That' s FFXIII Versus, and am I the ONLY one who can' t see they just re-used the character model of Yazoo from AC (along with a little of Kadaj in there, they tweaked the features a little at least)!? Btw, it' s the AC animators and dev team, so that' s not only highly possible, it' s prolly true.
Possibly, just to crunch out ANY form of image of FFXIII Versus, they decided on making that quickie animation of this character and his mightly blades =/
Anyway, I was more interested in the comments. Interesting to see even some hardcore FF guys commenting on the PS3' s price. I kinda thought they wouldn' t be daunted
Edit: Doesn' t the girl in FFXIII kinda look like...most of the male characters in FF? In a word: she looks ' manly' , as wrong as it sounds. In attempts to make a female main lead, they basically created a male character who finally went the next step =/ She looks like Cloud!
Also, a question on the male love interest (because it' s SqureEnix and they must have love =/), effeminate, love triangle? Looks that way...
< Message edited by Byakko -- 10 May 06 5:07:50 >