a lot of those 3rd party games. I' m not sure what it is, but it just seems that I have more fun playing my gamecube than my PS2.
Terry Bogard
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RE: GameCube vs PS2
Feb 05, 2005 11:32
I have more fun playing my gamecube than my PS2. I agree... I have all three consoles but If a game is released the same month for all three consoles then I will ALWAYS shoot to get the GameCube version above all the others unless there' s a special circumstance like with the Xbox version of R:Racing Evolution coming with a demo of Breakdown, a game I was REALLY looking forward to. I think that' s the only case where I went for the non-Cube version of a multiplatform title...
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RE: GameCube vs PS2
Feb 05, 2005 15:38
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RE: GameCube vs PS2
Feb 05, 2005 20:07
My opinion: 1st - XBOX 2nd - GameCube 3rd -PS2 Excellent cartoon the.ben!
Joe Redifer
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RE: GameCube vs PS2
Feb 05, 2005 20:48
I pretty much rate them all equally more or less. I have the most games for my Xbox, and the fewest for my Gamecube. I don' t care much for Nintendo first party games, as they just aren' t interesting. Most of their so-called " first party" games are actually second party anyway (like Metroid, etc). Nintendo has made fewer than 20 games itself for the Gamecube since it was launched. Other titles like Starfox ASSault and F-Zero GX are what I like to call 2.5 party games. Not quite 3rd party snce Nintendo distributed them and probably offered a bit of advice, like " put Nintendo characters in it" , but all of the programming was done at world-renowned companies like Namco and Sega, who employ much better programers than Nintendo seems to as of late.
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RE: GameCube vs PS2
Feb 05, 2005 22:27
ps2=suikoden 4(i really like it)some must gets final fantasy X,Katamari Damacy,metal gear 3 snake eater, GTA San Andreas,Jak series and the Rachet and Clank series i say get a ps2.anyways resident evil 4 is gonna come out for ps2 later this year.i have a gamcube but i like the ps2 better
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: GameCube vs PS2
Feb 06, 2005 13:16
If they all had the same controller it would be an incredibly hard choice for me. But the WaveBird & default GameCube controller and I get along SOOOOO bloody well together that it always makes the choice easy for me when buying a multiplatform game. The Dual Shock 2 and I have a hard time getting along a lot of times and the Xbox controllers aren' t that much better or worst than the Dual Shocks to me. The fact that I bought a third-party controller just for 1 game(Gradius V) shows how well the Dual Shock II and I are friends when it comes to games with 2D gameplay, lol..
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: GameCube vs PS2
Feb 06, 2005 13:46
its not fair to rate console 1,2,3 etc as one game might be great for somebody and other person might hate it, here is my verdit [drum roll] its the games that count, if you like gta,ff,mgs get ps2, the ps2 is great for single player games and fun care-free games. if you like halo,fable,ninja gauidin then the xobox, the xbox is good for live! and more geared towards the kind of pc games [doom 3 anyone]. the gamecube is more of a cute console but dont let that fool you while it does seem childish most of the games are very good and long lasting, yes all 10 of them  but with the likes of resi4,new zedla,mario and others its a steal at its current price. Phew!
Adam Doree
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RE: GameCube vs PS2
Feb 06, 2005 20:22
ORIGINAL: Mass X Even tho PS2 is last on my list I cant deny it has a good selection of games. RE4 will be heading to it also neways. So basically Id go with the PS2. RE4 will come to Xbox as well. Just watch.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: GameCube vs PS2
Feb 06, 2005 20:29
RE4 will come to Xbox as well. Just watch. That right there would ROCK hard!!! I' d Love to see if they' d make some graphical improvements.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: GameCube vs PS2
Feb 07, 2005 06:07
love the cartoon the.ben. He smoted him good.
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: GameCube vs PS2
Feb 07, 2005 16:59
Technically the Gamecube is a better console. Multi format games look and feel better on Gamecube and the 1st party Nintendo games are first class. They are dirt cheap too so it' s worth picking one up for Super Smash Bros Melee, Mario Sunshine and Legend of Zelda alone. Heck, buy it for Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes. There are a few other gems out there too I' ve not even gotten around to playing... F Zero, Metroid Prime(2) And the one with the bongos (!!!) The PS2' s alright though.
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- Joined: Apr 02, 2005
RE: GameCube vs PS2
Apr 03, 2005 01:12
here is my opinion ( i prefer playing games for grown ups ) 1 . ps2 2 . gc 3 . __
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RE: GameCube vs PS2
Apr 03, 2005 13:20
I believe im correct, but when the console war ended didn' t it go 1: PS2 2. Xbox 3. GC It might have changed, and then again i could be wrong, but I think the was a public vote at the end
Prince of Persia WW
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- Joined: Apr 15, 2005
RE: GameCube vs PS2
Apr 16, 2005 11:27
Hello man I think its better that you bring the GameCube because it has not only Resident Evil 4 but aslo it is the consol of The Legend Of Zelda so keep in your mind these games and make a right choice to bring the GameCube home.your Well wisher
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- Joined: Dec 13, 2004
RE: GameCube vs PS2
Apr 19, 2005 08:40
Both are excellent choices. I' d go for the ps2, however. Technically, games may fluctuate from the " mightily impressive" to the " rather last-gen looking" , but you' re really spoilt for choice with both 1st and 3rd party games. I love all three consoles and all of them have their share of must-have games but if I absolutely had to give up one it definitely wouldn' t be my ps2. Oh, and forget Final Fantasy, please get yourself a copy of Amplitude or Ico.
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