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EGM trashed Lair and Blue dragon!
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Gaiden BLACK
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RE: EGM trashed Lair and Blue dragon!
Jul 30, 2007 01:14
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL But you only played a demo. Why play the demo when you can watch TRANSFORMERS!!!!! ARE YOU USERNAME: LADIESMAN 217!!!!!!!!
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RE: EGM trashed Lair and Blue dragon!
Jul 30, 2007 01:17
Gaiden BLACK
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RE: EGM trashed Lair and Blue dragon!
Jul 30, 2007 01:23
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL Wtf?! Yeah sorry to go off topic like that. Its just that movie has me going crazy. Anyway yeah i can see what Dionysius is saying the game had nothing special about it. The character is really really really cheap to a point where it actually angers me. 
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RE: EGM trashed Lair and Blue dragon!
Jul 30, 2007 01:25
Tht' s why i guys i told you many time to go by Gamerankings, if it' s above >93% it' s a masterpiece IN ITS GENRE (AAA) > 90% it' s an awesome game IN ITS GENRE (AAA) > 85 % it' s a great game in its genre > 80% it' s a good game in its genre THIS IS BASED ON MY EXEPERIENCE WITH GAMES as i can find that this pattern is consistent with ALMOST all the games i ever played, check out yourself. 1) Some of the games get bashed because they are merely sequals brining only very small new innovation to their prequals, some view them as exepension packs AKA Graw 2, if you haven' t played the original you will think that those relatively low scores are insane 2) Some games get bashed because of the lack of the multiplayer quality, thus the score gets low, but for people who are more interested in single player modes, they should be misleaded, i like some magazines who gives a scire for the multiplayer and for the single player mode , THIS IS HOW IT SHOULD BE DONE. Anyway trust gamerankings
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 29 Jul 07 17:42:52 >
Joe Redifer
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RE: EGM trashed Lair and Blue dragon!
Jul 30, 2007 09:55
Blue Dragon sucks and is not fun to play, that could be why it was rated low. It' s definitely one of the crappiest turn-based RPGs I' ve ever tried.
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RE: EGM trashed Lair and Blue dragon!
Jul 30, 2007 10:03
It' s definitely one of the crappiest turn-based RPGs I' ve ever tried. Then you havn' t played many jrpg' s.
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RE: EGM trashed Lair and Blue dragon!
Jul 30, 2007 10:49
When did persona 3 come out?
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: EGM trashed Lair and Blue dragon!
Jul 30, 2007 10:50
I dont know it was in the review,fuck that game.
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RE: EGM trashed Lair and Blue dragon!
Jul 30, 2007 10:52
" and was set to be released in North America on July 24, 2007, but due to a manufacturing error with the Persona 3 Art Book, Persona 3' s ship date was delayed to August 14, 2007." Source (wikipedia.org)
Joe Redifer
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RE: EGM trashed Lair and Blue dragon!
Jul 30, 2007 10:54
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL Then you havn' t played many jrpg' s. Oh yes I have, though I' ve never cared for games like Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior/Dragon' s Quest. However I don' t consider Square to be the ultimate in RPGs even though I really did like Chrono Trigger. I don' t like the timing bar o Blue Dragon nor do I like having to wait 5 minutes after I select an attack before my character actually attacks.
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RE: EGM trashed Lair and Blue dragon!
Jul 30, 2007 11:04
The game is called SMT: Persona 3? I' ve never been a fan of the SMT series, quite franky I think they suck, but I did like Persona 1 & 2 on PS1, is this a direct sequel to those games or another shitty SMT game?
< Message edited by emofag -- 30 Jul 07 3:04:37 >
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RE: EGM trashed Lair and Blue dragon!
Jul 30, 2007 11:04
Nobody is forcing you to use the focus bar. You can play normally. The focus bar is one of the smartest things to ever come along in my opinion because it let me combine perfect heal/defend spells. Lets say its my turn with the main healer and one of my guys are down and everyone is hurted,what do I do? I let the mainhealer focus his heal all spell,so it goes beyond the next character who trhows a revive item so the guy down wakes up and after the spell from the main healer shows up and boosted and he get the heal. You get what I mean ? a lot of nice combos that you can mix up with thw delay focus thing,I thought it was geniusly done. I seriously did.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 30 Jul 07 3:05:39 >
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RE: EGM trashed Lair and Blue dragon!
Jul 30, 2007 11:05
I think Blue Dragon is gonna suck from all the crappy reviews its been getting.
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RE: EGM trashed Lair and Blue dragon!
Jul 30, 2007 11:08
Actually computerandvideogames one of europes best most respect gamesites gaved it 9/10. And Famitsu 37/40 so you cant say its been trashed by the world or west since some from the west has so far given it 9/10 reviews. EGM isn' t the only source for reviews,however US sites/magazines tends to copying each other. So Lair and BD could be in problem now.
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RE: EGM trashed Lair and Blue dragon!
Jul 31, 2007 01:52
Well Lair is out in Canada and the US on the 14th August so i' ll be able to pick it up here ahead of the late September PAL release date. It looks good, and just still concerned about the controls.
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RE: EGM trashed Lair and Blue dragon!
Jul 31, 2007 02:50
Egm sucks,they have three people to make it looks like ythey giving a fair opinion and having a second/third opinion on each title,but since they always copying each other,whats the idea?
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RE: EGM trashed Lair and Blue dragon!
Jul 31, 2007 07:04
Personally I loved SMT: Digital Devil Saga, and think it is one of the bestestest JRPG' s out there, with a darker tone, often missing from JRPG' s. And from the twisted trailers, and the few hours I tested of the Japanese version of Persona 3, the games story does seem intruiging. However I am currently in a period, where JRPG' s doesn' t seem all that tempting. Still, if any JRPG at the moment, Persona 3 is on the top of my list... At least until Eternal Sonata is released.
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RE: EGM trashed Lair and Blue dragon!
Jul 31, 2007 08:19
Screw persona 3,Blue dragon all the way ;)
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RE: EGM trashed Lair and Blue dragon!
Aug 01, 2007 20:29
Uh oh, I am getting a bit concerned right now. EDGE scores came in and well...Blue Dragon got 6/10. Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (NDS, Nintendo): 9 Blue Dragon (Xbox 360, Microsoft): 6 Transformers (Xbox 360/PS3/Wii/PS2, Activision): 2 Odin Sphere (PS2, Atlus): 6 Ouendan 2 (NDS, Nintendo): 8 Monster Madness (Xbox 360, Southpeak): 5 Exit 2 (PSP, Taito): 7 Hour of Victory (Xbox 360, Midway): 2 Tenchu Z (Xbox 360, From Software): 6 Calling all cars (PS3, Sony): 6 Tom Clancy' s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 (PS3, Ubisoft): 6 More Brain Training (NDS, Nintendo): 7 Anno 1701 (NDS, Disney): 8 Damn you Sakaguchi, did you seriously fail on this one?
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RE: EGM trashed Lair and Blue dragon!
Aug 01, 2007 21:02
They gave GRAW2 on the PS3 a six as well. Please explain.
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