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FFXIII, FFXIII Versus, and the last one I can' t remember...
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
FFXIII, FFXIII Versus, and the last one I can' t remember...
May 10, 2006 12:54
http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3150511&did=1 That' s FFXIII Versus, and am I the ONLY one who can' t see they just re-used the character model of Yazoo from AC (along with a little of Kadaj in there, they tweaked the features a little at least)!? Btw, it' s the AC animators and dev team, so that' s not only highly possible, it' s prolly true. Possibly, just to crunch out ANY form of image of FFXIII Versus, they decided on making that quickie animation of this character and his mightly blades =/ Anyway, I was more interested in the comments. Interesting to see even some hardcore FF guys commenting on the PS3' s price. I kinda thought they wouldn' t be daunted Edit: Doesn' t the girl in FFXIII kinda look like...most of the male characters in FF? In a word: she looks ' manly' , as wrong as it sounds. In attempts to make a female main lead, they basically created a male character who finally went the next step =/ She looks like Cloud! Also, a question on the male love interest (because it' s SqureEnix and they must have love =/), effeminate, love triangle? Looks that way...
< Message edited by Byakko -- 10 May 06 5:07:50 >
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RE: FFXIII, FFXIII Versus, and the last one I can' t remember...
May 11, 2006 10:27
...from what i saw on this trailer, the lead character looks like a pretty feminine Japanese girl to me.... ...actually, she looks like squal' s younger sister.... ...don' t really see anything ' manly' about her.... ...what did you think of the trailer anyway?.... ...i thought it was AWESOME! ...it looks like a next-gen version of FFVIII, which if you ask me, was the best FF ever made.... ....i found the visuals extremely impressive, and have a growing suspicion PS3 will eclipse 360 graphically far sooner than most expected.... . ....i' m just glad that both FFXIII and vs. XIII won' t be ready for aaaages because it' s gonna be an age before i get my hands on FFXII!   ...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 11 May 06 2:31:19 >
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RE: FFXIII, FFXIII Versus, and the last one I can' t remember...
May 11, 2006 10:37
...what did you think of the trailer anyway?.... ...i thought it was AWESOME! ...it looks like a next-gen version of FFVIII, which if you ask me, was the best FF ever made.... ....i found the visuals extremely impressive, and have a growing suspicion PS3 will eclipse 360 graphically far sooner than most expected.... . Love it here too. As much as I bash Sony' s decisions lately, their titles are looking good! The visuals indeed look great, and I personally think it is the future world of the one we saw at FFVIII, though probably not in the literal sense. ....i' m just glad that both FFXIII and vs. XIII won' t be ready for aaaages because it' s gonna be an age before i get my hands on FFXII! I' m just glad that they won' t be ready for ages because I won' t be able to afford a PS3 for ages.
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: FFXIII, FFXIII Versus, and the last one I can' t remember...
May 11, 2006 11:15
FFVIII was kinda fun, but definitely not the best. I just didn' t get that epic feeling that I got playing FFVII. If the characters weren' t ALL my own age, I think I' d have more respect for them...when I went PAST 16-18 years old, I kinda thought they were stupid in some of their actions =/ Plus, Rinoa is the only female character in history to have dated the enemy *cough* A revisit to the FFVIII world would be fine, if only they could make it more epic in some ways, and not have a Gackt/River Phoenix-lookalike as the main character with personality to match -.- Oh, and I mean ' manly' as in she looks more bishounen then essentially bishoujo. Which is good in a way, and yet kinda disturbing =/
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RE: FFXIII, FFXIII Versus, and the last one I can' t remember...
May 11, 2006 12:34
...i see bishoujo.... ...especially with the way her hair is done.... ...her face is round also.. ...male faces are normally angular..... ...i think you may be thrown by how she' s this super athletic action type-girl... ...you don' t really see girls doing that in a FF game do you?..... ....in that sense i can see where you' re coming from i suppose... ....but i would guess that any forward, more aggressive female character might seem masculine... ..no?.....
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RE: FFXIII, FFXIII Versus, and the last one I can' t remember...
May 11, 2006 14:43
Her face is not really round, and a super athletic action type girl has been around since the dawn of anime - the famous cross-dressing princess who was a lesbian and fought off soldiers on horseback and a rapier; the main female lead in Vision of Escaflowne; Ghost in the Shell; even Seras Victoria in Hellsing is brutal in combat when she' s beserking. Edit: Lest I forget, the all female cast and quite masculine characters (they' re all freaking tall!) of Silent Mobius http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/reviews/display.php?id=342 Trust me, the FFXIII girl isn' t doing anything much by anime/manga standards =/ In a sense, her face isn' t exactly round either. It still holds an angular edge, and the slight roundedness is reminscent of the more effeminate spectrum of bishounen (somewhere like Yami no Matsuei' s Hisoka or the Dragon Prince). Either way, she' s decent, but her face still looks too close to the AC character models of Cloud.
< Message edited by Byakko -- 11 May 06 6:45:45 >
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RE: FFXIII, FFXIII Versus, and the last one I can' t remember...
May 12, 2006 01:44
your going to have a hard time convincing me shes a man.
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RE: FFXIII, FFXIII Versus, and the last one I can' t remember...
May 12, 2006 07:24
...that' s because she' s not and looks nothing like any sort of man.... ....i am rather puzzled why Byakko seems to think different...
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RE: FFXIII, FFXIII Versus, and the last one I can' t remember...
May 12, 2006 07:34
I consider ff7 to be the best game ever made,about the girls face,are you supriced? latley all square-enix guys has looked girly...
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