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Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
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Vx Chemical
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Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 07, 2006 02:18
So Sony brilliances with their funny remarks again! Here is what the European director Jamie Macdonald says. GamesIndustry.biz: What would you say to consumers who like Sony and want to buy your products, but perhaps feel that because they' re in Europe they' re always last in line? Jamie MacDonald: European consumers have shown that historically they don' t mind that, because they end up buying as many PlayStations, if not more, than the US and Japan. In Europe, it doesn' t seem that the release of our platforms after the US and Japan - in the long run - affects how consumers feel. Funny
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 07, 2006 02:23
Oh really now?! Some of us have been dying to get our hands on a PS3, and whilst most of us thought it was but a month away... Well.. You know, Europeans would probably see them in a better light had they not initially said.. " We can do a successful global launch!" Well, it' s a succes if you go by the " gaming launch window" ..
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 07, 2006 03:50
You guys just called pushovers. Are you gonna take that from some Sony punk?
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 07, 2006 03:58
Just read that before coming here... man sony have some nerve and certainly need to hire a decent group of people for PR.... because what they have at the moment isn' t doing it for them.
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 07, 2006 03:58
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 07, 2006 03:59
FIGHT THE POWER!!! did you do drugs this morning`? Only weird rantings have spewed from your fingers today
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 07, 2006 04:09
Grumble grumble!
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 07, 2006 04:29
Sony and their crazy schemes.
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 07, 2006 05:59
They sure are Crazy, I want to wait a year!! just like the psp. Those bastards at sony really cant keep us Fans happy. Waiting is the most fun part!
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 6 Oct 06 22:53:26 >
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 07, 2006 07:43
Heh, but sales figures don' t represent how we feel!? We' ll buy the things but we' ll damn well be angry about doing it! [:' (] This one' s just as good as that one about how 5 million people will buy PS3s even if it had no games. (   @Sony..ooh shiny PS3..)
Evil Man
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 07, 2006 10:19
Europeans are idiots, so yes. You can' t expect more from guys that lose entire continents to militia.
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 07, 2006 10:30
where r u from evil man?
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 07, 2006 11:08
He says he' s American, but we know he' s really... man sony have some nerve and certainly need to hire a decent group of people for PR.... No, they need to push all their PR people off the reality check building, and make sure they hit every clothesline on the way down.
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 07, 2006 11:16
Oh yeah, im sure Europe wants to wait an additional 3 months for a ps3
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 07, 2006 18:01
Usually I' d say no instantly, but with PS3 this could actually be a good thing. We have a higher chance at getting games such as Heavely Sword and Assasins Creed at launch, plus as long as the games are still region free, we won' t have to wait for VF5 or DMC4 as long as everyone else from launch day. Seeing the US and Japan release lists so far reminds me of last year' s 360 launch, though a little better, still provokes the " why did I pay £425 for this" . Being optimistic for once I' d like to hope that Sonic, Assasins Creed, Heavenly Sword all make launch line-up, or at least only release two or three weeks after.
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 07, 2006 18:08
You can' t expect more from guys that lose entire continents to militia. We have no rights to control other continents anyway. Having an empire or control over others in the name of security is nothing to be proud of. You are aware that our governments actually supply weapons to many of them purposely, it' s all a sick political game for power and control. Sadly we have no say in the matter as all parties are ultimately driven by their own greed, regardless who we elect have their own agenda.
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 07, 2006 19:36
Evil Man
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 00:21
I know it' s nothing to be proud of - europeans are blood thirsty scumbags, nothing they have ever done historically is anything to be proud of.
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 01:01
I know it' s nothing to be proud of - europeans are blood thirsty scumbags, nothing they have ever done historically is anything to be proud of. Where are u from?
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RE: Europeans Dont mind being last in line says Sony
Oct 08, 2006 01:35
Europeans are idiots, so yes. You can' t expect more from guys that lose entire continents to militia. WHo lost it,England? Read a freaking hstory book why. You think it was stable with France in Europe? But no,lets send our army and best leaders 10000000 miles away from England then. Btw im Swedish,and we are 1000times smarts then idiots like evil man.
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