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Europeans Pay Double for Test Drive on 360
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Europeans Pay Double for Test Drive on 360
Jul 29, 2006 00:51
I never thought was good anyway but when i read this: " The US and Europe are very different markets in terms of the penetration of Xbox 360 and HDTV," said Bonnell. " The US is much more advanced than Europe so we believe the time is right to introduce a lower price point. This is why we have chosen to be aggressive. But we won' t do that in Europe."  looks like Atari guys don´t travel much to Europe...they still think we live in stone age or something.... Any of you intend to buy this game? For what i saw so far it looked like a average race game...nothing outstanding.
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RE: Europeans Pay Double for Test Drive on 360
Jul 29, 2006 01:56
Aw what? That' s unfair. We already pay more for the games and the console in the first place. Does this apply to the UK too? I was going to get Test Drive, just to collect all the nice looking cars and maybe cruise around in them online....but not for £50.
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RE: Europeans Pay Double for Test Drive on 360
Jul 29, 2006 02:03
I don' t mind. The game will be region encoded so importing' s not an option. £50 for an AWESOME drivng game isn' t so bad and it' ll keep me until Forza 2 and PGR4 arrive. The Test Drive demo is superb and as long as the game doesn' t lag online then it' s going to be a must have. It sucks that Europe gets stung with a higher pricetag but there are always other great driving/racing games if you don' t want to fork out the RRP.
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RE: Europeans Pay Double for Test Drive on 360
Jul 29, 2006 02:20
To be honest I didn' t like the demo so I wasn' t really excited about getting it.
Adam Doree
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RE: Europeans Pay Double for Test Drive on 360
Jul 29, 2006 02:59
um... Atari/Bonnel IS European. They' re based in France. What they don' t know about Europe isn' t worth knowing!
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RE: Europeans Pay Double for Test Drive on 360
Jul 29, 2006 03:02
Have to agree with you dasher, i wasn' t impressed in the slightest, my friend though (it was his 360) thought it was ok, but i' m sure he wouldn' t drop near £40-50 for it.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Europeans Pay Double for Test Drive on 360
Jul 29, 2006 05:16
Racing games aren' t fun as it is! Except the futuristic ones, give me another Rollcage or Dethcarts please!
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RE: Europeans Pay Double for Test Drive on 360
Jul 29, 2006 05:24
I think someone should sit down and actually put some thought into a racing game that would blow everything else away. Lately they all just seem like they follow the same dried out ' ' city' ' racing plot with the odd blow stuff up (which is good when it' s used right). I want a racing game like buggy heat to come on the scene or just a really good off road one (non-colin mcre I hate that game).
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RE: Europeans Pay Double for Test Drive on 360
Jul 29, 2006 05:45
Nothing to do with the Huge Financial Strain the Company is going through then? I think Atari is run by a group of Tarined Monkeys [poorly trained monkeys that is] ever since they sold Unreal 2007 to Midway. Idiots!
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RE: Europeans Pay Double for Test Drive on 360
Jul 29, 2006 06:11
I think someone should sit down and actually put some thought into a racing game that would blow everything else away. Lately they all just seem like they follow the same dried out ' ' city' ' racing plot with the odd blow stuff up (which is good when it' s used right). I want a racing game like buggy heat to come on the scene or just a really good off road one (non-colin mcre I hate that game). Have you tried Rallisport Challenge 2 or Outrun 2 (not coast2coast)? Rollcage should definitely get a next gen version :)
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RE: Europeans Pay Double for Test Drive on 360
Jul 29, 2006 06:18
Nah I really should get outrun2 but thought they might do a revamped one but I should it looked good.
Evil Man
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RE: Europeans Pay Double for Test Drive on 360
Jul 29, 2006 07:45
Why didnt you guys just buy US x360s? All the games will play fine on your HDTV... and you can buy games online easily, we aren' t in 1995 anymore, learn to get credit/debit cards and buy stuff online, well, I guess theyre right saying europe isn' t as advanced... you do know theres this thing called the " internet" and you can buy US games for cheaper than european games on it, right? Ever heard of the " internet" ? Guess not. Cave men.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 28 Jul 06 23:48:36 >
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RE: Europeans Pay Double for Test Drive on 360
Jul 29, 2006 09:19
Why didnt you guys just buy US x360s? All the games will play fine on your HDTV... and you can buy games online easily, we aren' t in 1995 anymore, learn to get credit/debit cards and buy stuff online, well, I guess theyre right saying europe isn' t as advanced... you do know theres this thing called the " internet" and you can buy US games for cheaper than european games on it, right? Ever heard of the " internet" ? Guess not. Cave men.  and the Biggest moron award goes to...Evil Man
Evil Man
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RE: Europeans Pay Double for Test Drive on 360
Jul 29, 2006 10:18
Yeah, I' m the moron not paying $93 for my regions games. Yep.
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RE: Europeans Pay Double for Test Drive on 360
Jul 29, 2006 11:47
well, I guess theyre right saying europe isn' t as advanced... you do know theres this thing called the " internet" and you can buy US games for cheaper than european games on it, right? Ever heard of the " internet" ? Guess not. Cave men. Dude, we invented the fucking internet. What they' re saying is that there are more Xbox 360 and HDTV users in the US than there are in Europe. Why that means they' re releasing the game at a cut price in the US i don' t know, but in general game prices work out about the same because while be pay 17.5% tax on everything, the average person here gets paid more than the aerage American.
Game Junkie
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RE: Europeans Pay Double for Test Drive on 360
Jul 29, 2006 13:09
This pricing strategy is anal, I should be glad I have the game available for less but I' m just annoyed. Evil Man, people like you are the reason the world hates Americans.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 29 Jul 06 5:10:29 >
Evil Man
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RE: Europeans Pay Double for Test Drive on 360
Jul 29, 2006 13:10
The cost of living in much of the US is cheaper, especially the midwest. Cheaper Rent, food, etc. And gas is half as expensive.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 29 Jul 06 5:12:23 >
Game Junkie
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RE: Europeans Pay Double for Test Drive on 360
Jul 29, 2006 13:15
The cost of living in much of the US is cheaper, especially the midwest. Cheaper Rent, food, etc. And gas is half as expensive. Good for you, now you know why the average wage there is less then 25 000$ a year.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 29 Jul 06 5:16:22 >
Evil Man
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RE: Europeans Pay Double for Test Drive on 360
Jul 29, 2006 13:18
The average is brought down by immigrants working at ridiculously low wages, you dont have them like we do so it isn' t even a fair comparison. Compare wages in professional jobs and americans typically earn more. Actually $25k is pretty high when its counting millions of immigrants that typically work for minimum wage or less. Not that it matters, if games were priced based on country' s average wages I' d be importing Xbox360 games from Bolivia at $5 a piece. They just want to rape you on the prices, that' s all.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 29 Jul 06 5:59:04 >
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Europeans Pay Double for Test Drive on 360
Jul 29, 2006 17:50
The average is brought down by immigrants working at ridiculously low wages, you dont have them like we do so it isn' t even a fair comparison. Compare wages in professional jobs and americans typically earn more. Actually $25k is pretty high when its counting millions of immigrants that typically work for minimum wage or less. In other words, in America the rich are filthy rich and the poor eat bread crumbs. Not only that, the filthy rich gets the immigrants to do the filthy work for them in exchange for those breadcrumbs. Ps: The only racing game I need is Mario Kart... That is all!
< Message edited by dionysius -- 29 Jul 06 10:00:25 >
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